Zitro1987 found something weird in his playtest of Warlord mod about to-range so I test if and found it to definitely be bug in current version of CoM for windows.
: New combat enchantment "Hurricane", removing flying from all units, -20% to-range/to-thrown and -30% to-breath to-hit, lord of storm perk make unit immune to hurricane :
FOR I=0 TO NofWizards();
IF (GetEnchantmentFlag(U,EncLordOfStorm,0)=0) THEN {
In this script from UnitCalc.cas of warlord mod, both to-breath and to-thrown function normally with reduction of both -30% and -20% respectively and could go down to zero. But to-range line seem to function weirdly. First, for some reason "-20" part end up become -40% in game and when I test with other number, -1 becomes -2%, -5 becomes -10%, etc. Second, for some reason, to-range seem to have minimum floor could not go below 10%, if value end up become lower than 10%, it display stay at 10% regardless value it should become.
(August 16th, 2022, 08:17)mshih Wrote: Crash bug during combat targeting with the djinn. Strangely doesn't crash when storm giant targeting.
Full screen with 4:3 aspect ratio.
Move the active stack and attack stack to bottom. When attacking with the djinn... move the cursor off of the screen left or right in the black band area.
I was seeing infrequent "random" crashes during combat -- and finally isolated the issue. work around is to either use windowed mode -- or the fully stretched full screen window.
My physical screen size is only 1280x1024 so I can't test 1440x1080.
I'll try 800*600 instead.
...confirmed. The return value of battlefield coordinates wasn't set to an invalid tile when leaving the screen. Djinns can teleport so they actually tried to show the tile is valid to enter and drawing text outside the screen to show the movement cost caused the crash.
(September 15th, 2022, 09:45)gesaugen Wrote: I dunno if it's a bug but i can't build paladins because High man can't build Armorers guild?
Later you can after casting the spell TREE OF KNOWLEDGE:
"All of the casters cities gain the ability to build Armorer's Guilds, Fantastic Stables, and Linking Towers, assuming the city is of a race capable of building these buildings. Once cast, the effect is permanent, and cannot be cancelled in any way."
Not playing the latest version, so it might already be fixed. But another wizard has transmute and has made adamantium around one of their cities, but they use barbarians and don't have philosopher's stone, so they can't use it at all.
B111. No animation of receiving spell if found in lair. B113.sav. Defeat the Ruin near the Fortress.
B113. AI cast Land Linking on Sprites, but did not provide Breath attack. B113.sav. 3 tiles above my Fortress
B114. Oracle does not extend the view range to 4 immediately. City Wall’s range 3 remains. But after I had a battle it updated the overland graphics on this. B113.sav. My city on the North.