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Werewolf 3 Game Thread

Oh, I see, I hadn't realized he voted for PB that many times in a day wink. As an aside, Roland, your personal voting record for Bruindane in this post is incomplete, then. Not that I have any idea what you can do about it with a no-editing rule.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mardoc Wrote:Oh, I see, I hadn't realized he voted for PB that many times in a day wink. As an aside, Roland, your personal voting record for Bruindane in this post is incomplete, then. Not that I have any idea what you can do about it with a no-editing rule.

Point me to the Turn I'm missing and I'll root it out and correct it. Or a rough approximation, anyway. Would make my life so much easier. lol

Roland Wrote:Point me to the Turn I'm missing and I'll root it out and correct it. Or a rough approximation, anyway. Would make my life so much easier. lol

Turn 43. That said, don't get yourself mod-killed.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mardoc Wrote:Turn 43. That said, don't get yourself mod-killed.

Like so?

Day 1

  1. Turn 2: Bruindane votes zakalwe and elects Meiz
  2. Turn 35: Bruindane switches from zakalwe to Irgy
  3. Turn 63: Bruindane switches from Irgy to pocketbeetle and elects Rowain over Meiz

Day 2

  1. Turn 5: Bruindane votes Mr. Nice Guy
  2. Turn 26: Bruindane switches from Mr. Nice Guy to pocketbeetle
  3. Turn 36: Bruindane switches from pocketbeetle to Selrahc

Day 3

  1. Turn 7: Bruindane votes zakalwe
  2. Turn 16: Bruindane switches from zakalwe to Sandover
  3. Turn 22: Bruindane switches from Sandover to novice
  4. Turn 25: Bruindane switches from novice to No Vote
  5. Turn 29: Bruindane switches from No Vote to pocketbeetle
  6. Turn 38: Bruindane switches from pocketbeetle to Rowain
  7. Turn 43: Bruindane switches from Rowain to pocketbeetle

Day 4

  1. [b]Bruindane failed to vote![/b]

Day 5

  1. [b]Bruindane failed to vote, and was Modkilled![/b]


Yep, that's correct now, I think. Or at least I haven't found any more flaws yet. And now that I look back at it, and see this:
Lewwyn Wrote:Anyway doesn't matter much, I may be dead as I write this. Since I'm a villager I wish you all the best of luck and please heed my suspects list: PB, Zakalwe, Jkaen, Serdoa
and this:
Lewwyn Wrote:Sorry, crossposted with the Ichabod no vote and bruindane's revote which will obviously save me.

I think I can get onboard with lynching Lewwyn instead of [STRIKE]Meiz[/STRIKE]. I hadn't realized how down to the wire that day was. I'm still not as completely convinced, but that tips him from possible to likely wolf in my eyes, that Bruindane was willing to stick himself out there for a last minute switch away from a now-known villager.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Ichabod Wrote:Yeah, it makes sense. But it was a joke RP post, not sure what it could mean.

Even so, every other one of his posts - RP or not - held Villagers. It stands to reason zakalwe would fall in that same boat.

Ichabod Wrote:Also, the same thing can be asked regarding Meiz. Why would Bruindane and Selrahc vote for Meiz on day 1 (mayor vote)? It's very strange, indeed. But Meiz is too wolfish, anyway...

Mayor vote. Completely different. Remember what Selrahc said: he would be fine with a normal 'Wolf being Mayor. I'm not saying that voting Meiz for Mayor by two 'Wolves makes Meiz a 'Wolf - although it is suspicious - but it does not equate to him being a Villager, either. Mayor votes are completely different from lynch votes. I wouldn't be surprised if they Meiz is a 'Wolf, and they were trying to elect him Mayor - otherwise, why synchronize, and why abandon (Bruindane) the plan when it fails to gain traction? It's a theory, but not conclusive. In light of the other evidence against Meiz, though, it does fit - but, again, it's inconclusive.

Ichabod Wrote:The thing is: we need to confirm Lewwyn as a wolf, than we'll have a whole day to analyse the situation with another confirmed role. Making any conclusions now is not the best way of handling it. We will be making assumptions with less information than we could get by waiting a bit.

Why do you think I put scooter last on my list? He's far from a confirmed 'Wolf, and he's done a good job of hiding in plain sight. However, as I said, there's enough there to warrant suspicion - better than most, IMHO. With only 1 wrong vote left, if we have to use it I want to make it count. This game isn't over yet. I want it to end on OUR terms.

I wonder only, what has happened if we had lynched Lewwyn that day and he is indeed a wolf? Bruindane would obviously have been under heavy suspicion. Sticking his head out like this seems pretty risky.

Additionally, I know that from Lewwyns list 2 people are innocent. PB and myself. Now, if he is a wolf we would know that as soon as he dies. Why would he name innocents as his suspects? Either we suspect those players (because we think they are wolves and he tried to give them some cover) or we feel they are innocent (because they were named by a wolf). The first one would obviously be great for the wolves but I feel we all would rather tend to the second option. So probably he has mixed at least one wolf into that list, hoping that he either gains cover or will take at least some villagers with him. And he conveniently put the innocents at the top and the end of the list, so that we can get to start on them, no matter from which side we begin. Or all are innocent and I have to give up on Jkaen :/

Anyway, I will give Jkaen another day - but if Lewwyn is not a wolf then I hope we use our last lynch to go for Jkaen!


I think that that Lewwyn post was the same shananigans as the day 1 switch. He knew he wasn't going down that day. It was merely to get cover, IMO.

Sareln Wrote:There is a hidden tunnel between the houses of the masons which let you converse with each other at will, and outside the sight of the rest of the village.

- You did what?
The bowyer was seeding.
- Uh, well you see, I've got one kind of like it at home, and that's what I use it for...
Zakofonix was shuffling his feet. Backwards, towards the door.
- I'm not familiar with that barn you see, I was just watching over the cows that night. And the innkeeper did serve a nasty chili that day...
- Let me get this straight. You had a dump in my mason hole?
- Well, that's not exactly how I'd phrase it-
- Never mind the bloody phrasing!
The bowyer sputtered.
- You realize I've been crawling through that hole every night?
The bard made a couple of sniffing sounds.
- Well, to be honest...
His voice trailed off as the bowyer's eyes turned to fire.
- You have one minute!
- ...?
- While I string my bow.
Zakofonix didn't wait to see if he was joking.

About an hour later, he was catching his breath in a back alley, after a mad dash through the woods and all around the village. He slumped to the ground and took in his surroundings, suddenly realizing exactly where he was. This was that same alley he passed by, on his way from the herbalist to the inn, a few days ago; though it now felt like weeks. Thinking back to those five huddled figures, he suddenly realized their significance. He was sitting in the back alley of the carpenter's shop.


OOC: On top of the day 1 and 3 voting, I still think the theory that Selrahc voted for Novice instead of Pocketbeetle on day 2 in order to spread out the wolf votes makes a lot of sense. This incriminates Lewwyn, JKaen and Mardoc. Lewwyn was also the one who convinced me to go after fire&ice, pointing out how his behavior matched that of a wolf being told to "cool it" by his fellow wolves. I then jokingly said Lewwyn must be a wolf too, because I refused to believe he would come up with that on his own. Ironically, I immediately regretted saying that, because I realized he could be a mason. Now that I know he isn't a mason, he does seem more like a wolf than a villager.

zakalwe Wrote:- You did what?
The bowyer was seeding.
- Uh, well you see, I've got one kind of like it at home, and that's what I use it for...
Zakofonix was shuffling his feet. Backwards, towards the door.
- I'm not familiar with that barn you see, I was just watching over the cows that night. And the innkeeper did serve a nasty chili that day...
- Let me get this straight. You had a dump in my mason hole?
- Well, that's not exactly how I'd phrase it-
- Never mind the bloody phrasing!
The bowyer sputtered.
- You realize I've been crawling through that hole every night?
The bard made a couple of sniffing sounds.
- Well, to be honest...
His voice trailed off as the bowyer's eyes turned to fire.
- You have one minute!
- ...?
- While I string my bow.
Zakofonix didn't wait to see if he was joking.

This has made it worth not lynching you before. wink Thanks for the laugh!

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