Ok, I am still at a loss what to do instead of going for a crazily early CS. It seems playing just normally along might be the right way to do it... or maybe getting a merchant, bulb MC, get an GE and rush Pyramids? But there is Stone nearby, so if I would get that early CS I would be able to get 45-54 hammers per turn into Pyramids (or any other stone wonder). Thats probably enough to get it anyway with the added benefit of having a higher commerce as well. So, anyway, I am trying right now to do something with that cooked start instead of simply doing the standard-stuff. Well, who saw that coming?
However, for now, I am just playing along. I have contact with Brian, Commist and Lewwyn right now. Lewwyn of course has his Sentry, Leadership warrior near my capital. Where else of course? Anyway, I moved my warrior accordingly and that means if he wants to get nearer he has to attack him or move onto flat ground. If he attacks and win (its 3 for me vs 2.2 for him) I'll kill his special warrior anyway. So I doubt he'll do that. If he moves on flat ground I probably attack as well (do forts in neutral territory give their defensive bonus to whoever is standing on the tile?). We'll see. Maybe he moves slightly away from my territory. That certainly would help improve our relations.
What else? Ah, yes, demos:
Basically tied for first in GNP. But I am researching AH with double-req-bonus. On the other hand that means I keep up with the others with the FIN-civs probably leading. Oh, and Brian probably who has a inflated GNP due to being Creative + starting Courthouse = 4 more GNP then anyone else without actually being ahead in research.
First in MfG. Not sure why tbh, at least the other Imp-civs shouldn't work different tiles I would think but whatever.
Second in food. I guess the one with 22 is Commist as they are the only ones with a second city right now. I myself planted mine T16 and played now T17, so I am at least 1 turn ahead of everyone except Commist. And they are at size 4 while I am at size 5. So I am fine with that.
Soldiers. That is interesting. My last C&D was wrong. I had put 2000 soldier points as Mining for Commist. But instead Lewwyn had produced yet another warrior. I am not sure what he needs all this warriors for as we knew that they map is to big to rush the others. Well, whatever.
Lewwyn: 4 warriors
Commist: 2 warriors
scooter: 2 warriors
Brian: 2 warriors + BW (!)
Brian is the only one with BW right now. Good for him I suppose, but I am not sure if it is worth it quite so early with this cap. If he had started with a Granary right away of course it would be nice (at least thats my guess). But without? He needs at least 4 turns to regrow from 2 to 4. Plus 1 turn at 4 starting the settler and one turn at 2 after whipping it. He'll get
T1 - 20 foodhammers
T2 - 80 foodhammers from whip + 13 production = 93
T3 - regrow, produce 2 hammers
T4 - regrow, produce 2 hammers
T5 - size 3, regrow, produce 2 hammers
T6 - regrow, produce 3 hammers -> restart next turn
Total: One settler + 41 hammers
Instead simply staying at 5:
T1 - 22 foodhammers
T2 - 22 foodhammers
T3 - 22 foodhammers, finish settler
T4 - produce 12 hammers + 4 food
T5 - produce 16 hammers + -2 food
T6 - see 5
Total: One settler + 44 hammers
No big deal in the end and he should get 3 commerce more out of it. Ok, so what does that tell me? Granary is OP! Regrow in 2 turns, start settler on the third, whip on the fourth, restart -> Sacrifical Altar. If Brian plays this smart he will easily outexpand all of us. Guess I'll have to get a chariot to harass him - at least if Lewwyn let me
Ok, back to the actual state of the game, techs known:
scooter: Hunting, Wheel, Agri, Mining -> I think he is research Bronze Working
Commist: Myst, Wheel, Hunting, Agri, Fishing, Mining
Lewwyn: Myst, Agri, Hunting, Mining, Fishing, TW (unsure on the last 2)
Brian: Myst, Hunting, Agri, Mining, BW
Myself: Hunting, Fishing, Agri, Mining, TW, Myst