Tough luck on the early exit I was enjoying your video reports!
[PB62 spoilers] BXL goes it alone
Basically, teching Animal Husbandry without then making a Chariot was fatal. I either had to make sure to win the warrior battles for early chariot, or go for Bronze Working immediately.
I lacked the experience to judge from the map what a bloodbath the first 40 turns could become. Got complacent.
Really a bummer about that, enjoyed your streams.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.
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Kind of you chaps to say so; i won't technically die for a few more turns so I suppose I'll post another video.
But this series won't be worth making the vids publicly viewable on youtube
Tough game, tight maps like this are unforgiving.
I enjoyed the video reports, hope to see some more in future games.
So how does one become a lurker? I'd like to lurk this game now.
Do you get to tacitly log in and spy on people's turns to see absolutely everything they do?
Not quite, there’s no observer mode built in. Lurking just means getting to read the other players’ threads. You can comment and ask questions but be careful not to leak any information to them.
Did you see naufragar's copper town before founding you own? From his thread it seems you did. At that point you needed to move down from the hill to settle directly on the copper and start chopping a vulture with your workers. You would have held fairly easily then.
Moreover, not switching to Slavery was a big mistake. A good time to do that is while your first settler is on the way. Please delete workers that can be captured. |