Ryan Wrote:I wanted tor ush sorcery after that then bowyers *fire bows, *gibbon*,*Rosier*. Then Priesthood for Ritualists.
What's Gibbon doing in that list? Typo?
So, my take: you probably want to expand more in the early game, and invest more in basic economic techs before heading to your midgame strategy. Calendar and festivals should be in that list: markets will help you a lot more than pagan temples.
Remember that what counts is that total number of beakers, not where your science slider is. So founding an extra city might cost some upkeep, forcing you to take the science slider lower. But it will start paying for itself as soon as it starts generating an equal amount of commerce.
I don't know if you're playing Dain or Valledia. If it's Dain, take advantage of his philosophical trait for quick elder councils: that'll help make your cities worthwhile (markets too). It'll also help you get some great persons out.
An early great sage is probably more useful for building an academy than bulbing something.
If the upkeep for warriors is a strain, you might be building too many of them. Unless you're planning a warrior rush or worried about imminent invasion, you probably just want enough of them to garrison your cities while you REX. Start spamming units once you've unlocked techs to build units that will win wars for you (ritualists, firebows). Until then, strike a balance: some units for defense, some basic economic buildings (councils, markets),
and settlers/workers for expansion.