I think you've pointed out all of the real flaws and advantages for each religion.
Runes probably makes the most sense for your first faith. The temple gold pays off as quicker warrior upgrades, Arete means faster production of warriors / PZ, and Bambur spares you having to research a couple arcane techs in order to get enchanted PZ weapons. The Mines are obviously great, but awfully hammer intensive, and I wouldn't build them before rushing someone unless you get that free engineer from an event. The second hero is okay if you give him lots of first strike and defensive strike promotions and your enemy doesn't drown him in strike-immune units. Also prevents your opponents from building one of the best anti-zombie heroes.
The main issue with the Runes, as you point out, is that it's likely to be fairly popular (I imagine that the Grigori may make a play for it as well, for the enchantment and Iron boosts for their heroes). Hopefully you will have met your likely competitors before you have to decide which religion you're going for (advanced era was rejected, right?), and you can pretend to be nice to them in order to "coordinate" religions. Otherwise, one of the other two faiths is probably a safer bet.
I think the Empyrean works best in the long run, blinding stacks of units on flatland and then tramping them with PZ is just cruel. Also everyone is well aware of how much Chalid rocks. I agree that it's too much of a tech diversion at the start before fanaticism- one of the other players may have their eye on Basium as well, after all. I'd wait for this one until you can get the Rev in the game, that also gives you an excuse to get Valin or Bambur killed off in a spectacular fashion so that whoever is playing the Mercurians gets a free Super Angel.
Out of the three, the best early one then seems to be the Order, assuming you can't diplomatically ensure or ascertain that you're free to grab the Runes. Blessed PZ (you can Bless them, right?) will be just as good as ones with Bambur's enchanted blades, and Valin gives you some badly needed mobility. Crusaders are usually a blah unit, but they could provide you with some extra punch and make for instant garrisons if you have priests found temples in every captured city. Good alignment isn't necessarily a bad thing; it'll block Hell terrain for if/when you do decide to raise the Armageddon counter (and surely someone will summon Hyborem), and it makes you eligible for the prophet and other good-exclusive events. Being neutral sucks, trust me :P
Runes probably makes the most sense for your first faith. The temple gold pays off as quicker warrior upgrades, Arete means faster production of warriors / PZ, and Bambur spares you having to research a couple arcane techs in order to get enchanted PZ weapons. The Mines are obviously great, but awfully hammer intensive, and I wouldn't build them before rushing someone unless you get that free engineer from an event. The second hero is okay if you give him lots of first strike and defensive strike promotions and your enemy doesn't drown him in strike-immune units. Also prevents your opponents from building one of the best anti-zombie heroes.
The main issue with the Runes, as you point out, is that it's likely to be fairly popular (I imagine that the Grigori may make a play for it as well, for the enchantment and Iron boosts for their heroes). Hopefully you will have met your likely competitors before you have to decide which religion you're going for (advanced era was rejected, right?), and you can pretend to be nice to them in order to "coordinate" religions. Otherwise, one of the other two faiths is probably a safer bet.
I think the Empyrean works best in the long run, blinding stacks of units on flatland and then tramping them with PZ is just cruel. Also everyone is well aware of how much Chalid rocks. I agree that it's too much of a tech diversion at the start before fanaticism- one of the other players may have their eye on Basium as well, after all. I'd wait for this one until you can get the Rev in the game, that also gives you an excuse to get Valin or Bambur killed off in a spectacular fashion so that whoever is playing the Mercurians gets a free Super Angel.
Out of the three, the best early one then seems to be the Order, assuming you can't diplomatically ensure or ascertain that you're free to grab the Runes. Blessed PZ (you can Bless them, right?) will be just as good as ones with Bambur's enchanted blades, and Valin gives you some badly needed mobility. Crusaders are usually a blah unit, but they could provide you with some extra punch and make for instant garrisons if you have priests found temples in every captured city. Good alignment isn't necessarily a bad thing; it'll block Hell terrain for if/when you do decide to raise the Armageddon counter (and surely someone will summon Hyborem), and it makes you eligible for the prophet and other good-exclusive events. Being neutral sucks, trust me :P