I've met two factions this turn. Yang to my west, Mardoc to my northeast. I'm rather glad the Pirates aren't on my side of the continent. Now I need to fear pillaging less. Poor Sareln on the other hand...
I'm actually more worried about having Yang as a neighbour. While it may be possible to avoid war with the Consciousness by showing I'm vigilant for a rush, Yang will only look at raw numbers to judge my strength. So to keep peace with him I can't just keep a large stack of gold in reserve with the threat of being able to hurry a unit in each of my bases.
Here's Yang's first contact screen, with genuine vintage greetings of course:
I also spotted Sareln's cultural borders. One well-placed base between us could suffice to create a trade connection. Alas, that would be seen as an aggressive move.
I've been spending all my espionage on the CyCon, and have gained info after clicking end turn. Here are the info graphs:
Sareln has an extraordinarily high mineral output, and that's with 2 less pop than me.
Here's the map overview, taken after clicking end turn.
To your left you see Yang's rover. I'm also glad the fungus field doesn't extend further west. That way my formers can work there in safety without fear of a surprise worm descending upon them.
My infantry in Gargoyle Garden killed the approaching worm.
My siege tank is staying on the mountain on wormsign duty. Edit: wait, that might no longer be necessary after the border expansion.
The aquaformer is building a sea mill near my HQ, so my two formers can concentrate on Gargoyle Garden first.
To your right you see Sareln's borders.
I've finally begun spending research towards Industrial Automation. I aim to have 80 credits in reserve by the time a Command Center in Data DeCentral is finished.