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Alhambram toast his first PBEM game with Russian vodka

Turn 178:

Woden's city of Dwarfs did shoot at my heavy wounded Cossack, it barely survived and I brought it in safety, still no killed Cossacks till now.
There were two things that I wasn't happy about it: firstly Angelica auto converted or Woden did sneak in a missionary and it went back to Norse Mythology, maddening!
Secondly Woden finally got civic engineering and all of his cities got 200 fortification. Did that happen at turn 160, start of war then I was very worried.
But now I got Cossack Corps and I did carefully managing using bonuses boosting their strength over 90, fortification of 200 that is nothing to worry for me now, Dwarfs was simply one shot this turn:
But there was one good reason that I were able to do this: it lacked a defender. So Splash Mountain and Small World shall be tough nut to crack. I need to heal all of my units to their max health before attacking one of those cities. While my units are healing, I converted Small World this turn and next turn maybe Splash Mountain depending dice roll. My apostle is protected by Cossack Corps and also it is chained so my apostle is also immune for zone control now. If I manages to convert Splash Mountain next turn, then I shall convert Theodosia. That blocking infantry corps isn't a problem since my missionary do get enough movement points due logistics. If oledavy don't found religion next turn and Splash Mountain and Theodosia are converted then it is game over.

I was able to take little revenge this turn: firstly that Woden's frigate. It decided to pillage fishing spot between two cities and it was its last action since my two cites bombarded it and Woden's frigate sank.
And I recalled seeing oledavy's scout previous turn and I decided to hunt it down for a little payback for killing my scout.
My Cossack found it, killed it in oledavy's lands and returned all way to my lands safely. Notice how far he can run (blue lines), if I wanted it could attack Lafayette.

Empire overview:

Turn 179:

Oh, attacked Hattusa and captured it resulting in 200 fortification, just glancing at Singaboy's army I know that he won't take Hattusa fast. 
(if you ask me, it is a cheesy move: firstly deny capturing Hattusa by blocking it and then attacking it resulting in 200 fortification, cheesy but effective and I am certainly not happy about it).
With this oledavy sits firmly at 17 cities and 8 converted cities, one more city! What about Theodosia, unfortunately I was fooled by game design:
It was indicated whole time that tile southwest of Theodosia was empty and I thought that I could run to it, but it turned out be another infantry hiding there, so no converting Theodosia.
I snapped and decided a risky move:
Next turn missionary goes to cotton tile unguarded and at turn 181 it can convert Madison or Mt Vernon. Speaking about Mt Vernon, together with Georgetown it has been long almost converted status, so they should be converted already by now!, maddening! rant
EDIT: no, it can't be converted upon turn 181 due zone of control I think, fortunately with something in mind I already sent knight in direction of Helicegrad and thus my missionary shall be able to convert Madison at turn 182. (not Mt Vernon since not starting upon my lands means no logistics) I really need to calm my mind before I slip away victory from my gasp.
Since oledavy isn't converted this turn, I decided to not convert Splash Mountain, Cossack Corps is quite injured and he won't survive if attacked by city garrison and infantry combo again, so I took it outside range of city garrison and also purchased missionary previous turn arrived next apostle, so next turn no dice roll in Splash mountain but 100% conversion.
And to improve oledavy's conversion chances next turn, I shall one shot oledavy's city of Angelica which Weedy Movement isn't majority. But terrain is difficult with choke points, I might take it just at turn 181.

Well one thing is certainly: oledavy surely posses a lot tenacity of veteran, that is one of reason why I pinned him as one of favorites at beginning of this thread. 
I completed economics and started replaceable parts, due in 6 turns. 

Empire overview at northern part of my empire where my army is healing and ready to take Angelica next turn.

Turn 180:

My mind completely broke down and I am afraid that I just sent my Cossacks to their deaths.
Angelica shall fall next turn, but I shall pay very heavy price.

The reason: Mt Vernon finally auto converted and 9 of 18 oledavy's cities are converted, just one more or less city! I am seeing victory dangling before my eyes and it is within inches of my grasp. You could say that I jumped in pit while trying grab that victory dangling before me. 

I still have one more trump card: missionary to Madison chained with knight, it shall convert city at turn 182. But seriously oledavy is waiting very long with his another holy site project, I don't know when he shall finish it. Past turns and this turns are simply bad for my mental state! 

A little light in this dark turn is that Singaboy declared war to oledavy and is attempting to take Hattusa.

Turn 181:

None of my Cossacks was killed and I took Angelica and oledavy didn't found religion, but....

EDIT: Woden, if you are reading this, I apologize for lashing out towards you. I was extremely stressed with religious victory so close and you did prevent it.

I found one of culprits when my Russian borders expanded upon conquest of Angelica, my Cossack with very long running range got rid of it and returned to Angelica to heal.

Well, if oledavy don't yet found religion next turn, I still have two possible shots: hopefully Georgetown shall auto convert due pressure similar as Mt. Vernon. Or this:
I shall convert Madison if oledavy don't manage to block it similar as Theodosia, I have two tiles within 3 tiles where my missionary can run and convert.

dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing I WIN PBEM 2 WITH RELIGIOUS VICTORY!!! dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing dancing

Turn details follows soon!

Congratulations! Well played!

Nicely done!

Thanks for all your detailed and entertaining reports!
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Excellent game! Thoroughly enjoyed following along and was on the edge of my seat with the suspense multiple times!

Turn 182 (WINNING TURN!)

I was nervous when I opened my save, I knew that I had 4 possible dice rolls.
First one was auto roll whether Georgetown would automatically converted and it didn't happen, 3 dice rolls left.

oledavy didn't found religion yet and I checked every city, no more shenanigans from Woden. So Madison converted would give me needed majority of weedy movement in oledavy's cities.
As you can see, zone of control could stop missionary, but by chaining to a cavalry unit, missionary also becomes immune for zone of control and I clicked upon spread religion and hoped a good dice roll and result:
Converted Madison and converted oledavy! Woden remains!
Well, my apostle moved in and converted with proselytizer, in case that dice roll fail, I still got back up missionary waiting nearby.
I clicked upon spread and it turned out be last click of this memorable PBEM for me and victory move started!

Since you may not find it in my thread for a little while Alhambram, I just wanted to let you know, I was going to found my religion this turn (t183). 

I'm not sure if you knew this, but when you found a religion, every city with a Holy Site gets it for a majority of that city's population. In which case founding it would have cleared Weedy Movement out of 3 of my cities. If your missionary had been one turn slower, or Mt. Vernon hadn't coinflipped, we would actually have gotten to play out our modern war. I'm not sure if you realized how close it was, but I certainly was biting my nails every turn  lol It had to be an amazing finish to lurk, I'll say that. 

Anyway, congratulations on your win - well earned. You were a fearsome opponent and playing you was a pleasure.

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