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My First Civ IV game...

Not true at all. Check out Sirp's report from Epic one, and one of the reports linked from the Civ forum also has a diplo victory IIRC.
He may have ocean madness, but that's no excuse for ocean rudeness!
MordorXP - freeware dungeon crawling remake in progress, featuring crazy ideas and descriptive text from the keyboard of your favourite Beefy.
Too Much Coffee Man

Knowing the diplo game is key to getting others to vote for you for UN victory. It certainly can be done (check out a bunch of the Epic1 reports, including mine and Speaker's, for example), but it requires a bit of finesse, luck, and a lot of foreplanning.


Arathorn Wrote:Knowing the diplo game is key to getting others to vote for you for UN victory. It certainly can be done (check out a bunch of the Epic1 reports, including mine and Speaker's, for example), but it requires a bit of finesse, luck, and a lot of foreplanning.


Actually I won a diplomacy game in my first Civ4 game. I thought it was a little too easy as all that I did was get two of the civs to go to war against the Spanish who were in 2nd place. The Spanish were the first UN elected official but the next time that came up I was elected secretary general and both civs voted for me to win diplomatically on the last possible turn before time ran out (though I would have won with the top score).

I've already started my second game: Playing as Monty (No need to be afraid of Monty if you ARE Monty!) on a pangaea map (Warlord difficulty) I got a real awesome start (Popped a settler from a hut!!!!) and I think this time I'll win it. If it's postworthy I'll post my report when I'm finished with my game. smile

Thanks for the diplo tips.

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