Report from the Eastern Front[/SIZE]
My cannon-rifle stack finally reached the city of Plako. During the intervening turn, Rego assaulted it to try and kill off my cannons.
He assaulted with his airships, and then took out three of my drill I/drill II cannons with rifles attacking out of the city. The last battle was his GG rifle Subutai attacking my final drill II cannon at 94.5% odds.
That's pretty damn awesome, if I do say so myself
I used my four accuracy cannons and lowered the defenses of the Incan capital. My rifles and surviving drill cannon fortified on the tile. It's now all on Shoot:
If he fails, I can hopefully mop up with my rifles and cannons on my turn.
Shoot took the city of Mardoc on his turn, Rego is now down to three cities.
Darrell gifted me a destroyer, and just in time as well. Rego killed the
HMS Lend Lease at 44.6% odds.
I moved the destroyer into Ilios to threaten them next turn. Seems I now owe Darrell a destroyer.
In the south, my forces are assembling for the attack on Commodore. I now have three destroyers - and an additional one finishing next turn - to cover the landing force. Darrell a squadron of his own warships hanging around Pitcairn island, and said he would move them further west on his turn to cover my attack.
I need to consider how much I want to leverage the Apostolic Palace. I don't think I'm going to be researching Mass Media anytime soon, temples are pretty cheap, and happiness is always cool.
The Home Front[/SIZE]
This is the first turn I started facing double digit war weariness in my core - +10 WW in Constantinople. I started running 20% on the culture slider to deal with it. Just two more turns to go.....
This wasn't helped by the fact that Shoot's golden age ended and
he revolted into Emancipation Wtf dude, we just got done with bitching at Darrell to get him out of it. He switched out of it at the conclusion of his last golden age to placate us, and now you're going to force him to endure a turn in anarchy to get out of it. Additionally, NoSpace was running Caste, but will now likely make an anarchy-free switch into emancipation and make me and Darrell's unhapiness problems even worse
Sketchy actions by my ally aside, here's my city screen.
Lots of economic builds!
Darrell told me he has no interest in re-settling the SevenSpirits and Pindicator locations, so I'm now sending my first pair of settlers there
I have to beat Shoot to them before we're locked into a game-long NAP. In total, I'm founding/refounding eight cities within the upcoming turns.
Quick note from the notification log, NoSpace got the Eiffel Tower. Like they needed another wonder
I ran 20% science to finish of Constitution. Next turn I'm running max science to hopefully one turn Corporation. NoSpace also researched Constitution on their turn.
Diplomacy - Game Over[/SIZE]
Darrell and I had a candid discussion earlier today over where this game is going after turn 150. He's considered the endgame, and correctly surmised that a world war with NoSpace would not benefit him and could only possibly throw the game to Shoot and me. He's fine with ending or continuing the game after Rego's defeat, as am I, so ultimately it will be up to NoSpace whether or not this game goes on. I think it will be a legitimate 'space race' between the two, either side could clinch it. It will all come down to who has the better micro. Darrell is planning on turtling up and building the spaceship, avoiding war at all costs - smart man. So, at this point, there are only three longshots I have at winning this game. There is no way I can integrate Rego's territory fast enough to reach tech parity and win the Space Race.
1. Backstab Darrell and initiate a dogpile on him with NoSpace.
2. Backstab Darrell and convince Shoot to go after NoSpace - so that this game ends in an epic 2v2 World War.
3. Wait until either Darrell or NoSpace launches their spaceship, pull a PB1/Mason maneuver to buy enough time to launch my own.
4. Longshot cultural victory.
This is where 'what would I do to try to win' comes into question. Right now, I am in no shape to go to war again. However, in about 20 turns I will be in good shape to go after someone if I so choose. However, any of these longshot attempts at victory other than number four would involve me backstabbing Darrell, which I really don't have the heart to do. It
is just a game and a world war would be fun - but he's always dealt with me pretty fairly. I really don't think I could stomach it. One, two and three also all presuppose existing conditions: the ability to get Shoot or NoSpace into the war, possessing commando mech infantry or modern armor, etc. While I'm not ruling them out, I would rather not do this. Darrell is floating the idea of a game-long NAP between all parties for a peaceful space race.
I feel like it may be too late to try for the fourth option, a cultural victory. However, it is something to keep in mind - especially since I'm making a late stab at the Sistine Chapel.
On the whole, this game has been a lot of fun for me, and I wouldn't mind it ending now on a relatively high note - the conclusion of a pretty sucessful war in which I gained a lot of territory. I would also love to finally have my play critiqued so I can improve my civ skills for future games.