What the hell is even happening this game? Is there more turn-split nonsense? Why has this suddenly become a contentious issue? I've been here for 7 years now and for the vast majority of that time, I can't remember there ever being this much of a problem with turn-splits. And no-one ever used to PM their enemies the turn they declare war like we (often) do now. Half the time the first warning I had that I had been attacked was seeing me lose a city in civstats.
Edit: That is to say, the PMing of war declarations should be something that reduces conflicts over turn-order, and yet said conflicts are increasing. I didn't mean to say that PMing war decs is bad.
Edit: That is to say, the PMing of war declarations should be something that reduces conflicts over turn-order, and yet said conflicts are increasing. I didn't mean to say that PMing war decs is bad.