Possible idea is to try 3 1s bow rangers with an orders/support derv. Rangers would need some self-survivability to help out, but with Unguent, Mending Touch, and Lightning Reflexes it shouldn't be too much of a problem. Will have to try that pretty soon though, if we want to use it since it'll either be nerfed or people will figure out the (rather) easy way to beat it.
On the plus side, 3 rangers with d-shot should be able to take out monk spike rather easily. Everyone fires d-shot when they shadowstep and at least one is bound to get lucky and hit Shove.
On the plus side, 3 rangers with d-shot should be able to take out monk spike rather easily. Everyone fires d-shot when they shadowstep and at least one is bound to get lucky and hit Shove.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
I live my life by Murphy's Law.