Finally got some material for an update.
First, Sareln completed Unity Hydroponics, and somebody else finished the Human Genome Project. I took a screen cap of the events log, but it didn't come out for some reason.
Losing the Hydroponics Bay sucked, although I was several turns away from even having the tech for it, so really not much of a loss. It's probably the strongest of the various Unity wonders, since you get free Hydroplants (+2 health, +1 commerce for river tiles), all the environmental civics unlocked, and
fresh water in every tile you own. That's a whole lot of bonuses for just 80 hammers.
This might be a good time to note that, as super-powered as these wonders are, with the way pod luck and individual priorities have turned out this game, every player has secured one. Which strikes me as being pretty fair.
Anyway, this left me with a supply trawler and no production rush target. The most expensive building I could rush now is a 67-hammer Perimeter Defense, but I have zero use for one. Most expensive useful building arriving in the near future is an Empath guild, but that's only like 50 hammers. There is still the Unity Reactor, which gives +100% capital energy, but I don't think my capital will ever produce much, I don't want the +2 great scientist points, and I don't want to spend 6 turns teching the otherwise completely useless (for me) tech which unlocks it.
So I just merged the Trawler in my capital as a Technician, +2 hammers per turn thanks to running Planned.
As for the Human Genome Project, I'm honestly stumped why anyone bothered. Must have been Nic, with his wonder production bonus, but still. The wonder is 100-something hammers, arrives at an otherwise mediocre tech, and you need a 26-hammer Infirmary to build it. In exchange you get a free doctor and scientist specialist. Great Scientists are meh, Great Doctors are admittedly pretty awesome, but I don't see why anyone would build it so early. Especially given how crowded the other continent is going to be- those guys need to focus on claiming land.
Speaking of which, the diplomatic situation has gotten interesting. With Nic and Mist allegedly fighting a hot war, and Selrahc presumably producing Genites in preparation for a rush, my four opponents may retard each other's growth. Nic is possibly in some trouble here- you don't want to fight Yang in the early game, and Nic is Selrahc's closest target,
and Nic occupies the best region of the landmass but has the weakest military leader and a central position, so the others all have good reason to pile in on him.
Oh, and check this out:
Pretty neat. Thanks to having world vision, I can see which seemingly-dry tiles have suddenly sprouted "Fresh Water" tags. I accidentally hit "enter" too early, so I only marked about 2/3 of them, but now I can track Sareln's borders as he expands =)