Ok, looking through the thread a couple of things sprung out at me:
Meiz Wrote:---
Then there is Catwalk, and I'm totally agreeing with Selrahc's comments regarding him. I find it odd that you had to underline the difference in your play style by yourself. Better to do it quickly before anyone else points a finger at it?
Based on everyone's descriptions of Catwalk as an erratic player with lots of crazy ideas in previous WW games (and knowing about how many ideas he comes up ith from 29g), I think this argument doesn't carry a lot of weight if Catwalk is a werewolf.
Firstly, he did underline it himself almost immediately, it wasn't an accident and noone prompted him beforehand.
If he was playing a wolf why would he change his behaviour? His previously erratic gameplay has reportedly been damaging for the village and it fits in with his previous patterns; thus arousing less suspiscion.
If he was playing as a villager then he may wish to change his pattern so as not to damage the villages chances.
Has had quite a few posts, none of which added up to very much at all. Most of them have been one word accusations, and even his latest has no real arguments, just 'feelings'. Sure it could be that he is new to the game, but maybe he is just coasting along playing that card, hoping to be in the middle of the pack for posts.
Finally, Zakalwe
Based on what has been said in this thread he was a fearsome werewolf hunter in previous games. In his previous games was he always this cryptic? It seems to me that a great way to misdirect the village would be to write down difficult to understand opinions (Toxic scorpion???) and hope everybody searches too hard for hidden meanings.
Conclusion of this, I think Catwalk reads innocent, Tasunke- possibly suspicious and
Zakalwe pretty suspicious.
As far as everyone else goes, I don't have a thorough read or much to add to previously stated arguments.
Finally, addressing scooters concern on my lack of posting:
I'm new to the game and relatively new to the forums, I didn't want to take the lead and didn't have much of a read on people earlier. I didn't really want to cause too much damage and lead people off on complete tangents due to an inaccurate reading of the situation. I also seem to have the 'newbie out of jail free card' so I felt relatively safe not posting very much and having my vote be for a purely RP random reason (Rowain for different religion).