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Pitboss 18 IT and Tech Issues Thread

So, here's the thing. First, my playing window is extremely limited these days. Basically, I can only play on my lunch break. So, I only could replay the turn now. Hopefully, AT will have time to play before the turn rolls

Secondly, there was a key 50% battle I needed to win this turn. When I played the turn the first time, I won it flawlessly. This time I lost it. I don't particularly care, because I lost the game already, but if this happens to someone in contention for the win, this kind of things can lead to losing interest much more than slow turns I think. So please, please, cut down on unnecessary reloads. Reload because of a technical issue is obviously necessary. Second reload because the first reload inconvenienced someone is not

Yeah, that sucks. shakehead In this case novice reacted very fast so
a) reading tech thread could have stopped you from playing
b) stating after you played in tech thread (or PMing admin/Caledorn) that reload does not really make sense, because somebody needs to roll battles anyways again, might have stopped the 2nd reload
Note that I'm not strongly stating that you should have acted too much differently, just speculating. Reloads tend to cause problems unless people actively follow tech thread and our civstats replacement, which sounds difficult with your limited time. Consequently, I'm sorry for this screwing your game. rolleye
PBEM 45G, PB 13, PB 18, PB 38 & PB 49

Top 3 favorite turns: 
#1, #2, #3

Nah, attacking Rome during Praetorians time was what screwed up my game :P

I posted my full thoughts on the situation in my lurker thread if the lurkers are interested--my spoiler-free summary is that I feel that I should favored since I played before any reloads happened, and since reloading to something other than the latest autosave is non-standard practice, but I have an obvious bias here.

I need to point out a few things here.

I reloaded to an earlier savegame, and not the latest one, because in the past I've experienced that I have needed to reload games later on because of the error message that occured. I don't understand all the quirks in the Pitboss software, and there is obviously a lot of them, but I have learned a lot about how to avoid issues for games when it comes to reloading due to various crash situations. When I read the post in this thread, after I had reloaded, about the problems this caused for one player who had played war turns, I took a host decision where I decided that I would reload the game to the last autosave and hope that it doesn't cause problems down the road (we are potentially looking at having to reload to the start of this turn in 2-3 turns - but that has only happened once before, so the risk is minimal). So there's the explanation for that.

Now, not to be insensitive or anything, as I know it can be difficult enough to find time to play the turns in a hectic life - but please take 2 minutes to just check the tech thread before playing your turn. If you see there has been a recent reload, then perhaps it is a good idea to wait a few hours before playing war-heavy turns (unless you are willing to take the risk of having to replay the turn). We have had plenty of situations, both in this game and others, where we've had to reload to earlier saves due to various reasons (the main one being technical ones), so it isn't a big surprise that stuff shows up along the road - and especially not in a Pitboss of this magnitude where we fully know we are stretching the Pitboss engine to the very extreme. If checking the forums is difficult as your computer time might be limited, then I suggest installing Tapatalk on a smartphone or tablet. Tapatalk exists both for iOs and Android devices (not sure about other mobile platforms), and is a free app for both environments. You can set up Tapatalk to give you notifications for thread updates for the threads you are following, so that you can just press the notification and be taken directly to the thread.

Finally, please give me the trust that I have the necessary experience with the various errors the Pitboss spits out when it crashes to know what the best course of action is. I would normally not have done a second reload in a situation like this, but my explanation above explains why I decided to do it anyways. I might regret that in a few days, and probably everyone else will too in that case, but I feel pretty safe that it's okay, as we should already have begun to notice problems if anything like that previous incident was true here.
As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master. - Commissioner Pravin Lal, "U.N. Declaration of Rights"

(September 4th, 2014, 09:24)Fintourist Wrote: Yeah, that sucks. shakehead In this case novice reacted very fast so
a) reading tech thread could have stopped you from playing
b) stating after you played in tech thread (or PMing admin/Caledorn) that reload does not really make sense, because somebody needs to roll battles anyways again, might have stopped the 2nd reload
Note that I'm not strongly stating that you should have acted too much differently, just speculating. Reloads tend to cause problems unless people actively follow tech thread and our civstats replacement, which sounds difficult with your limited time. Consequently, I'm sorry for this screwing your game. rolleye

And of course I too am sorry about messing up your game, yuris.

I am quoting this post by Fintourist as he is spot on. I would most likely not have done that second reload if you had posted that you would be left in the same situation as I would then have had to ask someone not playing to make an admin decision on it. It's too late to do anything about it now, but in hindsight I hope everyone takes note of what I wrote in my last post, and this.
As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master. - Commissioner Pravin Lal, "U.N. Declaration of Rights"

I'm waiting on a turn split. As I understand it, I may be within my rights to play now, but I will play in 3-4 hours if nothing has changed.

Playing now, do we need to pause for Krill/Novice? Forgot to hit end turn?

Timer down to 30mins, should I play for MYKI?

Edit: Well I did it anyways. Turn rolled.

We can make it official for Barry now. GG
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

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