I think the layout is gorgeous. Spoilered for those who want to discover it as the players explore.
Everyone has a lot of room to expand and it's going to be easy to know who's claimed more than their fair share. The only problem I spotted is the two crabs west/east of everyone's capitals where one will be orphaned.
No fur or gems should make CHA competitive. Did anyone pick it?
Couldn't see any other issues. You'll get complaints about how big it is once someone's running a 50-city empire. But that's their fault for conquering their neighbours.
Should I try to shrink it? I could narrow the whole mountain range center area by a tile or two on each side.
There's also no sugar. I put Gems in the Astronomy Islands, but now I'm thinking maybe i get rid of that and just keep the astronomy islands as high-food areas and leave out any special resources.
Ugh, so I guess it's not so simple. I think making the mountain range smaller actually makes the border more pronounced and part of what I wanted was a wide hilly range to not make the border quite so clean.
I did find that Superdeath had an extra silver that he should not have gotten, and tried to balance out the hills that Mjmd pointed out a little better.
Minor quibble - but Jowy's scout should have gone onto the grass hill, no? You get more sight for your opening settler decision that way, though you do end up a tile farther behind than what he moved.