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Epic Eight - ARABIA

My webpage seemed to function less-than-optimally, so I moved my report here. I even cropped the images for more comfortable reading.

The link in my original post is also updated.

Sullla Wrote:Founding ON the cow tile? Is this Sirian in disguise playing? And you do realize that you referred to Egypt as "Spain" throughout your report, right? lol
I always seem to do that. I'm currently playing Adv ?? (not disclosed due to possible spoiler) and noticed that I was even thinking that way too. Hatty / Bella - same beast?
I have finally decided to put down some cash and register a website. It is Now I remain free to move the hosting options without having to change the name of the site.

(October 22nd, 2014, 10:52)Caledorn Wrote: And ruff is officially banned from playing in my games as a reward for ruining my big surprise by posting silly and correct theories in the PB18 tech thread.

Although your report isn't finished yet, it looks like you had things well in hand from a series of wars. That was a lot of good stuff out of the huts in the beginning of the game too! smile

One note about your report's style: the picture collage is an interesting idea, but it doesn't really work for me, I have to say. There are so many things going on, I really can't understand them. I hate to tell you that, because they look like they took a lot of time and effort to create, but it would be easier to follow if you separated them out into individual screenshots.

Thanks for the report. It looks like that ivory resource got a lot of use! wink
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Sorry to hear about your loss, but at least it sounds like a very close game. Going from last place to a position where you almost pulled out a win is quite a feat. I hope that you've had a chance to look at some of the other Arabian reports and see some of the various other possible strategies to get ahead. nod
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

thanks Sulla. I aperciate the compliments.

Thanks for the comments, Sulla. Yes, I can see that those screenshots collages can be a bit too much info on one pic if you haven't played the specific game yourself. I just wanted to get it pretty complete. I think my next report (if I ever find enough time to play and report!) will lose some minute detail in exchange for easier reading.
Anyway, I didn't finish the game or the report (business trip got in the way). I finished off Lizzy, and Hatty was left with one galley-found city, and I got to the TajM at about 1500AD. This was after a rebuilding period of a few turns. I had more than double the closest AI's area and population, was ahead on tech and would probably have a) started getting together a more modern army (the Arabian Knights the title of my report hints at) to take the land I needed for a domination victory, or b) since my relations with all the Civ's I haven't had war with was very good, I could try getting them to Friendly and go for the True Dimplomatic victory.
Maybe I'll finish the game in the near future, since I did have a lot of fun with this one, maybe even try both strategies named above.
Thanks for the game.

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