September 27th, 2005, 16:24
(This post was last modified: September 27th, 2005, 16:30 by KingOfPain.)
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I have taken Jill Flash E/W to post searing so she is ready for tonite. I think it would be great if we get together tonight for an informal run. Lets make the official start next week. People can still prep a character and join in next week. We would not have a problem back tracking a bit.
Looks like we can use another monky, at least as secondary
I was born in a cross-fire hurricane
And I howled at my ma in the driving rain,
But itâs all right now, in fact, itâs a gas!
But itâs all right. Iâm jumpinâ Jill Flash,
Itâs a gas! gas! gas!
I was raised by a toothless, bearded hag,
I was schooled with a strap right across my back,
But itâs all right now, in fact, itâs a gas!
But itâs all right, Iâm jumpinâ Jill Flash,
Itâs a gas! gas! gas!
I was drowned, I was washed up and left for dead.
I fell down to my feet and I saw they bled.
I frowned at the crumbs of a crust of bread.
Yeah, yeah, yeah
I was crowned with a spike right thru my head.
But itâs all right now, in fact, itâs a gas!
But itâs all right, Iâm jumpinâ Jill Flash,
Itâs a gas! gas! gas!
September 27th, 2005, 22:18
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Hmm... ok... I'm a bit confused about the team structure. Are these characters ones we'll only be using with the other team members during the designated time (like I had originally assumed they would be), or are we going to be playing on our own and getting together just for missions and some of the long/hard quests? The fact that everyone seems to have already started their chars and most have gone ahead and done pre-searing on their own seems to suggest the latter, which seems wrong; at least to me it does.
Really, I don't have any problem using that 4th character slot for a team-only character, I've still got plenty of stuff to go after with Thog and Wyrm with skills, build experimentation, etc. (Remy is pretty much done with all that). However, if this is going to be more of a casual get-together kind of thing, then there are several things I'd like to try out with the elementalist primary that do involve runes, armor, weapons... the whole package.
Anyways... it's getting late and I'm getting tired.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
September 28th, 2005, 08:38
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I thought the objective was to mostly play together. We all just got through pre-searing beforehand since (a) pre-searing has a 2 player party limit, not very useful and (b) that's what had been proposed previously.
Last night we had Hawkmoon, myself, KoP and a Mo/W whose name escapes me at the moment. We just did a few skill quests. At the rate we're going, it's going to be a long journey.
September 28th, 2005, 11:00
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I think El/Me would be a better choice for versatilty and fun. Thin Air discovering that Demi Maul was better for the job he was built for is still having tons of fun. Energy Storage allows him to try out all sorts of configuration and have the energy for it, while fast cast is just faster cast...
September 28th, 2005, 11:47
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Playing together regularly is the objective for the team - going through all of the missions and quests together. Like Zed said, it's going to take a long time. We did about half a dozen quests last night, all told - some that are available to all classes, and some that are class-specific, with everyone helping out with the class-specific ones (which was a big help).
I hope we can get another team of 4 going so that we can eventually consolidate them. Last night was a lot of fun, and not just because it was amusing seeing all of our chars running around in underwear! Energy management is definitely a challenge - with just 2 pips of regeneration, casting quickly becomes a slow affair. We only had one death, though - Sanskirt Nuddhist, our Mo/W driven by Drasca, bravely and selflessly took one for the team.
What we really need to do is start coordinating skills. I forget exactly what Arty is packing at the moment, but once I get a chance to check, I'll post it. We ought to spread out the party-boosting skills as more of them become available.
KoP, I hope we'll start a Nudist Journal over at RB Guild Wars - can we set it up so that any team member can contribute? I'll do some writing up of our first evening's adventures over the weekend.
September 29th, 2005, 10:52
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Done, The Nudist Journal is up. Most of us have an account to the RB GW site already. Just logon and post under the "Nude Beach" category (last one at the bottom).
I will setup more accounts for those who don't have one already...
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I know I'm new to the guild, but I'd like to join in on this if possible.
I have 3 accounts, so a character slot is not a problem. I wouldn't mind doing this several ways:
1- add another account to the guild - I have one account with two characters on it. Both have JUST moved to post searing...well, not JUST, I simply haven't used them much since crossing them over. I don't think I've done any of the skill quests yet with either of them. The only problem is one is R/W and the other is N/Me. Not sure how viable they are as nekkid adventurers.
2- My third account has 3 characters on it that I love and probably cannot part with right now. But has a 4th slot open for anything. I could make a new character there.
3- delete a character on my primary account - and create a new one in its place. I was going to delete my mule anyways and move my mule to one of the other accounts, then use that slot for PvP purposes. BUT I'm not real big on PvP anyways, so I could use it for this. Alternatively I could delete my current monk (she's only at ice cave anyways) and create a new Mo primary.
Whatever class you need, I'll make. Right now (although I play warrior a lot) I enjoy ranger, elementalist, and monk primaries. I really haven't had a chance to try necro or mesmer primaries.
Also, are we going to use tags on the names or can we name them whatever we want?
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Hey you, welcome!
Another monk would be cool. We are short of monks and tanks.
I deleted Jill Flash so we have no primary tank. The name didn't stick and I thought maybe a N/R would be more versatile in late games and be easier to fill what our team will need. At least Vexheleleld Zodeth, aka Breath of the Dying (yes LoD rune word), will have a pet and dead meats to throw in as tanks when needed.
We should be ok without a solid tank before we get to Yak's.
Just an idea if you make a monk, one of you monks can double up as a Smite/Prot tank?
I would like to see you prepare a fresh character to meet up in post Ascalon. But before you do that, make a character with your posting name, wait for a RBer to be on and leave the guild. Then get re-invited to the guild under your posting name. You can then delete that character and make your new naked monk.
Tags are optional on this one. Some of us are using the "buff" theme tho
Enjoy your stay!
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Just a quick note to let you guys know that I've started to try to chronicle our journey over at the Nudist Journal at RB Guild Wars. More will undoubtedly follow...
I'll try to get in some description of what we actually did last week in the next couple of days, but this creative writing stuff is hard!
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I now have two accounts in the guild...each can have a naked character on it.
Seijiin Tetsujin -> Shi Hadaka E/?
Seijin Ronin -> Shinju Hadaka Mo/?
Shi = death
Shinju = pearl
Hadaka = nude
I'm trying to think of what secondaries to give them. Also, what's the word on pets? Out or in?
If in, I might use ranger secondary and pump points into BM and take the pet along...although that would seriously hinder some of my primary abilities...but it'd give us a viable tank.
Otherwise i might go necro or possibly mesmer. I'll tinker around with it in my mind a bit.
Also, on the Seijin Ronin account, I have a R/W and N/Me. Both are lvl 10 (I wanted to see what lvl I could attain before getting bored with pre searing). Neither of them have done ANY missions or quests. So I could possibly use them in the naked groups if you need a certain ability. I would just bring them along at about the same pace.