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[SPOILERS] Cornflakes - Do lurkers prefer candy instead of popcorn??

We're rolling! Quick opposition research, in turn order, before I get to T1 ...

TheArchduke - Lots of Civ 6 experience, has won previously via domination as Mongols. Decent economic development, strong general, good situational awareness. Playing Japan of the half priced encampments/theaters/holy sites and boosted adjacency from other districts, and +5 combat adjacent to coast. This is a flexible civ choice with bonuses to economy and war and religion right from the start of the game. The UU is located on a dead-end tech that isn't a priority, and probably won't be a game changer (although with the change to siege only working for melee it might feature an appearance). As India I'm happy to see the religious bias as this provides an opportunity to mooch off another religion. Probably will aim for a more builder early game, starting with holy sites before encampments.

Alhambram - Lots of Civ 6 experience, has won religious victory previously as Russia. Flexible, thinks outside the box. Playing Hungary of the quickly-constructing-districts-across-a-river and speedy + powerful levies. City states are a liability with Hungary in the game. Alhambram could levee a CS army and cause massive damage and disturbance through pillaging, probably earning back the levy cost in plunder. I'll need to beware of leaving myself vulnerable and will have to keep an eye on Hungary's gold balance. The UU and UB are too late to have much (if any) impact on a game this small. No incentive to found a religion unfortunately. Probably will use the levy ability early and often. With the +2 envoys that he gets from the levy it will be hard to compete for suzerainty. I'd guess each other player could focus envoys on one CS and maintain it while Hungary controls all other CS that remain alive.

Scooter - (relatively) new to Civ 6 but has a host of dedlurkers cheering him on. He's been around RB for a very long time with much civ 4 experience. Should adapt well given the dedlurkers who can steer him in the right direction. Playing the wonder-buildering China. The plan is straightforward and powerful: Build all the ancient and classical wonders, starting with Pyramids. Religion is a given through Stonehenge. The faith-for-wonders founder belief is likely (see PBEM 7 for how powerful that is, and moreso now that faith has more value). Unfortunately the faith-for-wonders belief won't impact me much since China will own all the wonders. Too much buildering may leave Scooter vulnerable to attack and conquering of a juicy target. I'm hoping that Hungary can cause some havoc on that side of the world.


Start by moving warrior to the southwest, which reveals a geothermal fissure but nothing worth traveling in that direction for the capital. I have been debating whether to proceed 1NE and found on the hill for the extra production, or 1E for the 1st ring rice. Moving 1NE costs a turn which basically negates the first 10 turns of settling on the plains hill. The advantage of 1E is the tile picker would be guaranteed to pick up the dye first. 1E also picks up more of the PFH in the 2nd ring as opposed to the 3rd ring. Both locations get me the 1st warrior on the same turn (EOT7). The extra production doesn't make any impact until the first settler which comes 1T sooner and the subsequent builder which also comes 1T quicker. Ultimately the reason I chose to move 1NE is because it gives me some great 1st ring district locations, while still having enough tiles to work in the early game. Gold is at a premium early and I want to use my gold for purchasing builders and monuments to start cities off quick. I can put a 3-adjacency holy site 1NE, 3-adjacency campus 1W (assuming those mountains are connected), and 3-adjacency Commercial 1SW which boosts campus up to 4. The NE rice I can harvest and replace with a Stepwell.

Warrior is planning to poke a little further southwest before circling counterclockwise. I don't want to venture out into the desert but I do want to poke around the geothermal fissure some more.

I decided that Animal Husbandry was the best tech to research first. Even though I don’t have any pasture resources and don’t plan on camping the deer, I still want to reveal horses early. I will have time to pick up mining for the gypsum if that is targeted by the tile picker. I want to know where my horses are early because I plan on skipping Bronze Working (and therefore Iron) for the foreseeable future, instead heading for an early-ish HBR. In both of the test games I played through T60 or so I needed the era score from Varu to secure a golden age. But I had a hard time  squeezing it in before the era advanced to classical. Both times I barely completed HBR and had to line up a chop to complete the Varu (this was with Astrology but without Writing). By skipping BW I should pick up a few turns. A science CS would help with the early tech but I’d still prefer a cultural or militaristic to speed civics and units.


No CS visible on settler radar yet. Here is a T2 screenshot showing capital founded and tentative district plan. The districts just fell into place so nicely that I had to go for the hill plant.

Found coast relatively close to the south, and appears to wrap around to the east. Unfortunately no CS on radar yet and my warrior is now stuck between the choice of continuing along the coast or doubling back and venturing into the desert. I’m going to continue along the coast and send the new warrior (which completes EOT) northwards.

Flying through the early turns today smile the water to the east turned out to be a large lake (the name “lake” is just visible in the fog this turn as I’ve uncovered about 4 tiles of water). New warrior has explored for 2 turns now and found a geothermal vent and spices to the north that looks promising for a 2nd city. Maybe double campus start for jack-rabbit-speed science early? In the south there are tons of hills so I’ll be able to get at least one good production city on the lake, and one coastal later on.

Unfortunately the “Lake” turned out to be a sea, with a name that started with the letters “Lak” frown that is actually salt water with a large peninsula extending beyond. I’ll put up a screenshot tomorrow after a couple more turns of exploration. In the mean time I’m turning the initial warrior homeward. Hopefully there isn’t a city state at the end of the peninsula just out of sight because it will be a while before I get another unit down that way.

Screenshot time. We're up to T12 now, Animal Husbandry just completed, and I have 2 warriors now out on the map.


First off, managed to trigger the first tossup inspiration for foreign trade! That will save me a few turns of culture and means I could potentially head straight for Early Empire (settler policy card and first governor) if I want to skip Agoge for a bit. I think I could get by with the current 2 warrior + scout, and worst case a 3rd warrior before Agoge. I'm leaning towards a quick campus actually since I have such good locations available, and that could fit in before the settler and Agoge discount cards get unlocked.


That body of water to the east is what I mistook originally as a lake. A peninsula of land extends some distance further in the southeast but I have turned the warrior around now and am heading home. Good thing too, since there is a barb scout poking around. Hopefully the camp is far enough from horses  mischief


In the north there are two tentative city spots identified. YELLOW at Jade will boost early culture which is important, while GREEN has spices plus horses for some nice tile yields. Tons of hills throughout will provide ample production. Also there are many forests for either chopping or lumber mills. My norther warrior has just enough time to poke two turns further east and then return for the settler escort, fully de-fogging the GREEN site on the way back.

With Code of Laws completed it was time to select the first policies. I decided to adopt God King. That sounds like a bit of an odd choice when I have Dye available to work, but my rational is that with Dye I can run God King for a shorter duration while speeding up the pantheon. The cost is really not that much, just a dozen or so production from foregoing Urban Planning a few turns, and I get a few more turns of Pantheon ... probably either the one that gives culture for pastures or plantations. I tend to heavily favor those as quick culture really seems to help the early game with all the policies (both the new ones that are unlocked, and the more frequent ability to switch policies). I may possibly take a faith pantheon but still leaning for culture.

TheArchduke seems to have met a faith CS as he has been 1st ranking for some time. My dye will probably give me 2nd pantheon.



Settler is out, heading for Spices. I'm going to settle on spices for the immediate amenities plus increased food. I strongly considered the Jade and still waffled back and forth this turn. Early culture is just SOOO helpful. But Spices will grow like a weed and has Horses which I'm planning to pasture with the pantheon for culture. Notice all the grassland jungle in the area. WorldBuilder used to only allow natural terrain/features to be placed and jungle was only allowed on plains, so either grass jungle is now natural or worldbuilder allows placement of unnatural terrain.

The barb scout is the same one I met earlier i the south. I think it came from the noted camp in the north. Fortunately I was able to get a good dice roll and killed the scout this turn. The northern camp is a horse camp  yikes Hopefully I can kill it before it erupts. The floodplain will make it slightly easier. Maybe the river will even flood and damage the spear 50%? Wishful thinking lol The spices warrior will start heading back to tackle the barb camp next turn assuming the settler doesn't need covered. 

9 turns to pantheon with running God King. I'll have both pastures completed by then for immediate +2 culture ... hmmm, that's the equivalent of a monument (60Icon_Production or 240Icon_Gold). And I don't yet see any more pasture resources. Maybe something else would be better? I just find that games always go better with an early source of culture whether that be city state or pantheon. None of the faith pantheons give me immediate benefit. The free builder would be about the same production boost but less useful since I don't have much to improve at the moment. God of the Forge could be nice for a classical war but I'm not committing to that and would rather have the general boost from culture and acceleration down the civics tree.

I think TheArchduke’s score dropped last turn indicating a settler is out (same turn as mine I think, but maybe 1 turn ahead), and I know both Alhambra’s and Scooter dropped this turn. We are all on essentially the same timeline to 2nd city depending on travel distance.

(October 8th, 2019, 19:36)Cornflakes Wrote: I think TheArchduke’s score dropped last turn indicating a settler is out (same turn as mine I think, but maybe 1 turn ahead), and I know both Alhambra’s and Scooter dropped this turn. We are all on essentially the same timeline to 2nd city depending on travel distance.

By the way, growing to size 3 and then dropping a back to size 2 "wastes" 9 food as compared to finished the settler before growth. The cost to grow from 1 > 2 is 15 while the cost to grow from 2 > 3 is 24. In my case, I tile-swapped off of the Dye for 3 turns to ensure that I had 15 food in the box on the turn I completed the settler. Then when the settler completed EOT I dropped to size 1 for an instant when the settler was completed but immediately re-grew to size 2 using the 15 food. If you grow first to size 3 it costs 24 food instead of 15, and you still end up at size 2. The "wasted" 9 food is repaid through the extra turns working a 3rd tile, but if you complete the settler within 2-3 turns of growth then you might as well have focused more on cogs and sped up the settler by a turn or two, saved the "wasted" food, and founded your 2nd city a turn or two earlier.

When I saw the 2nd ring Gypsum was going to be claimed next by the tile picker I considered trying to steal Pyramids from China but ultimately decided against that. I think with Magnus I could have done it on two cities by purchasing the 3rd ring floodplains at the capital, and building 2 more builders to chop. By going straight to Early Empire for the governor title I'm pretty sure I could have unlocked Masonry and put enough cogs in by the time Magnus was established to 1-turn chop Pyramids, and still have 2 of those builders with a charge remaining in order to get free charges on them. Ultimately I decided against that because of (1) risk, and (2) I want to make the most of my excellent campus sites available by getting an early district or two completed.


Two early campuses can fuel my research through the classical era at least. I don't have government plaza penciled anywhere yet but I could potentially locate it in between the northern districts (built by Spices city). 

With all of us back on size 2 I can infer some interesting things from the rankings screens. Fake edit - TAD is actually size 3. Most of the following should till be applicable. As player #1 I loose all tiebreakers and end up last, so anywhere I'm not last I'm ahead of someone. Similarly Scooter is last and therefore wins all tiebreakers. Therefore all else being equal the order in the rankings would be Scooter > Alhambram > TAD > Me. Additionally, Science and Culture are first ranked by number of techs/civics completed, then by rate.

  • Science: AL and I both have 2 techs complete so our order at the front is default. TheArchduke however is ahead of Scooter (both have 1 tech) suggesting that he has a science yield tile or CS.
  • Culture: All of us have 1 civic completed. TAD is out of order, ahead of Alhambram suggesting he has met a culture CS. Scooter is still ahead of TAD though so presumably he also has met a cultural CS (fake edit, TAD might not have met a cultural CS since he is actually size 3, but Scooter definitely has).
  • Domination: After I completed my warrior I was still ranked last, suggesting that all other rivals went for a warrior and completed it when I did (all had a hill forest deer or equivalent tile?). Subsequently I rose to 2nd rank even though I have a warrior damaged due to combat and only have a strength of 32. Therefore Scooter and TAD seem to be having barb troubles early.
  • Religion: This one is confusing. Our ranking here is straight up backwards. How am I in first with only 2 faith per turn? Scooter obviously does not have any faith yield whatsoever (no God King). TheArchduke dropped behind me even though he was ahead of me earlier. Therefore I don't think he can have met a religious CS and must be working a faith resource like Dye. But if both TAD and AL each have 1 faith per turn yield then AL should still be ranked above TAD. Unless somehow AL or TAD is getting an amenities penalty?? ... Aha! amenities it is. TAD is actually at size 3 which means he isn't getting the +5% bonus from amenities. In that case TAD actually does have 2 faith per turn and likely has met a religious (in addition to cultural rant??)
I do have a naming scheme by the way but keep forgetting to rename the capital until after I pass the turn and go to write the reports. With Halloween approaching I've been inspired to name cities after my favorite candies. I am not a huge candy person, but I enjoy the periodic splurge. Candies I like, in rough order of preference ... I like thrive off variety so at any given time something I've had less recently gets weighted more towards the top. But there are a couple clear outliers at the top:

Dark Chocolate - this will be the capital. Personally I would classify this as a health food not a candy. But I love dark chocolate (favorite is about 78%, but again I like variety so I go back and forth between about 72% - 85%)
Sour Gummy Worms - Trolli brand specifically. From here the preference drops off but I thoroughly enjoy the following about equally
Sweet Tarts
Hot Tamales
Bottle Caps
Root Beer Barrels (not sure if they have a specific name)
Midnight MilkyWay
Jolly Ranchers
Peach Rings
Honey Sticks

That gives me more than a dozen city names without having to try hard. Assuming I need more I have the following that a like either a tier lower than the above 
Black Licorice - I always eat all (and only) the black jellybeans at Easter. My grandma would sort out the black jellybeans into a separate dish so that nobody else accidentally ate one lol
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Peanut M&M's
Skittles - somewhat negative connotation since for late night studying in college I would get a pack of skittles from the vending machine and eat them one at a time, sucking on them as long as I could before they dissolved without chewing them. It's impressive how long a skittle can last without chewing!
Peppermint Life Saver
Red Hots

I'm sure I can come up with more after seeing what all comes out for Halloween and getting some reminders. I also love a spoonful of unprocessed honey with cinnamon mixed in, but I also consider that a health food (great for keeping away or fighting colds!). I have a such a spoonful at least 1-2 times a week with a large glass of milk. Yum yum! I'll have to think of how to work that into a city name. Maybe just a simple "Honey + Cinnamon"

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