Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Codenames 26

LIMOUSINE jumps out at me.

Other than that:
OPERA - Tickets are expensive
IVORY - historically used in expensive ornamentation
RACKET - the exact phrasing escapes me , but "it's a RACKET" is used to describe over-pricing, typically of some monopoly product
POOL - expensive apartments/houses may come with one
STAR - film stars (and other performers) can be expensive to hire
SKYSCRAPER - expensive to build, some implication of expensive apartments to live in?

It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Wow, almost half of the words on the board could be seen as expensive. I do agree that LIMOUSINE, IVORY and OPERA are likely candidates so let`s start with them.

I like SKYSCRAPER for the fourth guess as it`s really the most expensive thing on the board. Also, having a private POOL can display wealth. But I prefer SKYSCRAPER next. 

Point to Limousine
Point to Ivory
Point to Opera

LIMOUSINE is blue.
IVORY is blue.
OPERA is blue.


And now it gets tricky ...

I'd forgotten to write down TIE, which had crossed my mind, particularly with OPERA hanging around - Black TIE and other sorts of clothing can get pretty pricy. It does cluster nicely with taking a LIMOUSINE to go the OPERA while wearing an IVORY TIE pin. But yes, it's not necessarily expensive.

I agree that SKYSCRAPER is probably the single costliest thing on the board, although the gear shift from personal to institutional is a bit grinding.

The "costs a MINT" phrase is also pretty direct.

I lean towards SKYSCRAPER.
It may have looked easy, but that is because it was done correctly - Brian Moore

Glad it's started off well.  After thinking about it and reading comments, I can agree that some of my connections are pretty weak - 'can be expensive' vs. 'is always expensive'.  Probably better to stick with one of the 'always expensive' connections.  MINT or SKYSCRAPER, I guess I lean toward SKYSCRAPER as well.  Which makes three of us, and Azoth at least had SKYSCRAPER in his 'not as good as MINT' list.

So therefore:

If it doesn't work, it sounds like we're leaning MINT as our upcoming +1.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Red team is up!



Heh, I was putting together a long post against TIE/STAR/WHALE and in favour of MINT, with POOL/SKYSCRAPER as distant second and third choices, but it seems events have passed me by! Well done, team!


Didn't mean to leave you out, Azoth - just trying to keep the game pace good.

Maybe keep that post for next round when we need to decide whether to try our +1?
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Well, I can do a quick summary.

There were lots of better clues if the fourth word was TIE/STAR: Tuxedo, Glamour, Classy, Premiere, etc. Anything that brought to mind the "red carpet".
There were some better clues if the fourth word was WHALE/POOL/SKYSCRAPER: Luxury, Amenity. (This is a Civ site after all!)
But only one word was directly related to price: MINT, as in "costs a MINT".

I still wouldn't guess it as a +1, unless we get a clear indication that we haven't hit all our Expensive words.

Water 5
"Superdeath seems to have acquired a rep for aggression somehow. [Image: noidea.gif] In this game that's going to help us because he's going to go to the negotiating table with twitchy eyes and slightly too wide a grin and terrify the neighbors into favorable border agreements, one-sided tech deals and staggered NAPs."
-Old Harry. PB48.

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