Posts: 14
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Joined: Jul 2007
Here's my introduction!
Two cows were walking around in a field.
One says "Man, that Mad Cow disease is pretty scary! What are you doing to keep yourself healthy?"
The other cow says "WRRRRRR I'm not a cow, I'm a helicopter!"
I'm that cow. =(
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Joined: Aug 2007
i'm Tanis. used to be an officer in fail but since my comp sux with lag i'm just a member ATM. anyways i'm not on to often with concerts and school but once i get my new comp built then i'll be up and goin and bein way more active. you can find me on...
Tanis-Silverpeak (nuker)
Demitrius Gervault (derv/war)
Serenity Assskicker (tank)
Boondock Saint Tony (rit master)
i have others but those are my most frequented (in that order)
August 17th, 2007, 22:23
(This post was last modified: August 24th, 2007, 17:53 by I I O W N E D I I.)
Posts: 4
Threads: 1
Joined: Mar 2007
Im I I O W N E D I I
See my sig for all my characters.
Proud member of Arch, and (afaik) Arch's oldest staying Aussie Member
Anywayz, gimme a shout if im on, but im in 2nd last yr of school and its starting to hit me so i think Studying COULD become my new obsession =(
Ill cyas around, and if ya need anything gimme a shout.. happy to help whenever im not buzy.
Oh BTW LUV 2 GVG so gimme a shout if u doin some.
Happy to be here, hope to see this allaince grow like a tree =)
EDIT: My wiki profile is:
Proud Officer of Archons Ascendants [Arch]
I I O W N E D I I W/
Luminarus Vitae Mo/
Luminarus Absentus E/
Assero Potentia P/
Awe Sin A/
Helion Silventus R/
Chera Novala Me/
Reap The Channels N/
Praeter Phasmatis Rt/
Sanctu Vici Excessus D/
Posts: 4
Threads: 2
Joined: Aug 2007
Hiyas all 8) /\/\aroo (Bruver Marauder) here! I am resident in the UK, so usually play during the hours of 10:00 am GMT and 02:00 am GMT.
These are my IGN's:
Baby Theo (Elonan Wa)
Bruver Marauder (Tyrian Mo)
Fela Anikopulo Kuti (Elonan De)
H Y P N O Bro (Elonan Me)
Kournan Queen (Tyrian Ra)
Mark Currie (Canthan Rt)
Runs With Spears (Elonan Pa)
Snotty Kid (Elonan Ne)
Spoilt Little Brat (Elonan El)
Ulcerous Sore (Tyrian Ne)
Hope to catch you in-game soon!
::: ' Bruver Marauder'[LIFE] ( Live) & ' Dora The Explorer' [ZoS] (Dev/Staging) 0=={========> [SIZE="1"] - - - Gwen: " Are we there yet?" - Frog: " Ribbit!"[/SIZE]
::: [SIZE="1"] GW: Prophecies = UAX: Toon #1: 1,415 Hours since Day 1 - Total Game Time: 5,334 hours over 27 months. - Subjugating Hero (7).[/SIZE]
Posts: 1
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Joined: Aug 2007
Many thanks for letting us into your alliance and will enjoy meeting you all !
Here are my IGN's : Sister Bow ®,Darkness Diva (N),Sister H E A L (M),Queen Jahai (E),Rosicrucian Ritual (Rt). I also have a storage spare account which is used from time to time by my son, Magical Marvel (E), Bruver Mason (W).
I am also the wife of Mark Currie (Maru). I enjoy all aspects of GW and can't wait for the GWEN weekend to start this Friday !!!!!
Speak to you all soon
Posts: 573
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Joined: Mar 2004
Hmmphh, I realized I hadn't posted in this thread yet.
I'm Hawkmoon, I've been hanging around RB since 2000, when we were all excited about Diablo 2 just coming out! My first foray into Variant Madness was in the "Friends of Sisyphus" team in Diablo 2: the object of which was to complete Hell difficulty at the lowest feasible character levels in Hardcore mode (meaning if you die, you're dead - no res possible). Thus the "Sisyphus" part of the title - he was the poor schmuck condemned to forever roll a boulder up a hill in Hades, and have it roll right back down. All of us on the team (Occhi, myself, Zed and CelticHound) went through more than one character and had to catch up to the rest of team during this odyssey. I was on my third barbarian when we managed to finish. So as a result of that exercise in masochism, I was pretty much hooked on this wacky place, and they still can't get rid of me!  But that's probably more than you wanted to know...
Anyhoo, I don't play GW nearly as much as I'd like - too many other things to take up my time (job, family - my husband and I have two sons, and I'm sure you can imagine the sort of time they take!). So I'm forced to take a rather casual attitude toward gaming, because I can usually only get online 2-3 times per week, alas. The good side of that is that I don't get bored with GW, because there's always something that I haven't done yet!
I haven't been around at all for the last month, due to being out of town, but now I'm back, and am looking forward to gaming with old friends and new. Glad to see that the alliance is growing.
The characters that I play the most are Rye Tchuss (monk), Spearhawk Moonmist (paragon), Duun Eddyne (ranger), and Wirr Ling (dervish). If we can get the Nudist team going again, then look for Arty In The Buff (elementalist). And perhaps with GW:EN, I'll resurrect my warrior and very first character (!), Hawkmoon of Realms.
C-ya in game!
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Joined: Aug 2007
Hello, my name is Ritual Suicide, ive been playing guild wars for about 2 years now, and am happy to be a part of this alliance.
My game time is utterly randomised, and my characters are the following:
Ritual Suicide - Necro
Feersum Mojo - Warrior
Ritual of the Wind - Dervish
The Botanist - Ranger
Usher of Souls - Monk
Wunder Bra - Mesmer
Whirring Blade - Assassin
Chip Demon - Ritualist
Ecclectic Sheep - Elementalist
P.S. Cant wait for the sneek peek weekend either!
Posts: 3,011
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Joined: Mar 2004
For those who followed a direct link to the GW sub forum, I would like to encourage you to come in from the Front Door and take a look around. You are welcomed to participate in any of the RB games and activities (as some of you already do ![[Image: thumbsup.gif]]( ).
If you stay inside this sub forum, you might be missing out! Example: We are currently gearing up for Hellgate: London, to be released on Halloween, which should be a load of hack and slash fun 
*gives Seijin the ![[Image: splat.gif]]( * for not having ventured outside of this sub forum all this time.
OMG, this is my 999th post. I must make my next (1000th) post meaningful. Yeah right
September 17th, 2007, 20:12
Posts: 4
Threads: 1
Joined: Sep 2007
I'm Ian, I'm 18 and the leader of KTHX. I love you guys, and I love me, not really sure how to introduce myself....but yeah...if you need me, contact me on Little Tourniquet.
September 29th, 2007, 14:01
Posts: 3
Threads: 1
Joined: Sep 2007
my Name's Hiru
Hey, im the *third* newest member of Arch. I love to PvP, but im pretty good at nuker in anytype of PvE. My IgNs are
Say No To School - Warrior
Archon Nuker - All Elements Elementalist
Sir Hiru - Fire Nuker
Tulacuecho Masteril - Nubby Warrior
Tula Master - Monk I barely Use
Ranger Hiru - LvL 6 Ranger (w00t)