As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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Who chopped a deer forest all the way on accident. THIS GUY. I learned my lesson in two different games that if you have random spare worker turns its worth chopping 2/3 of the way, but I actually REALLY didn't want to chop this one all the way as it opens up Roots to two movers.

I put an empty galleon in range of Scooters and he took the bait and then for some reason moved it to far side of his former Moai city instead of somewhere I would have been at more risk. I killed it flawlessly for a nice little 2 for 1. He also missed my chariot hiding beneath a Bing skirmisher so I captured and then deleted two workers this turn (as well as chariot obviously).

[Image: GGan9S8.png]

Invasion force pictured to land on marble. I have 2 more cats and 1 mace vs 6 chos, 2 swords, and a spear. This turn there were no forces ready to instantly reinforce. I purposefully loaded some longbows that I REALLY shouldn't' have upgraded to city defense (best just to leave un-upgraded for exactly this reason).

I believe Aetryn is reading, so trying to remember to include a little random tips and tricks and most importantly the mistakes. 

In the west I have a defensive force of 10 galleons I'm not sure are needed. I've switched over to land units in most places and I'm trying to setup overflow chains for when I switch back to organized religion.

While Charriu says he hasn't gotten much in the way of diplo this game with Bing, I have been paid off in spades in that relationship. This screenshot is pretty valuable.

[Image: image.png?width=772&height=630]

One of the things I've worried about is that I unload my stack and then Scooter unloads units into that city to strike out. Now he still could, but with lesser numbers. I'll probably still promote two maces to cover. I also got to see what was around his SE city when I took the workers (which is why the chariot was poking around there).

Edit: it also makes me feel a little safer about my NE coast and gem island although its possible those two galleons over there are still loaded. 

Now why are all those units there? Is he still invading Bing; unlikely. Does he think Bing will invade him; not with most of his forces being skrims, but he may see differently. Does he expect me to raid that coast; maybe. Is he preparing to raid me back; maybe.


Assuming he doesn't have another fleet on exactly the fish tile I mostly like what I did this turn. Again Scooter used two galleons to kill one of mine (assuming I don't get blown out here). Have I mentioned the vassalage exp is being helpful?

I know I said that Bing screenshot was helpful, but listen seeing 4 galleons down there with possible units ready to unload and collateral my army..... along with wanting to save my injured galleon decided to change target to mids city.

[Image: ZQ0mC6J.png]

Scooter did birth a scientist, so imagine he will fire off a GA.

I may go into org this next turn. I only need 30 or 40% tech to complete and I have a 3 observatories in org queues.


Scooter seeing I was going to raze Mids city offered peace and said he could raze one of mine. Due to EP vision I kind of figured he meant my SE city and I told him I had it covered (see below for forces covering, should have been sufficient unless he won both galleon battles which he would have to take with loaded galleons).

Anyways, I counter offered for Kaifeng and I offered two settlers (I prob could have gotten away with1). Its a pretty big deal to get the city whole and to get his culture out of there.

[Image: pp9bhzD.png]

Also allowed me to feel safe about switching to serfdom and organized religion this turn. I put 8 observatories in the queue.

To note this doesn't violate my help SD deal as he said he wouldn't be ready for 10 turns anyways, so I can still join back in.

My main worry is that Scooter goes after Bing. I've been telling him and telling him to keep building units, but power graph is so so. I did warn him to whip a lot this turn.

[Image: b4LYrfz.png]

Anyone notice what is missing there. Yep, SD put enough EP into me I lost graphs.

Another reason for peace treaty is that I trust SD more than most games this game, but that being said my trust most games is REAL low.

Ok all wise and powerful lurkers. And also Pin.
What do we think of a lend lease agreement to Bing for galleons? IE he gets to borrow them and then pay for any destroyed. What price would I need to set?
I also assume he wouldn't be able to use turn gifted.
Or alternatively Pin does it just make sense that I come back in in 10 turns?

Maybe a silly question: is that allowed ?
We at civforum have (and I think had even turing the latest diplogames (years ago)) the rule, that we can gift units, but only units the receiver can built (or the UU equivalent). Dog Soldier (or axemen) to someone with BW is fine, but macemen aren't allowed.

I won't enter a price, but maybe a few thoughts:
1. civ allows you to change 3 gold to 1 prod, if I have the conversion rate correct. I think, prodboni don't apply ? I don't hurry productions with gold. This could be a good indicator for a basecost, maybe with a friendship bonus, prodbonus too etc.
2. galleons allows bing a few new options.
2.1 ocean is passable, so it's not so easy to protect the cities. I'm not sure, can charriu/SD contest the galleons (caravellen or own galleons ?)
2.2 galleons have strength 4. Stronger than galleys, triremen or caravellen.

So we voted it was allowed as long you aren't a jerk about it, which I take as free gifting for the lolz. However, Realms hasn't allowed in so long and certainly not while I've been playing that I'm not sure exactly, which is why I asked.

Edit: I did do a gold for 1 galley trade with SD this game and I traded settlers to Scooter as part of peace deal, but both of those were small scale compared to gifting 7 galleons.

In any case I've pretty much decided not to do. Even getting them gold converted I just don't want Bing losing a bunch of them. Like the best I could come up with is to use the GG to promote a bunch to combat II so they would get odds, but even still I would expect losses. Unless Pin persuades me otherwise.

I don't know if i would do this, but it's the exact kind of thing I did in the last diplomacy game I played. I remember signing a peace deal & NAP with Regoarrarr whom I had been at war with, and then turning around and selling a bunch of berserkers to Gaspar because I knew he would use them against Regoarrarr. Meanwhile I was using the funding to beat Rego to a tech we were both racing towards. The game ended shortly after, in part because the move came off as so distasteful to everyone else.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

Ya I had already decided not to as I just don't think its the right thing strategically. IE I either have to do all or none. Anything in-between means more will be lost and doing all still probably means more losses as its fighting on coast offensively rather than me fighting in open ocean / attacking into coast.

Anyways, decided to start teching towards nationalism in like 3-4 turns.

I'll PROBABLY keep spreading religion so I can switch into theocracy along with drafting. I'm also finishing Notre Dame while in organized for mainland happiness. Islands are kind of just screwed.


Charriu launched GA. SD did NOT switch into nationhood and I think his GA ends in 1 or 2 turns. I turned on tech to 100% for first time since I got printing press (and 1 observatory). Decided 100% during GA was better than waiting for all the observatories to finish. Did I do math on this decision; absolutely not.

[Image: w7rr4hw.png]

Teching printing press will either be genius or the cause of me losing. It has a fairly long payback period, but obviously is great eco tech and EVENTUALLY leads to military tech. However, There is a ticking clock with Scooter peace treaty and there is the obvious question of should I have pushed military techs more.

In org for 4 more turns, will switch into nationhood and theocracy then. I do have to spread religion more as even with a shrine SDs Hinduism has been crappy for free spreads (at least to me). I keep wanting to produce missionaries out of Storm Along, but it just sucks to load and unload them, but I have a couple queued up after the harbor (again is this build smart, unsure, but org religion is a hell of a drug and I want to draft there).

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