Not a problem.
Okay, I think a general consensus for the settings looks like this:
Mod: EitB.
Variant: None.
Human takeover allowed for Infernals / Basium: Actually, nobody really expressed an opinion about this, so by game pbem proposer fiat I'll go with no, unless we get someone willing to take over for each. Summoning either as AI or switching to them is still allowed, though.
Compact Enforced: Off.
Bans / Special Rules: Keelyn and Volanna are banned. Lanun / Cultists / OO in general can be banned if the map maker deems it necessary. Tower requires Omniscience. .
Impossible To Fulfil Map Design Requests- Natural without being completely random; not biased toward any particular civ.
Game Speed: Quick.
Difficulty: Map Maker's pick.
Barbarians: Raging.
Orthus: Off.
Acheron: Off.
Lairs: Off.
Huts: Off.
Start Era: Ancient.
Wildlands: On.
Living World: On.
Vassals: Off.
Tech trading: Off.
Diplomacy: AI Diplomacy .
All Unique Features: Up to Map Maker.
Advanced Start- Off.
So all we're holding out for is a hero mapmaker. Someone please assume the awful burden of this thankless task!