September 11th, 2021, 14:46
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Im start thinking we should break the turn split between josh and me, i have no units close to Berlin nor Hamburg and he has none close to Essen, for now there is impossible to mess with the other. Can i break this turn split?
September 13th, 2021, 06:12
(This post was last modified: September 13th, 2021, 06:14 by vanrober.)
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Turn 120-121
This turns ive been playing late nights and didnt feel like writting down reports.
But i cannot let this happen so here is one.
On turn 120 i took Essen and missplayed it a bit, atacking with a chariot instead of a HA, It doesnt really matter since i took it. Right now i need to heal my stack and thinking what to do with it. Amica/Josh didnt answer my fish fish trade, but its not only on them, ive tried diplo with bellarch and jack and others and i have no message back. Im afraid of their are aming me as target. So im moving several sentries towards them and whiping forges into crossbows.
Right now i have 21 cities and im first on GNP PROD and FOOD, so im whiping down several cities so the advantage is really small, also stop doing binary to hide my GNP, so this turn im 2nd.
This is my last city
As im afraid of the lack of diplo, my plan is to trade things although i dont need them so i look more nice than before. In that sense im offering silver to bellarch and fish fish (but he has no fish, so i did it with crab since im blind and i didnt see the clams), and ill trade sugar for wine to jack afterwards. My plan is that if Bellarch atacks me, Jack can backstabb bellarch. In reality i want them both stay in a permawar, but im not sure thats going to happen. I really want to stay in peace with josh, but our long front will need to explote in some point, but facing praets in defense is hard. Ill need tons of cats and knights to do so... Also the empty space between bellarch and me is really nice, and make no tension between us which i hope it means he doesnt atack me, thats the main reason for making the next city in the forst tile, it will make no tension and ill be able to slowly buildup a defence there. Also that city will finish my list of names, it will be honeysuckle.
In Lily im wondering whether i should make Artemise or not, more GPpoints sounds good, and more gold seems nice too in the city with merchant, but if there is coming a dogpile maybe units its better, that city has no barracs yet, so that would be the other option. Talking about EPs, i could get in 20 turns a GE in the capitol 100% which would mean free taj, the problem is slowing a GA from other cities, so maybe i could risk a bit and work some scientist to make it sooner, but if i get a low odds roll ill be really upset... Not sure what to do.
Talking about tech, i finally decided to finish Calendar before Engeneering, i think getting some more happy in case i need to keep the whip for a defense is the smarter play, im also looking after getting serfdom in a couple of turns so in case i need to comeback to slavery i can. It means 11 gold and a couple of extra hammers while making use of my 20 workers faster, there is a lot to improve in Jesse and Rekenners land yet.
In Holly i decided to dry whip a monument, it had 1 unhappy, and was starbing, and the extra culture will make the city get borders pop faster and work his good tiles faster, the little OF (around 30) will make hopefully (if i did my maths well) 1 turn lighthouse, after the wine ill chop the silk into the granary once i get calendar done.
Im sad that the weird mechanism of culture doesnt allow me to start working those cottages and start getting some growth in Primrose, Josh/amica took Berling last turn which means this turn my borders could have grown... but they didnt somehow.
Also i forgot to say that Bellarch took MoM 3 turns ago, sadly, as i expected. I had hoped that JAck could get it since he got calendar faster.
I messed up the micro of Violet and im not making the missionary in 1 turn because of 2 hammers, im so sad.
September 13th, 2021, 20:01
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Turn 122
Finally got diplo from Josh, but not really sure of the meaning
I wanna guess that he is with peacefull intentions with me. And thats good enough for me.
Not much to say otherwise, demos are pretty much the same, i ve kept whiping stuff, and i am planning to get sefdom in 2 or 3 turns after whiping a lot of stuff for another 5 turns, not like its going to make a huge difference but you know, a bit of help with gold and hammers and work labour is good enough, i wont make any road and i will just improve tiles.
Tech plan is getting engeneering and then go for the free artist for a GA while getting the GE for taj, then get guilds and banking to get lib afterwards. It might be a bit too greedy though, but we will see, i would also like to get AP, but... well ill abstain to make any spoiler of PB60.
Bellarch took the trade of silver, so i hope he see me like a nice neighbour instead of the one that extorted him to get 8gpt... although now im giving much more than that... I also thoguth to extort him a bit more, since he is just giving me 1g or 2 in traderoutes and maybe get 10 instead of those 8, but i think it makes not much sense to make a enemy right now. So instead ill try to focus on being nice and get a better possition before they realize they best way to stop me is dogpiling me. SO the plan is be nice with bellarch and josh until i am unstopable... Although this is the first time i get to calendar, so from now one is my complete first time, and i am afraid ill mess up a lot. A bit like Mjmd in PB52, at least there is not OH/Pindi to break my hopes in this game... Although Mjmd helping bellarch is more or less that...
September 14th, 2021, 17:38
(This post was last modified: September 14th, 2021, 17:42 by vanrober.)
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Turn 123
I am a bit afraid of Bellarch and Josh right now, Josh will get Jesse in 1 or 2 turns and he is still making praets when his economy is already broken, he has to consolidate if he wants to be decesive in this game. He has a good chunk of land and really good land, he can speed it up whiping crazily with cha and still be good on defence while growing with some praets that are really hard to kill. But then Bellarch moved all his troops south, so he is or atacking Bing or me, and im afraid its me, eventhough I didnt settle the space in between not to annoy him. I didnt know if i should say something like coper ivory since his stack is axes and phants, but I didnt want he takes it as a threat of any kind and ill just get some more crossbows, for defence. Because of this, i didnt know if going engeneering as i thought some turns ago, or it would be better to get feud and then guilds afterwards. But i thought engeneering would be much better for defence right now, it might seem crazy, but if you take the time to see how many turns my units need to spend to defend Jesse or Rekenners land you will understand the need of an extra move for my units. So ill take engeneering first (8 turns) and after that ill see if getting more eco buildigns or the need of guilds asap for defensive purposes.
In case i see bellarch units coming towards me ill try to make war peace to see his intentions, and getting the second half in the war, i think that will be really important if there is a dogpile coming. The problem of war peacing for exemple josh, is that ill lose so much gold, right now i have just 2 TR with bellarch worth 3g each, that is 4 gold which would be still annoying. But better lose gold than the game i guess. Im delaying serfdom until i see i can spend 5 turns without whiping units, which seems far right now.
The is the total EPs ive used, right now it will take 1 or 2 turns to get josh city vis, which will be so important for defence. Maybe im looking a bit paranoid right now, but i really feel its now or never for them.
Bellarch is making 95gpt, which might not be 100%, not sure since he is getting 1turn monarchy either way. On gnp graphs he is not the first since so long, so maybe im wrong and he is not as good on eco as i first thought. The one that got crazy GNP is JAck.
And finally, before i forget, finally RNGesus gave me some luck! I got a new source of copper giving me 2 extra hammers in Heather!!!!
Edit, i forgot to mention about the ToA, maybe bellarch is building it since it has a good sinergy with TGLH and i am slowly building it, for 2 reasons, first because i prefere fail gold than the wonder itself and second because it gives 5 GGpoints and that would screw my GE plan, so i put 2 chops into it since the silk will be get a plantation, and im working no mines so that i can get now a lot of gold and i get as much as failgold as possible, then ill slowbuild it until i can get 5 extra GP without messing the plan.
September 15th, 2021, 01:24
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So that ToA build is in Rose itself? Because else the 5 GPP shouldn't be a problem (but otoh if you don't want them why build ToA?)
What is the plan for the engineer? (Sorry if I missed it)
September 15th, 2021, 01:39
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The engineer was going to Taj; I think Vanrober wants to build ToA but only after the engineer is birthed?
September 15th, 2021, 03:28
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(September 15th, 2021, 01:24)Miguelito Wrote: So that ToA build is in Rose itself? Because else the 5 GPP shouldn't be a problem (but otoh if you don't want them why build ToA?)
What is the plan for the engineer? (Sorry if I missed it)
Im going to explain this better now (hopefully)
(September 15th, 2021, 01:39)Tarkeel Wrote: The engineer was going to Taj; I think Vanrober wants to build ToA but only after the engineer is birthed?
Thanks Tarkeel, you did understand!
So my plan for ToA in Lili was for 3 reasons, first the city is coastal, and it will make more profit in a coastal city (circunnav) than in main land and also lily has market (the only city with one right now), and secondary i thought Lily to be my NE city, it has already 3GP/turn pasively and with ToA will be 8GP/turn which is a lot i would say. Also Lily had 2 forest to chop into the wonder, which wasnt completely necessary but it helps.
The problem i was afraid of is puting some GS specialist in Rose, making the GP happening before but adding some odds of GS wasnt good for me, i want a GE so i thought making it pure although slow was worth. Maybe it isnt. So i want to make ToA when the 8 GP/turn are unable to get ahead of the GE of Rose, so its not like when i got already the GE its more when i can be sure i get the GE 100% as second GP of the game.
September 15th, 2021, 11:49
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Turn 124
Not many changes, this are the bellarch troops, not sure why he moved the stacks, they start being already decent, but he is not whiping crazy like planning an atack, so im taking it easy, looking at graphs it seems im behind on power for the loses to get Essen, but they didnt really builded up. Im start making some cats for defensive purposes, putting some xbows on their vision and thats all. Well also i ahve now his city vis, and he is trying to get CoL to get away his expenses and put some EPs on me, which i guess is fair enough.
Now i want to show one of the best cities of the game, Lily, beautiful gold making right now, as you se my plan is getting the wonder sooner than then GE but in that amount of turns this city wont beat rose on making the GE.
Finally decided to build the settler for bellarchs empty space, i saw josh making a settler, i guess he wants to be annoying again and settle on my face in a crapy spot... Ive sent him wine for sugar and fish fish so he remembers that im peaceful and nice.
Demos: First ine verything relevant at 0%, i keep 3 whiping forges, and probably going to sefdom in a couple of turns unless Bellarch and Josh do something crazy.
Next plan in diplo is giving spices free to jack. I want and need him strong holding bellarch. I think the land of Bellarch is clearly the best but the situation in the map is horrible, he has 4 fronts to defend although the josh one barely is 2 cities and my front is just 1, but still he needs to be careful with which war he gets into, since he can get dogpiled even easier than me.
I ve seen the josh capitol with 2 6f resources and i felt so bad. I guess he has a huge desert to compensate... but also gems in range...
September 16th, 2021, 05:09
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Turn 125
The worriness arrived. I think i decided properly to get engeneering, bellarch started a MoM GA and his gold will allow him to get guild by the time i get engeneering, and i think engeneering is much better against guilds than the other way around. he changed into serfdom so i did the same he try to get guilds and then convert back to slavery to make a bunch of units, so thats kind of my plan too, getting 15 gold from farms and a couple of hammers from mills is better than nothing, so ill make a huge catapult welcome to whoever wants to atack. His demos are crazy, he gets more than 200gpt i hope jack and josh get more worried about him than me, if jack reads the game properly he should backstab bellarch once he atacks me, i sent him another atack bellarch.
Also if it seems he is coming for me ill do the laz's strategy of PB60 getting police state to get units asap, the calendar resources should be good enough to hold the unhappines from quitting rep.
So Bellarch is moving a small stack i think with defensive purposes since the serfdom and GA and Guilds run.
Also im start taking in consideration the whips they are making
Josh gave me fish fish back but he has a chunck amount of units in the border of the old jesse land, they are injured but still its a good amount, i moved some more units towards that city inc ase he gets crazy and atacks. I think he will try to consolidate before atacking, or at least i would do so and so will do Amica i believe. I hope they are still in touch.
If they atack me just so i dont win Bellarch will win.
This is the global situation of gold and demos, the GA of belalrch is putting him ahead for the next 12 turns, my first ga is planned in 25 turns still, although i would be able to speed it up if i get the music artist, but then i wont have knights to fight them back, so im not sure if that is worth or not, evenmore if i need to whip, whiping on a GA makes no sense to me unless is my last option (in which ccase ill use the GE of the capitol)
September 16th, 2021, 18:19
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Turn 127
Not much to say, i dobled turned Bellarch since i am more awake now than in a few hours and if im as lucky as todaywe will play another 2 turns in 24 h and thats so pretty.
I say this because i cant know where he went with his units and if he whiped more or not this turn.
After growing a bit some cities and getting some more courthouses done i can actually make engeneering in 3 turns despite the 4 i thought so i saved 1 turn more gold than necesary, i hope that turn isnt massive.
This is another overview, i hope you enjoy it, i find them so usefull but they are not commons in the reports i usually see in other PBs.
Looking at this ive been thinking on making another filler that im really sure its worth building, the thing is that Holly is "too holly city" with too much food, that city needs speciallist or being Aztek to whip nonsense. So im thinking to get a city on the forest between Sage and holly to grab one of the food resources and also working coast to pay itself while whiping out something meanwhile, i have to figure out where the settler is going to come from.