Turn 003
We've uncovered a second luxury, but the Jade is too far away for our capital to use so I'll have to nab it with a future city.
To the west the banana tile is coastal - or it might actually just be freshwater. I actually have a hard time distinguishing between the two shades of green they use. Either way I could see a future city out that direction.
I think I see why Archduke was talking about his start. He hasn't settled. To be fair, I was on the fence about settling on t3 as well, but I have a feeling my start is a little better.
Some opening move thoughts.
Inca can generate a large amount of food, and my plan is to combine that with the GS-revamped Pingala to boost my early science and culture. From the tiles I've uncovered so far I see room for three 4f2h terraces, although one needs a chop, and a 2f3h terrace. This also gets me a 3f2h and a 2f2h mountain, and doesn't count the 5f marsh rice.
I think my strategy then is to go to State Workforce as soon as possible to unlock my first government title, build a fast government plaza in the capital for my second title, and use those to unlock Pingala's title that allows every population point to give extra culture. Then we grab Pingala's science boosting with the third title at Early Empire.
This means delaying the big settler push until I reach Early Empire and unlock the settler card, but I still plan to get out to 3-4 cities.
Some considerations:
* Early Campus or Holy Site? I'm learning campus right now but my best location is only +2 so I'm not thrilled. I can get that to +4 with a govt plaza though. In point of holy site, if we're able to land the pantheon Earth Goddess then those mountains can also generate lots of faith.
* Where do I put my first district? The only good location that doesn't take up a terrace spot is on the rice, and that would mean needing Irrigation first. Oh, and it's also one of the first tiles to go under water late in the game. (Somehow I don't think that last part really should factor into my calculations.)
* You typically want Magnus in the same city that has your government plaza as the title which allows settlers to not take up population also works best with the 50% settler production bonus. There are also a lot of forests around so maybe I need to be looking at a Magnus strat anyway? Maybe the best answer is to use Magnus after Pingala to help catch up ... but that means swapping off Pingala at the capital.
* Do I want to go for an early pantheon or just accept myself as taking whatever replacements are around? I should probably take a look into my opponents' civs and what that means they are likely to want to do.
* Likely opening build order: Slinger > Settler > Builder > Campus?