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Caster of Magic II Bug Reports!

Quote:13. With drought on my town, and 12K current population with 7K max population, I still get the +90 Race and +50 Farmer’s Market pop growth. I think those should be 0, since if the current pop = max pop then they are 0 already. Reproduce from Drought.sav. See town 15 2E5

The city is producing enough food so it uses the normal "growth" formula instead of the "shrinking" formula.

Cities that have max or higher population override positive growth by deleting all growth calculations and overriding the result to be zero.

However this city has negative growth using the normal growth formula, so it's not replaced by zero.

This seems to be the expected behaviour....or not.

The spells says the city "will shrink by 120 each turn". Not in addition to but instead of the normal growth. Assuming the spell description was the intended behaviour, this does need fixing.
Doomsday however does say "shrink by an additional 200" so I'm not sure, that might just be a description problem.

The main question is, which one do we want?
1. Cities with Farmer's Markets and higher natural growth races being more resistant to Drought and Doomsday or
2. The spells being equally powerful regardless of race and Farmer's Market.
3. Doomsday does the second but Drought does the first.

Maybe it's best if we keep the two spells consistent. I do like Farmer's Markets and race being relevant against Drought as well. But that might make Drought underpowered and I doubt my original intention was cities with a fast growing race and a Farmer's Market not shrinking at all.

Edit : I think the best option is to negate the racial growth bonus but keep the Farmer's Market (or other building or spell effects) as well as the base growth (which is negative).
That changes the text of the spell to this :
"If the city exceeds the maximal population, it will shrink at a rate of an additional -120 people per turn and racial growth rates are negated."

This effectively makes cities without a Farmer's Market shrink by 120 or more, and cities with one by 70 or more which is still 7 to 15 turns of losing one unit of population, does not sound overpowered.

Quote:14. Outpost growth formula does not seem to be accurate. With max pop 12, barbarian race it should have grown to >1000  with 100% chance from 1513Sep to 1514Jun, but it displays only 8 houses, so it is <900. Reproduce from BeforeGrowth.sav, AfterGrowth.sav, No spell and no resources. Manual’s formula is also wrong on this due to parentheses do not match.

Script code matches the formula.

Barbarian with 12 max pop should be

(12+10)*2*((100+30)/100) = 22*2*1.3 = 57

That takes 12.2 turns to grow from 300 to 1000. Seems to work as intended. I suspect you used the city growth rate instead of the outpost growth rate for the race modifier.

Quote:15. I Possessed an enemy Halberdiers who took melee damage. Then I cast Healing on them with my Shamans and it returned 0 hearts to them.
Reproduce from PossessedCantBeHealed.
Press next turn. Horus will attack. Cast Possession on the best Halberdiers. Flame Blade by my Wizard worked on the same unit though.

Unable to reproduce. Your army has only spearmen so I don't really have a way to deal melee damage. That halberdier has buffs on it too, even the bowmen barely manage to deal 1 damage to it. I did possess it and cast healing on it and the spell resolved. (There was no damage to heal but the source breakpoint on healing triggered to prove the spell wasn't blocked by targeting problems.)
There is no direct interaction between the healing effect and the owner of the unit or any enchantment flags on them.
I don't see sources of irrecoverable damage in your spellbook either though and zombie damage should not block healing.

Quote:17. When AI hero had Lionheart, Heroism, and Endurance it raised its HP from 13 to 26. I killed it with Dispel Magic, Fire Bolts, and Possessed Slingers. AI cast Raise Dead on it, but it only came to life with 2HP. Apparently the spells bugged the calculation of new HP. Reproduce from LionheartRaiseDead.sav. Press End Turn and Red AI should attack with Golden One.
I was able to confirm this one.
While there is a unit stat recalculation call after the enchantment removal, the unit is only revived later, and dead units skip recalculations. So the buffs were still counted into the maxhp when setting the damage. I'll move setting the alive status forward.

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