Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Turn 29

Open the save 
,please please a good event


Nothing   cry

Settle new city , and check demos


Looks prety good.

First to 2 cities and next turn the ricerside wheat will be improved. 

Looks like Dave never stopped to get a second worker and with his not so performant workers  twirl he must be working at least 3-4 unimproved tiles, unfortunately from his food those unimproved tiles get 3 food, and we all know what that mean.

Another gold at maximum so we be be at 65 gold in case we get the  GP.

End turn, 2 mines worked please earth mana , please, please..


Well there are still many turns to came, i bet i get turn 150 when doesnt matter anymore. rolf

Turn 31

Open the save..., hoping in LAST FOR AN EVENT


 Nothing again, man this game gets very dull, slow pace not a single event, scout died to a griphon....

The only hope for some joy is when end turn , poping some preciuos metal from our 2 worked mines...

end turn. And  nothing.

 Lets take a look at demos

As you can see I am clear leader of  production, more then 2 times then the second( whats the other Dwarf doing? did he went an agrararian sociecity?, thats just crazy, his people will overtrow the goverment becasue of that, dwarfs like mines not the farms  yikes ), even more I am clear food hammer leader(as is normal with those fast workers) .

Lets discuss the neighbourhood now, which is just Dave right now, he is the 33 food guy and 2 hammers , he growth to size 8 last turn and produced another wariour so i think he ahs like 3 wariours and 1 scout(Dave is very caution and didnt launch him into the wild to became lunch for some griphon).

So, at 8 pop he invest 14 FH in sustain population and rest in worker/ setler .So if he builds a worker now(which is clear the right thing to do as he is working 4 unimproved tiles) he has 33-14 +2=21 / turn in worker so  3 turns. If he builds setler is a litle better  as those 2 became 4, but i doubt he will work flodplains over forested plains ..., so 90% he is on a worker, unles for example he got a happines and growth to 9 , will see that in 2 tuens if its the case.

Next update is about setling planes, as I got very few option becasue mapmaker decided to troll me with  hunting resource and even those are in frozen area(at leas put 2 hunting resources and more accesible and some food near then so will be worth research a near 300 beaker tech), but oh well i got used to get the short end near in all games I play.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Turn 33

Open save , no event of course, I see this game loves me alot...

Something wrong here  ???


And of course I see no pig on the map, and I just realized beside the capitol I have very few food around, happines near nothing.

I waited and I got no answer at my question, since when pigs need stables?

Turn 45.

I managed to get a city one turn before dave was about to setle. If he was setling there was game over for me as with 300 culture from legends he would have been 6 tiles from my capitol. For now the bulet was dodged.

i still got no freaking event or a mine poping something or even finfing something in the 4-5  mines i work every turn.


Actualy counting again the tiles I can see there were just 5 tiles with Dave culture crushing everithing.Even he setled somewere nearby and pus the legends, I already finished the monument and although that city will be like crushed , I amanged to secure land for some cities.

Decide to go with education as ther is not a single gold, gems, silk , dye , incense or something like that for me.

Turn 50/51

Usauly the big update thing.

DEMOS, look excelent for now, I am colecting gold with GK , as I just finished Education


Here are my glorious cities.


Capitol with DB already in function, to bad  Nauf decided to put no rice around me   scared , just got a setler for a helper city.


Second city which got nice wheat, and some riverside rivers which will be all cottaged ,will grow to 7 and after get me a setler(will take 14 turns but is ok)


This is a sacrificial city, and you might see the  unfarmed wheat, becasue any time now i expect dave to settle his third city and casts legends so I will just improve for him. He might just wait for me to improve it and cast it.

Dave just finished cartography and didnt revolted to city state , that means he plans to build something from there, the stoodges, which are actuly good units for defence and even offence, and this makes me more and more consider hunting as i remeber hunters get the 50% on thos giants.

T 55

Still no good event, no cash, no GP i start to think keeping those 75+ gold was a serious mistake on my part.I could had GK 2 turns earlier, hunting 3 turns earlier so right now could start on a hunter and not be panicked becasue of this...


Yes dave got a GS and used to turn in golden age , as well he got CS some turns ago and didnt revolt into that so only viable explanation he his building pact of nihorn, are those for scouting or for killing my city , dont know. I hope he doenst start a usseles war right now becasue he thinks I am a runnaway, well he might think that , but he didnt seen my bare land beside capitol.Next turn I will send open borders, map exchange(i think is not forbidden).

Here is the border with dave.


I want to get at least 5-6 wariours in that city as get my super warriour from west as first hunter out is some  7 turns to be produced and  and 9-10 turns to get to that city. Good news is he didnt finished the pact this turn and i suspect there is like  7 square to walk to here if he didnt roaded so i have some time.



I think this are ok considering dave is in golden age. Lets see if he wants to ruin my game just because I am Mackoti as he has nothing to gain righ now.I think in next 10 turns i can get 10 warriours there and from my experience those giants can get prety hight injured even atack at high odds. Of course I dont wanna build those units , but is about survive there.

T 56

Dave indeed finished the project, so barbarian are incoming, I should have tought myself about them as I cant build axes and 3 of those would have been stelar, well now is too late. 

Still no evend, beside the pegasus which has done nothing.

No shot with demos as i fall on third place on many things beside food, so someone out there is realy getting hammers.

Turn 58

Looks like dave decided to not kill me,


Why i said that becasue he got here just 2 giants and some unpromoted wariours.


I am falling in demos, looks like the other got far better land or was just  my misplay becasue i didnt went calendar, but remember mapmaked didnt blessed with me with any valuable resource at calendar or mining.

Auror got  RoK, a thing I wanted as well . but bordering  dave and facing this all this legends, made me to change the plan. I realy hope the others are in this kind of ealry conflict and pain off happines.

and even worse there will be centaurus so i must get BW a tech which doesnt do anithing for me, beside giving 1 strenght to warriours....

I just wanna say many thanks as looks like I have no pig on my map so no boar riders for me(they are good enough against centaurus as have 40%).And getting kurious so close.Why every single game i play there is a civ very close which tries to kill me ASAP?

Well, in the games where they don't attack you they tend to die pretty quick themselves. Actually in the games where they do attack that happens too...

TBH I'm not sure what they should do. Any advice?

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