Day 1 - Turn 83:
8v: MJW (ya that one) ( Serdoa, Selrahc, Bobchillingworth, Cull, Mr. Nice Guy, Jkaen, Irgy, Lewwyn )
7v: Cull ( Meiz, Cull, uberfish, Sandover, Mardoc, scooter, novice )
3v: pocketbeetle ( Rowain, Bruindane, zakalwe )
3v: Lewwyn ( Ichabod, MJW (ya that one), fire&ice )
1v: novice ( pocketbeetle )
1v: Sandover ( Gold Ergo Sum )
10v: novice ( Bobchillingworth, zakalwe, novice, Roland, Gold Ergo Sum, MJW (ya that one), Cull, Mr. Nice Guy, Serdoa, Mardoc )
7v: Rowain ( Ichabod, scooter, Rowain, Bruindane, uberfish, Sandover, Meiz )
1v: Meiz ( Selrahc )
1v: fire&ice ( Jkaen )
1v: Ichabod ( pocketbeetle )
1v: Mr. Nice Guy ( Irgy )
1v: Jkaen ( Lewwyn )
1v: Bruindane ( fire&ice )
Look at those Day 1 end-of-phase votes. Tell me what you see. I'll tell you what I think is there, beneath the surface.
Out of 6 candidates at the end of the day, statistically speaking we should have caught 1 'Wolf. The only possibility up there is Lewwyn - everyone else is a confirmed Villager. Now, I admit it's a weak argument, but it's there.
How many 'Wolves do you think they'd let on a single target? 2? 3 tops? Lewwyn voted for MJW (ya that one), and Selrahc followed it up with the 3rd vote on him (Serdoa was inbetwee). All 3 of them had the same reasons - MJW (ya that one) was too much of a bother to play with, and granted too much cover to other 'Wolves (including himself, if he was a 'Wolf). Now, with Lewwyn dropping off halfway through the day it gets a little iffy, as it does give an opening for at least 1 more 'Wolf (the only one I can think of would be Jkaen, but I'm still unconvinced, so roll with me here). At the last minute Lewwyn switches back to MJW (ya that one) - exactly what he set out to do from before the game even started. So, out of Serdoa, Jkaen, and Lewwyn who do you think is the most likely 'Wolf (or 'Wolves)? TO me, it's Lewwyn - and not Jkaen.
Now step down to runner-up Cull. We have Meiz, Mardoc, and scooter as the potentials, since both novice and I voted for Cull. Out of those three, who do you feel is the most 'Wolfish? At least one of them has to be a 'Wolf, and more probably two. It'd be highly suspect to have all three on the same target, especially with it coming down to a tie between MJW (ya that one) and Cull - novice would be the tie-breaker, as Mayor. So, at most I can see two 'Wolves on Cull. Given everything else we know, I'd lean towards Meiz and scooter, supported by the other evidence we have (or will have, as things progress).
We know no 'Wolves voted for Lewwyn nor novice, and with zakalwe being a probable Villager that would leave Bruindane as the sole 'Wolf on pocketbeetle. Gold Ergo Sum is still an unknown at this point, but with Lewwyn shooting off at the buzzer today I'm more inclined to think him innocent than I was before.
I think it's also worth noting that the only days scooter voted alongside either Meiz or Lewwyn were Day 1 (Meiz), and Day 6 (Meiz & Lewwyn).
Again, this is all circumstantial, but I want people to understand how I got to where I am, as I'm sure Mardoc's not the only one who was puzzled at my initial vote. I did my best to keep track, in my mind, noteworthy swings and events as I did all the records. What stood out after doing Day 1 (and despite how much - so so much! - work it was, I'm incredibly glad I did it) was what led me here, to my current top suspects. I hope I'm right, but I don't want anyone following me just because I'm a Mason - I have as little knowledge of everyone's roles as the rest of you. Novice and I didn't always see eye-to-eye on suspects (he had been pushing for scooter for... 3 Days now? Something like that.), and it shows in our voting patterns - that wasn't intentional. I don't expect, nor desire, anyone to follow my lead just because I'm a confirmed Villager. I want people to make independent decisions based upon the data we have available.
Anyway, I just wanted to put that forth.
(BTW Serdoa - I love it that it took novice electing me Mayor for you to finally believe I'm a Villager.
You've been one hell of a playing partner in this game. Appreciate the ride, both up and down.)
8v: MJW (ya that one) ( Serdoa, Selrahc, Bobchillingworth, Cull, Mr. Nice Guy, Jkaen, Irgy, Lewwyn )
7v: Cull ( Meiz, Cull, uberfish, Sandover, Mardoc, scooter, novice )
3v: pocketbeetle ( Rowain, Bruindane, zakalwe )
3v: Lewwyn ( Ichabod, MJW (ya that one), fire&ice )
1v: novice ( pocketbeetle )
1v: Sandover ( Gold Ergo Sum )
10v: novice ( Bobchillingworth, zakalwe, novice, Roland, Gold Ergo Sum, MJW (ya that one), Cull, Mr. Nice Guy, Serdoa, Mardoc )
7v: Rowain ( Ichabod, scooter, Rowain, Bruindane, uberfish, Sandover, Meiz )
1v: Meiz ( Selrahc )
1v: fire&ice ( Jkaen )
1v: Ichabod ( pocketbeetle )
1v: Mr. Nice Guy ( Irgy )
1v: Jkaen ( Lewwyn )
1v: Bruindane ( fire&ice )
Look at those Day 1 end-of-phase votes. Tell me what you see. I'll tell you what I think is there, beneath the surface.
Out of 6 candidates at the end of the day, statistically speaking we should have caught 1 'Wolf. The only possibility up there is Lewwyn - everyone else is a confirmed Villager. Now, I admit it's a weak argument, but it's there.
How many 'Wolves do you think they'd let on a single target? 2? 3 tops? Lewwyn voted for MJW (ya that one), and Selrahc followed it up with the 3rd vote on him (Serdoa was inbetwee). All 3 of them had the same reasons - MJW (ya that one) was too much of a bother to play with, and granted too much cover to other 'Wolves (including himself, if he was a 'Wolf). Now, with Lewwyn dropping off halfway through the day it gets a little iffy, as it does give an opening for at least 1 more 'Wolf (the only one I can think of would be Jkaen, but I'm still unconvinced, so roll with me here). At the last minute Lewwyn switches back to MJW (ya that one) - exactly what he set out to do from before the game even started. So, out of Serdoa, Jkaen, and Lewwyn who do you think is the most likely 'Wolf (or 'Wolves)? TO me, it's Lewwyn - and not Jkaen.
Now step down to runner-up Cull. We have Meiz, Mardoc, and scooter as the potentials, since both novice and I voted for Cull. Out of those three, who do you feel is the most 'Wolfish? At least one of them has to be a 'Wolf, and more probably two. It'd be highly suspect to have all three on the same target, especially with it coming down to a tie between MJW (ya that one) and Cull - novice would be the tie-breaker, as Mayor. So, at most I can see two 'Wolves on Cull. Given everything else we know, I'd lean towards Meiz and scooter, supported by the other evidence we have (or will have, as things progress).
We know no 'Wolves voted for Lewwyn nor novice, and with zakalwe being a probable Villager that would leave Bruindane as the sole 'Wolf on pocketbeetle. Gold Ergo Sum is still an unknown at this point, but with Lewwyn shooting off at the buzzer today I'm more inclined to think him innocent than I was before.
I think it's also worth noting that the only days scooter voted alongside either Meiz or Lewwyn were Day 1 (Meiz), and Day 6 (Meiz & Lewwyn).
Again, this is all circumstantial, but I want people to understand how I got to where I am, as I'm sure Mardoc's not the only one who was puzzled at my initial vote. I did my best to keep track, in my mind, noteworthy swings and events as I did all the records. What stood out after doing Day 1 (and despite how much - so so much! - work it was, I'm incredibly glad I did it) was what led me here, to my current top suspects. I hope I'm right, but I don't want anyone following me just because I'm a Mason - I have as little knowledge of everyone's roles as the rest of you. Novice and I didn't always see eye-to-eye on suspects (he had been pushing for scooter for... 3 Days now? Something like that.), and it shows in our voting patterns - that wasn't intentional. I don't expect, nor desire, anyone to follow my lead just because I'm a confirmed Villager. I want people to make independent decisions based upon the data we have available.
Anyway, I just wanted to put that forth.
(BTW Serdoa - I love it that it took novice electing me Mayor for you to finally believe I'm a Villager.