Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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RB Civ6 Epic 2: Eastern Whale Dealers

Yes, you should make a good faith effort to connect any whales resources within your borders as soon as possible. There's no hard and fast rule on this, just don't leave them unconnected deliberately for long periods on end. Thanks.
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Well I finished my game (because I guessed correctly that trades routes would get nerfed) and report so this is a bit of a rhetorical question but what counts as an island?

While playing I assumed it was anything that used land-tiles.

Is there a trick to release luxury resources attached to a city? I keep having problems trying to keep all my whales sold. The trade screen shows none available. However, I am exporting less then my max.

(March 7th, 2017, 22:36)LKendter Wrote: Is there a trick to release luxury resources attached to a city?  I keep having problems trying to keep all my whales sold.  The trade screen shows none available.  However, I am exporting less then my max.

I think this is one of the many interface bugs/issues.  I noticed upon loading a particular save that my "resources" screen showed that I had some whales, but I had been tracking my whale sales scrupulously and none of the 30-turn windows had ended.  (and checking saves before / after that turn showed the GPT I was getting from sale was still in effect), and I couldn't sell whales on any AI trade screen.
A few turns after that the first of those current deals I had been tracking expired and the whales were sellable again and the resource screen seemed to sort out.  

I guess we all should manually track our customers as the scoring date approaches, as the screen seems unreliable.

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