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[SPOILERS] Emperor K will see how many Polack's it takes to play civ 6 with the vets

Turn 7

Score still me and archduke 7 others at 6

Settler view still shows no city around. Warrior is going to go west a few more tiles then north, then wrap east to meet the settler that will finish after scout 2.

There is a mountain range south of my warrior. I intend to send my second scout along the coast to see what is south of that range.

[Image: PBEM6_7_overview.jpg]

Turn 8

All the scores are now tied at 7 which means every one is at size 2 in there capitals.
I switch up to tiles in Jess to get the second scout out in 4 turns by working the 2/2 horse and 1/3 hills tile around my capital.

Barb scout has been spotted! Even worse thing is, that is where i wanted to move my scout this turn.  cry
[Image: PBEM6_8_turn_start.jpg]

After taking a min to figure out my movements i ended up moving the warrior and scout the best i could. 
[Image: PBEM6_8_end_turn.jpg]

The scouts movement, while not optimal did at least reveal that there is a suitable location for a city to the north of my capital. Which helps me justify my initial settler placement.

Finally! I have found a luxury resource, although it is kinda far away and my current plan is to settle at least one city to the east and one city to the southwest under the mountain range.

My warrior also finds a lake in the northwest so with that area looking to be back fill, i can get a solid city up in that direction.

For those curious as to my city naming convention, in SP games i usually name cities for what there purpose is ex. "Production city 1" or "Holy Religion". However in MP that may work against me so I will end up naming my cities when a name comes to mind. In the case of "Jessica" my ex came over last night and I played this turn from work via TeamViewer. So while i was playing this turn my computer at home kicked into civ and then she texted me "Name your city after me wtf". As i  see this hopefully benefiting me in the near future i comply and get a text "Too cute". mischief Oh ya! That should get me some points in other games, that are far more important than this one! dancing jive lol

Here is a strategic view of the world as this Polack sees it.
[Image: PBEM6_8_overview.jpg]

I went ahead and planned out my first 2 cities district and possible wonder placement. Colosseum may be very important if i do not come across some more luxuries so i tossed that down. As well as the 2 iron wonder. It actually gives much faith to surrounding cities as well as provide iron so i tossed it down just in case i don't score one close to my start. With my plan to somewhat beeline hussar's i don't really want to build horsemen or chariots unless i really have to.

All of this is just the current plan, will change as i get more information. Also Jess will be building a holy site i near future and i am not sure which pantheons will be available. If there is much desert to the east the adjacency bonus pantheon for deserts may be a really good pick.

Turn 9

Score still tied at 7 across the board.

Animal Husbandry finishes, so now when it's time for my first builder I can improve the horses near Jess. I switch over to mining not only for mines and chops that I will want in the near future but also for the stone that i seem to have an abundance of.

Best news is that my warrior has found the border of a City State!  jive
[Image: PBEM6_9_settler.jpg]
It is definitely a religious CS, and that is great. Not sure if any one else has met one and looks like it will take me 2 turns until contact. This will allow me to skip God King unless...

Someone else has met them. Good news is that the CS borders have not popped in the tiles (99)(2NE) or (69)(1E1NE) so that is a little more promising that I will get first contact.

An overview shot at the end of turn.

[Image: PBEM6_9_overview.jpg]

Eastern scout reveals were the tundra starts, which confirms my earlier theories on it being about 3/4 tiles thick.

Astute lurkers may notice I changed around the district plan a bit for city #2. After careful consideration I think this setup is better than my original plan. That's one of the things I am enjoying the most about this game, the amount of time I get to think of idea's and plan each turn.

With all of this stone around the +2 faith to quarries pantheon is actually becoming more attractive. However i think my initial plan that requires Divine Spark is still the best course of action. Still never hurts to keep notes on the situation as it progresses, I may not even be able to get Divine Spark any ways. shhh

Turn 10

Score change
Archduke, Suboptimal and I are at 9, 7 empire and 2 tech
Alhambram is still at 7 empire

Moved my warrior and scout and found this.
[Image: PBEM6_10_overview.jpg]

Found the camp were I will soon be greeted with barb horseman. This should happen next turn when that barb scout reports my capital's wear abouts. What is worse is that the land there is coast so I think my scout is going to be forced to go north through the tundra. A double scout opening is only valid if my scouts stay alive!

Here is a strategic view of the lands.
[Image: PBEM6_10_strat.jpg]

Before I ended my turn i did some tile swapping in Jess and am now working the 1/3 hills and 0/4 floodplains. This will allow the city to grow to size 3 in three turns and still get scout 2 out in two turns.

Turn 11

Score Change
Archduke has grown to size 3 in his capital and is leading with a score of 10, empire 8, tech 2
Suboptimal and I are still tied at 9, empire 7, tech 2
Alhambram is at 7, all of which is in empire, seems he does not have much use for the tech atm and is getting to 1 turn from completion. Or he may  just be rushing for early religion. Have to keep and eye on him.

Good news is i met the CS and it is in fact religious. It is one of the more lack luster so there will most likely come a day when they join the Polish Imperium.

[Image: PBEM6_11_overview.jpg]

I don't want to loose my scout so i am going to have him circle north and then hopefully he can travel east without being noticed by the barb camp. Bad news is he ran into another scout so there is a second barb camp somewhere in the fog N / NW of my capital. Not good. May need some additional military in the up coming turns.

I initially spent some extra time this turn setting up a general game plan and placing markers all over. However PYDT messed up and i had to replay my turn so did the replay as quickly as possible. Next turn will be a general game plan for the near future, not only for my memory but the lurkers as well.

(November 24th, 2017, 15:29)Emperor K Wrote: For those curious as to my city naming convention, in SP games i usually name cities for what there purpose is ex. "Production city 1" or "Holy Religion". However in MP that may work against me so I will end up naming my cities when a name comes to mind. In the case of "Jessica" my ex came over last night and I played this turn from work via TeamViewer. So while i was playing this turn my computer at home kicked into civ and then she texted me "Name your city after me wtf". As i  see this hopefully benefiting me in the near future i comply and get a text "Too cute". mischief Oh ya! That should get me some points in other games, that are far more important than this one! dancing jive lol

So she's that kind of "ex". mischief Keep us updated! popcorn

Your other reports are appreciated as well, of course!

Turn 12

@Interlude - Lady luck once again blesses me with her presence last night, which allowed for no time to take my turn before work this morning.  twirl

To start here is a closeup of Jess, LOL, also showing the score.
[Image: PBEM6_12_zoom_score.jpg]

My scout in the east runs into yet another scout. This one has an exclamation mark above its head so this may just be the same scout that found my capital several turns ago. Maybe I lucked out and he has not reported my location yet.

My warrior starts the journey back to my capital to escort the settler when it completes.

A strategic view shot including overall score
[Image: PBEM6_12_strat_score.jpg]

Finally an overview shot to help me with general strategy overview.
[Image: PBEM6_12_overview.jpg]

Turn 13 and General Strategy Overview

First I would like to mention that every time I go to my (this) thread and see new comment posted in the lurker thread, all I can think of is people posting "WTF is this Polack doing" or "That is the worst dot map I have ever seen" or "I cannot believe he is building that" or "Of all the strategies I have ever seen that one is by far the most likely to fail". Will be interesting after the game to read and see if my worries are warranted.

With that being stated there is a good chance my strategy will completely change every turn, and I will over think every decision I make.  banghead

Elaborating on my original posts my main goals concerning the beginning of the game are 
- Get the first Great General - This is to mostly ensure that Archduke does not get it, which should hopefully delay is conquests. Macedon wants to build military, all of the civilization bonus encourage this. So even if i can't directly cause harm to my enemies, indirect harm will have to do. Also me getting the first GG may make the second one more contested, forcing either Archduke to commit more resources to getting the next GG and Giving Suboptimal and Alhambram a chance to contest them. All 3 of them fighting for GG #2 should really benefit me. One last thing that I will mention again is the first GG buffs Hussar's which is just icing on the cake.
- Get the first Religion - This is so i can grab Defenders of the Faith and deny my enemies this belief. It is looking like the weakest part of my empire before I expand past the west and eastern mountain ranges is going to be a naval landing around my capital. This belief and choice encampment placement from my surrounding cities is about as much as I can do to defend against a naval landing in the desert plains of southern Jess.
- Build the Colosseum - Jessica has the food to grow tall and with my planned district layout for the city, nearby cities can get extra food from the capital. I now have vision of 3 luxury resources (cotton and silver in the east) and elephants in the west. I would still like to get this wonder, with the new luxury info though this is no longer top priority.

So how do I best accomplish these goals 
- In the civic department i would like to research worker civic followed by Military tradition and slot the GG card as soon as possible. My first builder is most likely going to be a ways away. Jessica may be forced to switch to a military unit depending on barb's, or at least build one after the settler. I planned city layout have city #2 building an encampment as well as city #3 building an encampment. (more on city placement later). I will most likely have to detour into foreign trade for some time possibly even finishing it before I get 3 improved tiles. This means that I will need some more culture. Short of meeting a culture CS I will have to improve my either with a monument build in city 2 at some point or hope that i get city 3 out and let all 3 grow to cover my culture needs until another solution presents itself.
- Getting the first GG is in my book more important that getting the first religion so I may have to settle for the second or even third. Since i will most likely get foreign trade while gunning for Military Tradition there is also the possibility to grab GP civic and run the Great Prophet card instead if something goes wrong with the GG race. 
- Going for the Colosseum was my original plan when it looked like elephants were my only luxuries. Still I would really like to get this wonder and will prioritize Games and Recreation after PP. 

Pantheons I am looking into.
- +25% to first district - this will benefit all 3 goals the best. My current plan is to get 4 cities with city 3 building encampment #2 to grab the tiles that my capital and city 4 need to place there Holy sites. Getting 4 districts down ASAP, should provide me a little more leeway as to which great person card I need to run.
- Divine Spark - with my holy sites coming in little late this may provide the catch up i need to secure the religion. Also if i can manage to get a theater district down at some point and snag homer that is an additional 8 culture a turn that i can possible get very early.
- +production to early wonders - With my focus on civics and long term goal of getting mercenaries (i think) for Hussar's this makes the great library a decent wonder to shoot for. As well as the colosseum this may be the choice if the other 2 are taken. I am also going to mention that when PP hits i will run autocracy to get 2 wildcard slots and can eventually slot both GG and GP cards if there is still contention. This government goes well since it gets +10% wonder production.

Well that's a wall of text. So now on to the turn report.

Lets start in the east.

[Image: PBEM6_13_east_settler.jpg]

FOUND A BARB HORSEMAN! He cannot be seen since i moved my scout, however he is positioned (44) or (WW) from the natural wonder. I am hoping he plans to chase after my scout instead of head towards the homeland. Next turn will tell.

My warrior in the west is headed back home to escort the settler when it finishes. I can still get back in time and do a little scouting around the lake and see what land is available to me.
[Image: PBEM6_13_capital.jpg]

I move the tile around Jess to get the settler out ASAP. I can not be sure when barbs will be knocking at my doors and I want a second city before I start on some much need Military.
This does however put the city at zero growth so it will go down to size 2 which is unfortunate. If there was not the possibility of two barb camps each sending horseman I would have gone the slower path but each game is different and city 2 will be a welcome addition. Also with a 4 food tile it should not take long to get back up to size 3.

Finally an overview shot of Polish lands. Which i need to start remembering to move my mouse into the corner for screenshots.  bang
[Image: PBEM6_13_overview.jpg]

Well the only thing better than one wall of text is two. Pretty sure that's is Polish saying of some sort.
To continue on where i left off earlier this afternoon I have separated my lands into west, core, and east.
It looks like the area around the natural wonder will be my eastern front, and with lots of tundra this is not my most productive area. I would inevitably like to get at least 2 cities in that area with encampments and walls to have a decent fortified position. Taking advantage of terrain and the natural choke point the natural wonder provides. More scouting is needed and I probably will not set to put a city there until I finish the scouting with what ever units I use to remove the barb camp.

In my core i have a scouting heading south to see what fertile lands are available. This is the area I would like to expand towards, and get as much land as possible.

The west is back fill as far as i can tell, so while there are some great city locations, getting disputed territory is of more importance.

I played turn 14 and will continue my overall situation as well in my next post.

For long reports I usually type up in Notepad++, then paste into the forum reply. I've lost a couple long reports in the past, not going to let it happen again nono ! Since you are linking in outside images you can even type the [spoiler], [img], [screenshot], etc. tags as needed when you write the report in Notepad (it's a little more clunky if uploading screenshots directly to the forum).

Note, with the latest forum update I think you have to click the little "View Source" icon for the tags to paste properly.

Thanks for the reporting!

Thanks ill keep that in mind. When i am at home and can use all my monitors that is my preferred method. At work i try to post what i can when i can. While we are talking forum stuff, is there valid [table] tag? I was wanting to setup a score table at the beginning of each post and really messed up the view until i removed it.

EDIT: Also is it better to upload the images? I own a web server so i figured that was easiest.

Thanks for the info.

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