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[SPOILERS] Tales from the Enchanted Forest - Thessa of the Ljosalfar

Turn 142

Essentially, everything is progressing as normal this turn. So, I'll just put up some small impressions from this turn.

My caravel found the first foreign (specifically, Lanun) caravel:

[Image: v5Jox.jpg]

I have found the first Malakim Stygian guard:

[Image: K889j.jpg]

An Elohim monk has been scouting around my lands for the last two turns. Fair enough, since my hunters have explored Elohim lands, too:

[Image: SOUok.jpg]

Since I have started moving my privateers south (they are now pretty close to Garryvoe), I have sent a warning message to WarriorKnight:

Quote:Hi WarriorKnight,

just a heads-up in order to avoid any misunderstanding: the pair of privateers 2NE of Garryvoe belongs to me, and their intentions are peaceful. They are passing through to the south in order to look out for Malakim cultists.

-- Nyktorion

I'm back to play my turns! :wink2:

Turn 143

Foreign news: Mardoc researched Enginnering this turn; however, I don't really understand what aspect of the tech he is planning to use. Better road movement? Windmills? Or one of the wonders...?

My caravel is exploring some more of the Lanun territory, including the city of Condor:

[Image: jUbR8.jpg]

Next, I saw something notable in the Malakim territory:

[Image: yseJq.jpg]

So, Thoth wants to create another invasion path into the area of F.Destination. I can't do anything about that right now, but I'll have to keep an eye on that once our NAP runs out.

WarriorKnight has finally captured Spilan. He kept the city rather than razing it:

[Image: p0Far.jpg]

Note Valin Phanuel's flanking promotions, which amount to 85% retreat odds.


My privateers have reached the Sheaim area:

[Image: ox3TP.jpg]

Therefore, I sent the according notification to Heisenberg:


just to et you know: the pair of privateers 1E2NE of Skadistad belongs to me. They have no hostile intentions towards you. They are just passing by in order to look for any remaining Malakim cultists in the southern area.

best regards,

sounds good I just would fix the typo in the 3rd or 4th word depending on how you count. Should be "let" not "et"

fire&ice' Wrote:sounds good I just would fix the typo in the 3rd or 4th word depending on how you count. Should be "let" not "et"

Yup, that's a pretty embarassing one shhh
Unfortunately, I only noticed it after I already sent off the message frown

Turn 144

Foreign news:
  • Thoth has researched Taxation. Interesting choice... I can't see many cottages in his lands. To me, Caste System seems to be the most plausible reason for him to research this.
  • Thoth has founded his fourteenth city, Golden Tent. We really need to stop him while it's still possible (or rather, as soon as it becomes possible? I hope that the time satsifying these constraints even exists...)
  • WarriorKnight has researched Animal Handling, so he might indeed want rangers with bless and poisoned blades, as he indicated in one of our chats. Maybe he will also go for Feral Bond, and thus the baron?
  • Heisenberg of the Sheaim has researched Infernal Pact. This leads us to this turn's major event:

    [Image: B7rHB.jpg]

    Hi there!

Dis is located in a quite cramped location:

[Image: gE5Cl.jpg]

I hope that this does not cause any Infernal-Elohim/Sheaim conflicts that might distract from our efforts against the Malakim. If diplomatically possible, I still want Cynehard and Darrell (Cynell? :neenernee) as another ally against Thoth. I'll try to present the Cynell the choice of either joining our alliance, or having it against them as a whole; those infernal starting units might be quite useful if deployed to the west rather quickly.

My caravel is exploring further:

[Image: HXcVQ.jpg]

Thoth is moving another Stygian guard to the north:

[Image: 5ezCx.jpg]

Sorcery will be coming in at the end of the next turn. I am moving some adepts and workers to the mana node next to Khandar, so it can be converted to metamagic immediately.


I got two privateer-related messages from Heisenberg:


Welcome back! =)
Thanks for the update. Let me know if there are still cultists on your side, I could send some of my privateers along as well.
Best Regards,

Quote:Hi Nyktorion,

The Privateer 2t below yours belongs to me.

Best Regards,


Quote:Hi Heisenberg,

thanks for the welcoming smile

Although I currently see only a single cultist of Thoth in the northern area, he is moving at least two stygian guards up there now. So, I'll make sure I have enough ships to defend against those if he wants to use them in an attack (covering cultists, for instance).

My pair of privateers has moved 1E1NE of Vargstad this turn.

best regards,


Since the technicalities of getting a human player into Hyborem's position are now sorted out, I wrote a greeting to the new players.

Quote:Dear Darrelljs and Cynehard,

first off, welcome to FFH PBEM 3!

To start off with, let me introduce you to the general situation we are in. Your direct neighbours are the Elohim (whom you can already see from your starting position) and the Sheaim, who have summoned you into this game. You can find my Ljosalfar empire to the north of the Elohim territory, and the Malakim to the north west of the Elohim. Further west/south west of the Malakim, the Lanun are located. The former position of the Bannor empire was inbetween my own empire and the Malakim; since the Bannor were eliminated, I share a border with the Malakim.

The most noticable event in this game was definitely the Bannor war. After some rapid and massive army building, the Malakim invaded the Bannor empire. The Bannor would have had no chance against the Malakim, so soon, I declared war as well, and took what I could for myself before the Malakim could take it. This resulted in the western half of the Bannor empire, including its capital, becoming Malakim, and the eastern part becoming Ljosalfar lands.

Right now, as you can guess from the scores, the Malakim have a clear advantage. Concerning number of cities, the Malakim are currently tied for the lead with the Lanun (both have 14). However, the Malakim cities are much larger, and contain a high number of aristofarmed flood plains. Also, all currently existing wonders (Heron Throne, Bone Palace, Mines of Gal-Dur), were built by the Malakim, and his military is growing constantly. Unit-wise, this army seems very mixed. As highlights, I have seen iron chariots, paramanders, iron stygian guards, and spiritual cultists. There are also two more noteworthy units: a Combat V Drill I Mobility I swordsman with Orthus' Axe, and an adventurer who was upgraded to a warrior; both of these units may become iron chariots at some point.

With the Malakim being that threatening, it should be no surprise that efforts to dethrone the Malakim from their current position are ongoing between all four of the remaining civs. Of course, the tools your civ brings to the table would be very welcome in the effort to equalise the playing field again! Would you be interested in joining us?

best regards,
Nyktorion of the Ljosalfar

I'm trying to be (a bit) generous with information here in order to get on their good side. Moreover, the information I shared is quite heavily weighted towards the Malakim side. I hope that this way, I can steer them into our alliance.

Darrells response:

Quote:I appreciate your update on the situation :-). Right now, we are at war with the Elohim...who just cast sanctuary. I actually expected WK to negotiate peace and not pop his world spell, but as a result I think we need to defend Dis first and foremost. This doesn't rule out our help in the future, but we have enough on our hands right now, as the saying goes.


NO NO NO NO NO NO NO banghead
Yes, in principle it is quite nice that somebody else ™ got WarriorKnight to pop his world spell, so he'll be more vulnerable when the time comes for a conflict between myself and WarriorKnight. However, this diversion can't be good. Now the Infernal/Sheaim lands are physically separated from the rest of the world for the next 20 turns (so Heisenberg won't be able to send any specters at all to assist against Thoth), and WarriorKnight will be diverted instead of being able to focus against Thoth.

Probably, the best outcome would be for WarriorKnight to win this quickly, and then use the extra XP for defeating Hyborem to good use against Thoth. However, with two iron longbows and an immortal Hyborem in Dis, I'm not at all certain that this will happen. Another good outcome would be if could return to diplomacy and get all five civs to work together again...

Anyway, I'll wait until I see the save until I decide how to act any further.

Turn 145

Foreign news: Mardoc has founded Terminus, and Thoth has founded Golden Dungheap this turn. That's the fifteenth city for each of them! yikes

Still, Thoth is clearly ahead of Mardoc, not just by score (which is certainly inflated by land points, too, considering the coastal affinity of the Lanun): just a look at the techs and wonders obtained by each of them makes this clear. I'd rather put Mardoc's "real" position in the game around where WarriorKnight is, or a bit above WarriorKnight.

The following picture shows the event log:

[Image: 4HKK0.jpg]

Besides Hyborem's civics and the story told by the mail exchange with the Infernals, we see that Thoth has switched to AV. So he must be going for the Infernal Grimoire, after all.

Now, some impressions from me actually playing this turn...

In the beginning of the turn, I was greeted by another undercouncil head vote. I am pleasantly surprised that the vote is between Thoth and myself. Considering the global suspicion against Thoth, my chances to win are pretty good:

[Image: HD4dH.jpg]

My privateers sail deeper into Heisenberg's seas, and meet a griffon (which is hardly as scary as in the beginning now):

[Image: VgQZv.jpg]

My western caravel is exploring the Lanun seas some more:

[Image: Yg0bL.jpg]

The infernal units have been pushed awa by sanctuary, but now, they are in position to hit Heisenberg soon. Also, contact between the Sheaim and the Infernals is now established:

[Image: H5Cmu.jpg]

In the Malakim lands, I spot a third Stygian guard:

[Image: fIgTU.jpg]


My NAP with WarriorKnight is running out, so he proposes another extension.

Quote:Hi nyktorion

It seems that once again our NAP is close to expiring. How would you feel about signing another one until T190?

However, I'd like to add a condition to this NAP, that neither of us uses hidden nationality units against the other while the NAP is active. While I know that you wouldn't do that while Thoth is still a threat, you did try to sidestep your NAP with Thoth with hidden nationality units. I'd therefore just like to make sure you don't try and sidestep our NAP the same way. Likewise, I will also not use Hidden Nationality units during our NAP.

What do you think?


Fine with me, I don't think I'll need those privateer actions against nonexistant Elohim cultists threatening my allies in the next 40 turns, anyway. Also, if I specifically reserve the right to do such action, it becomes less effective, too. Last, thanks for telling me in such an obvious way that you don't trust me - I might use that knowledge once/if we can overcome Thoth.

Simple response:

Quote:Very well, consider it signed by me also.


About the Infernals: well, with sanctuary fired, it seems that there won't be much interaction between the Infernals and the rest of the world (except WarriorKnight and Heisenberg) anyway. So, I expect to just watch the Elohim-Infernal war from the sidelines, and that might also be reflected in my response to the Infernals:

Quote:Hmm, of course, I'm not so happy about this new war - I just hope that it won't indirectly strengthen Thoth by drawing military towards you that was actually meant for him.

Wth sanctuary active, we are now essentially separated (except for our sea connection) for the next 20 turns anyway, so any kind of military cooperation will be moot for that period of time.

Anyway, I of course remain open to any cooperation suggestions for after that time; we need to look forward now, and see how we can best improve our chances to get some chances to win out of this game before Thoth grabs them all. :-)

-- Nyktorion

EDIT: Since Sorcery is coming in next turn, I've also prepared a troop of workers and adepts to immediately connect metamagic mana.

[Image: hQmsU.jpg]


More diplo: I also informed Heisenberg about my privateers sailing along his territory:

Quote:The new position of my privateer pair is 4E of Kuldevind.

-- Nyktorion

Turn 146

Sorcery is in! jive
Now we just need those adepts to get up to 10XP... I don't have any of those yet, but one adept has 9XP, and two adepts have 8XP each.
Now that I have all the military techs I can reasonably expect to work in time for the war against Thoth, my next plan is some more economic teching. Specifically, I'd like to go Mathematics -> Taxation in order to help my heavily cottage-oriented economy.

Undercoucil voting results:

[Image: OJ2aT.jpg]

Wow, that result was as nice as expected! Now, what should I do with this head concilor position? Thoth is a real threat to the balance of this game right now, so my primary focus is to effectively play as a team with the other civs against Thoth - until the risk that Thoth runs away with the game does not exist (too much) anymore. So, I'll primarily go for resolutions that help the other civs more than Thoth - more on that in the diplo section, where I outline my thoughts about that to Heisenberg and Mardoc.

Foreign news: Mardoc now has Taxation, too, and Thoth researched Infernal Pact (that was fast!). So, we might really have to fear the malevolent designs slignshot, after all...

Some impressions from turn-playing...

One of my hawks spotted Corlindale this turn. He already has Ice I, but WarriorKnight went for Nature III first, so it might be some time until snowfall is ready. Of course, once snowfall *is* ready, Cynell won't have any chance to win the war with the Elohim.

[Image: MFCzP.jpg]

Speaking of the the Infernals, it looks like they have not decided to jump at the Sheaim once they run against the Elohim sanctuary. All of their military has returned into Dis. Even more interestingly, they are sharing their Iron with the Sheaim now. A hawk spotted an iron weapon wielding (obviously) Sheaim unit:

[Image: crRFz.jpg]

Last, the Great Library has neared completion enough to warrant whipping out the rest of the hammers. After all, it suffices to just whip citizens working on ordinary coast tiles or as a specialist now. Once Evermore re-grows, it should become a specialist haven, and I'll also return Bruti's corn tiles back to Evermore.

[Image: Z1Mb6.jpg]


WarriorKnight acknowledges our new NAP:

Quote:Very well, consider it signed by me also.


Heisenberg tells me a few separate things:

I have a Privateer 2N of your Privateer pair, and another 3N of Dis (West of your Yggdrasil island).
Congratulations on your election to head the Undercouncil! Could I possibly get an indication on the resolutions you intend to pass? (you'd pretty much have our vote in all the Undercouncil resolutions wink

The Infernals have been summoned as we all realize. Would you have any propositions to deal with them? (they've declared war on WK and had forced him to burn off Sanctuary). This might actually accelerate plans for the dogpile on Thoth as Sanctuary is an optimal offensive tool we can all hide under.


I only directly reply by stating my own privateer locations. The other answers include bigger audiences:

Quote:Thanks! smile

My privateer pair has moved on to 4E of Steinvik.

Concerning the other two points you raised: since I think that both of them are related not only to the two of us, but also to other allies of us, I'll answer them separately, with some other recipients included.

best regards,

Concerning my undercouncil plans, I include all players who are both in the undercouncil, and in our conspiracy against Thoth, i.e. Heisenberg and Mardoc. I share my current thoughts about undercouncil resolutions with them:

Quote:Dear fellows in the intersection between the Undercouncil and the Anti-Thoth alliance,

last turn, I was quite pleasantly surprised by being one of the two candidates running for the lead in the undercouncil, and of course, I am happy to see that I have been elected. So, what do I plan to do with my new position as the head of the undercouncil?

As you know, most undercouncil resolution are about giving all members some benefits in a return for a small amount of gold. Since almost every civ in the game (including Thoth!) is a member of the undercouncil, directly going for the biggest of those benefits becomes rather meaningless. Instead, I think that the best way to utilise the undercouncil would be to select those options which give us the largest benefits relative to Thoth.

When I go through the list of available resolution, the smuggling ring option seems the most appealing to me. As far as I can tell, all three of us have a healthy number of coastal cities: Mardoc's cities are most obviously focused towards the coast, and scouting plus knowledge of my own land reveal that both Heisenberg and I have a very healthy amount (>50%) of coastal cities. On the other hand, a recent discussion within our whole alliance revealed that Thoth probably has just 3 coastal cities (and maybe another newly founded one). Thus, we should profit from the smuggling ring a lot more than Thoth, making it a very nice candidate for the first undercouncil resolution.

Any thoughts/comments/counter-proposals?

best regards,

Last, I commented about the infernal situation. Here, I thought that all of WarriorKnight, Heisenberg and Mardoc would be interested:


as we have seen, the spawning place of Hyborem was rather unfortunate. Dis is both far away from the Malakim empire (and thus far from being a burden on Thoth), and in a very cramped spot at the edge of the Elohim empire. I see that with the infernal war declaration and the casting of sanctuary, the situation has escalated immediately.

So, how does this all affect our overall plans? WarriorKnight, do you have an idea how this war will be going? Do you think you can win this (I'd guess that the Infernals won't stand much of a chance as soon as Corlindale can snowfall from the safety of the sanctuary), and if so, how long will it take? Will you be able to recover your attention to the west before the NAP with Thoth/sanctuary runs out? Or could the last turns of sanctuary even be used as an advantage in the Thoth attack? Should anyone else of us get involved in the Infernal war, too? Or is there even still some hope to swing the Infernals towards our cause, after all that happened?

Please, enlighten us smile

-- Nyktorion

Turn 147

The turn starts with the following event:

[Image: ENJoG.jpg]

That's quite nice for my army composition!

Next, here's the event log:

[Image: 2n20I.jpg]

That golden age is quite grim news - that should improve Thoth's chances to take the infernal grimoire from Heisenberg. I currently don't have a real plan how to fight against Eidola and Beasts of Agares; I'm not even sure whether a good plan for that scenario exists at all.

At least, I successfully built the Great Library in Evermore.

So, before Thoth gets out of control, I need to take any advantage over him I can get. The first such example is to take Maenalus with a caravel which was nearby, exploiting the nice ability to "explore rival territory" and the fact that I never signed an agreement with Thoth prohibiting the exploration of each other's dungeons (I only signed such an agreement with WarriorKnight, at T5 or so). Sadly, it appears that Maenalus was a very tame dungeon this time:

[Image: fNsmM.jpg]

Of course, I could also try to get on Thoth's nice side and hope that he never attacks me with his advantage, but I think this is a futile approach with human rivals.

Thoth switched his adaptive trait to ORG. Why ORG, and not either FIN or RAI? The only plausible explanation to me seem to be the command posts.

I uncover more Lanun territory:

[Image: MyKPh.jpg]

I see an Elohim stack that is probably marching towards Dis:

[Image: SvHlv.jpg]

At this point, I remember that monks start with the demon slaying promotion, which should be quite convenient for any war against Infernals...


First, the small privateer information exchange between Heisenberg and myself continues:

Quote:Hi Nyktorion,

I had closed my last save before I had remembered the precise locations of my Privateers I'm afraid.
I have one north of Dis, just outside your ring of culture between the island and the mainland.


Quote:Thanks, I've found the one you meant.

My own privateer pair has remained in place this turn.

-- Nyktorion

Next, my friends in the undercouncil seem to agree with my smuggling ring suggestion (at least for Mardoc, that's not very surprising, too wink. I just add in another (rather far-fetched, from the current point of view) suggestion that came to my mind:

Quote:Smuggling ring is definitely a large potential benefit, and definitely
fits the category of helping us more than Thoth. The other one that
might make sense is Enlist the Nightwatch, but I think that would be
more logical closer to D-Day, so we can surprise Thoth with a power
differential. And, well, it's also probably best to make sure Hyborem
is either enlisted or eliminated before giving him more troops.

On reflection, GSage and Gambling Ring are probably the other way
around, since he's further in the tree, so would bulb something
better, and has more cities to profit from gambling houses. I'd still
like to get to those eventually, of course, but they can wait until
we've caught up a bit, I think.

The other options: Slave trade, fund dissidents, open borders, force
war - none of these appeal to me at all, except maybe Slave trade, and
even then, not until after I've actually captured some slaves.

So all in all, I agree with your choice.

- Mardoc

Quote:Yep, I guess Smuggling Ring or Nightwatch would be the most useful ones around.


Quote:Okay, so the smuggling ring it most probably is.

The only other idea I could think of would be the GSage, if the opportunity arises before either Heisenberg or Thoth completes the Grimoire; that way, Heisenberg could start a GA of his own to match Thoth's extra production. However, I don't really think that this opportunity will arise quickly enough to play a role in the grimoire race.

-- Nyktorion

Last, I seem to have stirred up our four-way discussions quite a bit again:

Quote:WK - if you are willing to tolerate the Infernals there (and they're
game), I can see several ways for them to help with the war: they
could help us get Iron for parity with Thoth, help us get Entropy mana
to take away his Iron, perhaps directly help fight a bit. This all
assumes that you're willing and able to trust them, though, and
they're willing to join up.

- Mardoc

Quote:Hi all,

WarriorKnight's Sanctuary lasts for a whole 30 turns which does not scale with game speed--lasting longer than the current NAPs which you guys have with Thoth. WK has mentioned that Thoth had been scorching border tiles to desert, but it should be nothing Lanun's adepts cant handle easily with Spring. If we intend to proceed with the dogpile, we might want to consider doing so while Sanctuary is still in effect.

And just in case anyone missed it, Thoth had just swapped to AV and completed the pact in 1 turn. I'm pretty sure he's running straight for the Grimoire.


Quote:Hi all

Hyborem declared war and immediately sent units towards one of my backline cities. I was forced to cast Sanctuary in response to avoid losing anything. Even though I've had no contact with him I highly doubt he will make peace with me without some sort of land concession on my part since he's extremely cramped. Since I'm not willing to give him that and forced me to cast my worldspell I intend to kill him. I see that he's already lent Iron to Heisenburg though, so maybe some of you can ask for stuff individually. (He can't supply units against Thoth since he can't go through me while Sanctuary is active, and besides, 4-5 units won't be of much help anyway)

You don't need to worry about helping me eliminate the Infernals, I should be able to manage it myself with little effort. I'm guessing it'll only take 5 turns or so.

As for Thoth, Sanctuary may indeed be helpful against him. However, since I probably won't be able to reach his cities in 1 turn (Heisenburg, he's scorched tiles inside his culture where I can't spring them, so it's not as simple to dismiss as that) it probably won't change too much unless I can capture a city or two.

BTW, Thoth started a GA so he's pretty much got a lock on the Grimiore. If your curious what his Adaptive trait is now, it's Organized.



Good to hear you're doing well on the Infernal front, WK.
Yep, I've noticed that he has indeed triggered a GA, and seems intent on rushing for the Grimoire--looks like he might get it before me.



yup, good to hear that the infernals won't be too much of a distraction.
The prospects about the Grimoire and Thoth probably getting malevolent designs are rather bad, though; how much hope is there left on your side to win the race, Heisenberg? Beasts of Agares, Eidolons, and Mardero are quite strong adversaries. The only things I see to remedy this are the collateral situation (I already have a few 8-9 XP adepts looking forward to maelstrom and fireball, while Thoth only has catapults in that department) and the fact that Eidolons require Iron. If I could just take or raze Golden Igloo relatively soon...

-- Nyktorion

Quote:The only things I see to remedy this are the collateral situation

Sadly, Thoth can build Ritualists now so he won't have a problem in the collateral department.



Okay, my own collateral reaches a bit further (assuming Spell Extension I in the fireball case), but right, that won't help too much once I have to enter Malakim territory. Also, Ritualists don't have to wait for 10XP.

Hmm... I'm running out of ideas on how to deal with Malevolent Designs :-(

-- Nyktorion

Turn 148

Foreign news: Mardoc has researched Alteration this turn, so he probably likes himself some body/enchantment mana, too. WarriorKnight researched Poisons, which is a bit more tricky to read: after all, the Elohim don't get actual assassins, but the non-marksman devouts, instead. Is he planning to get some confessors who are capable of casting life magic?

WarriorKnight is continuing to move up on Dis:

[Image: D11rG.jpg]

Not much else to specifically report from the actual turn, so I'll give two status updates. First, more adepts are moving closer towards 10XP, but none of them actually passed that threshold yet:

[Image: FbxpF.jpg]

Second, the demo:

[Image: A1Yp3.jpg]

Looks like I'm falling back again. And considering that the Lanun and Malakim already have 15 cities each (versus my own 12), and some important cities (Evermore, Hyll) can't enjoy their full vertical growth potential due to the coast, I need some more territory again. So, if in any way possible, I should look whether Thoth can be defeated, and then, to not only raze, but rather take cities of him.


Mardoc responded nice-soundingly in the four-way discussion to my concerns about the infernal grimoire:

Quote:Honestly, collateral tends to mean that whoever hits first, wins.
Especially once you add in disposable summons, which I assume you have
a few of, Nyktorion wink. The trick is maneuvering correctly to ensure
you get to collateral him to redline and then hit first., but that's
going to be the same whether you're killing Priests or a Hero Chariot
or Eidolons.

Remember that all of the units we're nervous about are national units,
too, so he literally can't have that many of them.

Plus, of course, Feynmann does have a turn headstart, is ahead in the
turn order, both of which might add up to enough of an advantage. So
don't go panicking yet!

- Mardoc

Still, I have reservations about those strong units; and the point I'd like to get across: I'd really prefer if Thoth didn't get the grimoire.

Quote:Right - and considering that Thoth did not get RAI, and both of our border cities are buffered by a a cultural radius of 3, the defender will almost certainly have the first strike if one of us just decides to march upon the other's city; so I don have *that* much to fear. I just hope that my collateral and summons will actually be enough against those really strong national units...

Anyway, Thoth still losing the grimoire race would be the even better option smile

-- Nyktorion

Then, the body and air mana transfers to WarriorKnight and Mardoc, respectively, have become cancellable by now. Still, I don't need these manas just yet, so take the opportunity to be nice to my allies.

Message to WarriorKnight:


my body mana transfer to you has passed the first 10 turns. However, I don't need it right now yet, so I'll only cancel it two turns from now.

-- Nyktorion

Message to Mardoc:


my air mana transfer has passed its 10 turns; however, I don't need your transfer of air mana just yet: I dont have any 10 XP adepts yet, but quite a few of them are sitting at 8-9XP. I'd like to both cancel my air mana transfer and ask for your own air mana as soon as some of the adepts get their 10th experience point. Would that be okay?

-- Nyktorion

His response:

Quote:Yes, that's fine. Ideally you could wait two more turns for my last
batch of adepts to come out; I've been assuming I would give you back
air mana on T149 so that any upgrades planned T150 would get the free
Air I, but if you need it sooner, so be it. Best of luck on their
personal growth!

On a different subject, would you be willing to sign a NAP with me?
I'm thinking something like until 25 turns after Thoth has been
defeated; I'd really rather you not come after me next.

- Mardoc

Hmm, that's a difficult-to-answer proposal. I can't really estimate yet how the global situation will look like after our war with Thoth. Also, there are several possibilities how that war can end, and not all of those involve peace with all parties at the same time - how would those be handled. On the other hand, Mardoc not diverting resources to the defence against a possible follow-up attack by me would help our cause to prevent a runaway. I have to think about this...

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