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Werewolf 3 Game Thread

6v: Rowain ( Jkaen, Meiz, Ichabod, scooter, zakalwe, Mardoc)
4v: Jkaen (GES, Roland, Lewwyn, Serdoa)
2v: scooter (novice, Rowain)

TO be honest people are arguing that the wolves would group together and they would dispearse and everything inbetween. I am quite surprised at how closely our votes are linked though.

I acknowledge that if Rowain is a villager then me or Meiz are pretty much dead next. What are peoples view if Rowain turns out to be a WW, does that mean we are villagers or would you still suspect me/us?

If I would turn out as WW you and Meiz would be viewed as having done everything right.

But I can bet you that will not be the case.


10 Minute Warning.
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1


5v: Rowain ( Meiz, JKaen, Mardoc, Zakalwe, scooter )
4v: JKaen ( Serdoa, Gold Ergo Sum, Lewwyn, Roland )
3v: Scooter ( Novice, Rowain, Ichabod )

  1. Meiz votes Rowain
  2. Roland votes Rowain
  3. Ichabod votes Rowain
  4. Serdoa votes JKaen
  5. Rowain votes Roland
  6. Mardoc votes Zakalwe
  7. Zakalwe votes Rowain
  8. JKaen votes Rowain
  9. Novice votes Scooter
  10. Scooter votes Zakalwe
  11. Mardoc switches from Zakalwe to Rowain
  12. Lewwyn votes Mardoc
  13. Gold Ergo Sum votes JKaen
  14. Rowain switches from Roland to JKaen
  15. Novice switches from Scooter to JKaen
  16. Zakalwe switches from Rowain to JKaen
  17. Lewwyn switches from Mardoc to JKaen
  18. Novice switches from JKaen to Scooter
  19. Rowain switches from JKaen to No Vote
  20. Zakalwe switches from JKaen to Rowain
  21. Rowain switches from No Vote to Jkaen
  22. Roland switches from Rowain to Jkaen
  23. scooter switches from zakalwe to Rowain
  24. Rowain switches from Jkaen to Meiz
  25. novice switches from scooter to Meiz
  26. novice switched from Meiz to scooter
  27. Rowain switches from Meiz to scooter
  28. Serdoa switches from Jkaen to scooter
  29. Serdoa switches from scooter to Jkaen
  30. Ichabod switches from Rowain to scooter

Roland putting an accidental vote on F&I last day and now PM'ing to himself. I'd really like you to be a villager, but you've been pretty suspicious lately, Roland.

Man, Ichabod, I'm glad you're proved innocent, otherwise I'd be very suspicious of you right now. Your case against Rowain still seems quite strong to me, though, so I'm not going to switch my vote. As much as we need to learn about the remaining wolves, we also need those we know about to hang.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Ichabod - I'm genuinely curious - why did you spend all day making a very convincing case against Rowain only to swap to me on nothing more than a hunch? I know you're a villager, but what you're doing doesn't make sense to me...

For those expecting me to switch to Jkaen in the last minute:
Forget about it.

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