November 19th, 2005, 14:56
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Yep, a whole range of folks here, some new, some old, but one thing that as a rule they seem to have in common is that they're very welcoming of newbies. Most people seem to be able to remember that they, too, started somewhere.
For my part I'm somewhere in between: I haven't been posting here in several years, though I've been reading for most of it. I only played two or three Epics, since I was using a Mac and the patches weren't current for very long. The only ones I'm certain of are Epics 3 and 4, though admittedly I'm the JJ that Kylearan notes beat him in 4 (Hi folks, anyone who remembers me from that but that I haven't updated since), so if results counted for anything... But one of the greatest things about the crowd here is that results really don't matter. The Epics are there for lots of people to have fun with, not for one person to win.
Thing is, though, Civ4 is an entirely new game to the great majority of us even here, so we all (barring a few beta testers) are starting in the same place. We're ALL newbies. So join us, and for my part be welcome. Let's all learn this wonderful new game together, eh?
So... when's that patch coming out? I'm ready for Epic One. Let's get this show on the road! 8)
November 19th, 2005, 15:07
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Welcome, welcome, welcome.
The patch should be coming out in a week or so, I'd imagine, as it is "in final Q[uality] A[ssurance] with Take-2" (Civ4's publishers). Should fix numerous problems.
November 19th, 2005, 22:05
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I'm the king of the squeaky finish. In the Civ 3 epics, when everyone else was blasting ahead with enormous empires, crazy conquests and incredible micro, I was waltzing my way to diplo wins by the barest of margins.
But you just keep playing! It takes all kinds. Anyone and everyone is not just welcome, but appreciated.
If everyone was Sirian... well, video games would have to be a whole lot harder. And the AARs would soon outstrip the Encyclopaedia Brittanica.
November 20th, 2005, 05:35
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I love being a newbie all over again! 8)
So many things to discover ... strategies to develop ... fantastic.
I am also very pleased to see that so many suggestions that we fans made, even way back before CIV3, are now included in Civ4.
November 20th, 2005, 10:04
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Just a half-newbie here. I've been in the Civ community for almost 3 years now, but I arrived at RBCiv at a time where most of the Epics had already been played (Epic 31), and soon the Civ3 burnout would start to kick in for me as well. While the PTW era was a time for SGs, CFC GOTMs and Epics for me (though I completed very few games and tried not too many more), the C3C era was the time for long-awaited PBEMs, the definitive experience format for me.
My "plans" for Civ4 (just ordered on the Internet) are to explore the game a bit on my own, play many Epics (or Adventures, don't know) for the solo competition, and play many PBEMs with my friends on a certain site. Maybe a Civ4 ISDG PBEM will erect someday as well ?
Anyway, the future looks good here, with so many players ready to bite in the Epic adventure.
November 20th, 2005, 11:13
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Hello and welcome to all the new players! I, too, have lost my fair share (*cough* more than my fair share *cough*) of Epics games. But I learned a lot from my losses, and that's helped my to analyze my game and make inprovements.
I also started playing Civ3 later than most of the other Epics participants. When the tournament started, I didn't own the game. My role was that of site support- writing and uploading the pages, etc. It wasn't just that I didn't get the game right when it came out, either- Civ3 had been out for a year when the Epics began! I was way behind. But I couldn't resist the urge to play after seeing how much fun everyone was having here!
I bought the game, but I was a terrible player at first! I had never played turn-based strategy before, so there were a lot of general game concepts that I was completely unaware of (what's all the fuss about going to Alpha Centauri, anyway? ).
If I had been worried about looking silly, I don't think I would have had the nerve to participate here at all. But because I took the risk and jumped right in, my game got better and I was eventually able to participate at a competitive level.
I'll never be the best, or even close to the best, strategy player here. I'm not the most calculating person, and would really prefer to get lost in the immersion of a game even if that leads to some poor strategical decisions. Luckily for me the scenarios here often fit perfectly with a role-playing perspective of the game! So far, I'm really happy that I can deal with the AI more as characters than I could with the Civ3 AI, when poring over diplo screens, sometimes every turn, made it much harder to see them as actual civilizations.
November 21st, 2005, 15:32
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Ok, I've gone out and done it. I purchased the game. Never actually owned any of the others, but have been following epics for I don't know how long.
Figure I'll go ahead and start on the ground floor with everyone else. Waiting patiently for the first epic!
November 22nd, 2005, 17:35
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Ok, I'll jump in, too. I just discovered the Realms Beyond world via the CivFanatics forums. Looks like a fun place. I've been playing Civ since CivII, and I'll say that so far it looks like CivIV is the best yet. I'm having a great time with it, and I'm looking forward to jumping into game reports and succession games.