Some pics from the Blitz:
Confirmed that I'm on an island-
That's good. I don't want to get rushed, and the best sea units for a long time will be Isles of the Deep (3-move water Mindworms), which are on my tech path.
This means I'll be emphasizing research which unlocks Planet bonuses and water tiles.
Island is overall pretty barren though. May be some hidden resources I am unaware of, but Planetfall doesn't have too many of those.
I was able to safely bring my Supplies to port- the turn after Mist built the Unity Cyrobay
So built this instead:
Which revealed the world (see minimap):
I'm going to load up my last save & see if I can get a giant overview of the world stitched together using the program Sareln recommended since I think I'm right now the only person who has seen what the map looks like (please correct me if I'm wrong & Mardoc posted an overview already). If I get frustrated with the stitcher or can't make it work for whatever reason, I'm happy to share my screen caps or my latest save + password, if someone else wants to have a go at it.
I also learned where most of the other players are located, either exactly or roughly. Since we are playing with public diplomacy, I simply suggested they rat each other out regarding where their competitors are situated, and I'd inform them of what resources were nearby. Seems to have worked about as well as intended =)
I don't have a picture for it here, but another advantage of having the entire world map is that I get to see both where all of the remaining pods are as well as where worms are currently blockading (but
not where their spawn points are located). Since most of the pods are in the ocean, this means I know not only where they are, but also which I can safely capture with a boat.
Because I want to get a jump on capturing these pods as quickly as possible, plus I want a coast guard and the ability to start settling some of the nearby islands, I'm presently researching this tech:
The highlighted units are great. Strength 3 is pathetic vs. other ships, but all boats fight with the same strength vs. Mindworms, so it will suffice for now. And their free promotion is very useful, because it means I can take this:
Once I have Empath Song, I can begin running around and capturing Isles of the Deep with my patrol ships. Now, the tech which unlocks Empath Song is expensive, but I have a couple ways of obtaining it more quickly. First, I'm currently running an Empath specialist, so I have about 50% odds of getting a Transcend great person who can bulb the tech (I could alternatively get a Great Merchant due to points from my wonder). That's my preferred option.
Alternatively, I've already been making good use of my map knowledge:
There aren't a lot of coastal pods left which aren't garrisoned by worms, but I'm making a determined effort to capture as many as I can. If I can manage to bring this supply trawler back home intact (and that's a
big if), then I may be able to rush the Unity Library to complete the Empath Song tech. In my ideal scenario, I bulb the tech and then use the Library to grab the 600-something beaker tech which follows it to simply build Isles of the Deep directly, but idk how likely that is to shake out. Were I able to pull that off, that might be a game winning move, as I'd be able to start swarming the map in Worms before anyone has comparable defenses ready.
I was fairly transparent about my plans with the other players, during our blitz chat. Everyone was being reasonably candid (I think :P), and I personally find games to be more fun when people aren't afraid of sharing a least a little bit about their strategy and experience. Or at least that makes games more fun which use a new mod, or novel rules. There may not be many mysteries left for BTS, but I think we're all still to various degrees fumbling about with Planetfall.
For reference, the Trawler's current position:
Still a few more turns until it's out of the danger zone.
Finally, my capital as of the latest turn:
The unimproved hill it's working will soon sport a +4 commerce windmill. I think I'll build a boat next to see if I can claim any nearby ocean pods, and then produce another former and colony pod before switching to heavy boat production.
Coming next: Image stitch (if I can make it work), and maybe a few thoughts on the mod itself, based on what I have experience so far