[SIZE="5"]Educational Study for Technologies & Production[/SIZE]
I believe our current Tech path is;
Currency > Archery > Stirrups
Currency for the trade routes and ability to funnel money around, Archery for the lumber mills and Stirrups will let us upgrade the Horse units into the better Mobile Archers for some raiding fun.
I believe our current Production is;
I am building libraries and tailors to help with teching while also using my expansive trait to push out quick settlers when i've grown to max happiness. Military state lets me use money to finish monuments and granaries quickly in my two new cities.
Hippus are getting reader for an expansion push with settlers and workers. The Capital is using God-King to get a stable and some horses built before Stirrups comes in.
[SIZE="4"]Future Production[/SIZE]
First off we need to think about the GUILD OF THE NINE wonder. We need to check if me building it will allow you to recruit mercenaries. I get quite a high production in my capital and if you benifit from it then I could build the sucker now before someone is tempted to steal and deny it us. It's obvious to all of our rivals that you gain the most from it.
Second, I'm in undercouncil and I can build Gibbon. It takes 6 turns and would deny it too Thoth and Mr Yellow. If I built him then Gibbon will not get the raiders promotion and would be stuck in a support position. Personally I don't mind that. If we get him early then I could use him to water the Oasis around the place and also promote up to dispel magic later on to reset all the nodes. If I get Nature Mana off you then I could have him upgrade any tile instead of just deserts. If you build him he would start with Raider and you could upgrade him up the Air line for collateral damage. He could be useful in battle, cracking open harder cities, but could also slow down your other units.
I have Plains City able to build Hunters and Hawks but It's probably best to use my weaker hunters in a defensive capability. If you spec one of your cities for a Hunting Lodge you will get Combat I & Raider Hunters which will be much better aggressively exploring and will free up my Plains city to go full commerce.
[SIZE="4"]Future Technology[/SIZE]
Once we get to Stirrups we have a lot of choices. It only takes me 4 turns to research Stirrups so we should plan it now. We will have our Military unit of choice and be pretty much set for the basic civic and economic technologies. However a few paths spring to mind.
[SIZE="3"]Economic / Strategic boost:[/SIZE]
Part 1 = Mathematics > Taxation
Getting these two would boost the Kuriotate Economy a lot. Now that most of my cottages have grown into Villages and Towns thats around... +25 Commerce? Give or take.
Mathematics also allows cities to produce just Money and opens the Gambling hall building which would be useful for you going +100% money.
Part 2 = Construction > Engineering
Construction would allow us to farm anywhere which would be useful for if you switch back to Aristocracy. It also allows us to build chariots. Which could be useful to help boost our military. Warriors can upgrade to axemen and then Chariots so you could make use of your elite warriors this way
Engineering is tactical tech. Sure it has two wonders and lets you build windmills, but for us we would get it for the +1 movement on roads. Perfect to help repositioning defence and deadly in the hands of your raider units. That boosts your speed from 4(8) to 4(12) and that's before you spend any promotions on mobility. It's that sort of speed that could help win us some battles.
Part 3 = Sailing > Optics > Astronomy
This is one of those longshot tech paths and probably won't be done. For a start it only benifits me and not yourself which is a waste. And all three of these techs are just to unlock one single unit. The Airship.
The reason it's still down as an option is because of how powerful the airship is. Especially on a map with so many lakes and mountain peaks. Each airship can carry 6 units and while Centaur Archers won't be as deadly a threat in terms of taking cities. The ability to threaten everywhere while staying safe from counter attack in a airship can force a empire to halt a war and reinforce back lines.
[SIZE="3"]Elite Units and Alternate Victory Push:[/SIZE]
Part 1 = Knowledge of the Ether > Divination > Sorcery
This should be simple to understand. It's just setting up the empire to do a Divination Tower Slingshot. You need Sorcery to get Dispel to make the mana nodes of the empire into Base Mana nodes again.
Other bonuses from this line include getting adepts running around which could help out either with springing or inspriing or just reseting nodes. The Alchemy Lab is yet another building that would help my tech heavy cities. Getting enough adepts in place means we could actually persue a tower victory as a alternate win strategy. My Capital has a high production power and we could fight wars to pillage and cause chaos merely to buy us time to get a tower victory.
Part 2 = Smelting > Iron Working > War Horses
War Horses is our big shiny button for war. It unlocks both our heroes and 4 Knights and 4 Shadow Riders each. That's a LOT of powerful units.
Smelthing lets me get Jewelers which increase my teching power a LOT in my cities, while the Forges can be useful to both of us. This tech is tricky as its so useful to my teching power we could grab it before going for some other part or line.
The Iron Working and Warhorses can be gotten via the Tower of Divination. Although seeing as only one of us can build it at a time (unless we find more nodes) then it could be more efficiant to tech Iron Working and just bulb the Warhorses tech. We could then use the Hippus Tower of Div to get Astronomey or the Later Magic Techs needed to build the Tower of Mastery.
[SIZE="3"]Other and one-of Techs:[/SIZE]
Military Strategy
Do we have experienced enough units to build the Heroic Epic?
If you switch back to Aristocracy you can get the Royal Guard Civic special units, which can act as mobile Defensive units for your attack squads or as units that can spread culture and happiness around the place.
Allows you to build culture in new cities saving production from expansive monuments.
I believe our current Tech path is;
Currency > Archery > Stirrups
Currency for the trade routes and ability to funnel money around, Archery for the lumber mills and Stirrups will let us upgrade the Horse units into the better Mobile Archers for some raiding fun.
I believe our current Production is;
I am building libraries and tailors to help with teching while also using my expansive trait to push out quick settlers when i've grown to max happiness. Military state lets me use money to finish monuments and granaries quickly in my two new cities.
Hippus are getting reader for an expansion push with settlers and workers. The Capital is using God-King to get a stable and some horses built before Stirrups comes in.
[SIZE="4"]Future Production[/SIZE]
First off we need to think about the GUILD OF THE NINE wonder. We need to check if me building it will allow you to recruit mercenaries. I get quite a high production in my capital and if you benifit from it then I could build the sucker now before someone is tempted to steal and deny it us. It's obvious to all of our rivals that you gain the most from it.
Second, I'm in undercouncil and I can build Gibbon. It takes 6 turns and would deny it too Thoth and Mr Yellow. If I built him then Gibbon will not get the raiders promotion and would be stuck in a support position. Personally I don't mind that. If we get him early then I could use him to water the Oasis around the place and also promote up to dispel magic later on to reset all the nodes. If I get Nature Mana off you then I could have him upgrade any tile instead of just deserts. If you build him he would start with Raider and you could upgrade him up the Air line for collateral damage. He could be useful in battle, cracking open harder cities, but could also slow down your other units.
I have Plains City able to build Hunters and Hawks but It's probably best to use my weaker hunters in a defensive capability. If you spec one of your cities for a Hunting Lodge you will get Combat I & Raider Hunters which will be much better aggressively exploring and will free up my Plains city to go full commerce.
[SIZE="4"]Future Technology[/SIZE]
Once we get to Stirrups we have a lot of choices. It only takes me 4 turns to research Stirrups so we should plan it now. We will have our Military unit of choice and be pretty much set for the basic civic and economic technologies. However a few paths spring to mind.
[SIZE="3"]Economic / Strategic boost:[/SIZE]
Part 1 = Mathematics > Taxation
Getting these two would boost the Kuriotate Economy a lot. Now that most of my cottages have grown into Villages and Towns thats around... +25 Commerce? Give or take.
Mathematics also allows cities to produce just Money and opens the Gambling hall building which would be useful for you going +100% money.
Part 2 = Construction > Engineering
Construction would allow us to farm anywhere which would be useful for if you switch back to Aristocracy. It also allows us to build chariots. Which could be useful to help boost our military. Warriors can upgrade to axemen and then Chariots so you could make use of your elite warriors this way
Engineering is tactical tech. Sure it has two wonders and lets you build windmills, but for us we would get it for the +1 movement on roads. Perfect to help repositioning defence and deadly in the hands of your raider units. That boosts your speed from 4(8) to 4(12) and that's before you spend any promotions on mobility. It's that sort of speed that could help win us some battles.
Part 3 = Sailing > Optics > Astronomy
This is one of those longshot tech paths and probably won't be done. For a start it only benifits me and not yourself which is a waste. And all three of these techs are just to unlock one single unit. The Airship.
The reason it's still down as an option is because of how powerful the airship is. Especially on a map with so many lakes and mountain peaks. Each airship can carry 6 units and while Centaur Archers won't be as deadly a threat in terms of taking cities. The ability to threaten everywhere while staying safe from counter attack in a airship can force a empire to halt a war and reinforce back lines.
[SIZE="3"]Elite Units and Alternate Victory Push:[/SIZE]
Part 1 = Knowledge of the Ether > Divination > Sorcery
This should be simple to understand. It's just setting up the empire to do a Divination Tower Slingshot. You need Sorcery to get Dispel to make the mana nodes of the empire into Base Mana nodes again.
Other bonuses from this line include getting adepts running around which could help out either with springing or inspriing or just reseting nodes. The Alchemy Lab is yet another building that would help my tech heavy cities. Getting enough adepts in place means we could actually persue a tower victory as a alternate win strategy. My Capital has a high production power and we could fight wars to pillage and cause chaos merely to buy us time to get a tower victory.
Part 2 = Smelting > Iron Working > War Horses
War Horses is our big shiny button for war. It unlocks both our heroes and 4 Knights and 4 Shadow Riders each. That's a LOT of powerful units.
Smelthing lets me get Jewelers which increase my teching power a LOT in my cities, while the Forges can be useful to both of us. This tech is tricky as its so useful to my teching power we could grab it before going for some other part or line.
The Iron Working and Warhorses can be gotten via the Tower of Divination. Although seeing as only one of us can build it at a time (unless we find more nodes) then it could be more efficiant to tech Iron Working and just bulb the Warhorses tech. We could then use the Hippus Tower of Div to get Astronomey or the Later Magic Techs needed to build the Tower of Mastery.
[SIZE="3"]Other and one-of Techs:[/SIZE]
Military Strategy
Do we have experienced enough units to build the Heroic Epic?
If you switch back to Aristocracy you can get the Royal Guard Civic special units, which can act as mobile Defensive units for your attack squads or as units that can spread culture and happiness around the place.
Allows you to build culture in new cities saving production from expansive monuments.