Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Tasunke's Spoilers Thread] Flauros of the Calabim

There's no way that's the case. Lion is far too nice a guy - he's like the antithesis of Northstar on many levels.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.


Naming Scheme

Moroi -> Legion of Steel
Adept -> Aide de Camp
Mage -> Specialist
Hunter-> Intelligence Officer
Assassin -> Field Agent
Vampire -> General/Commander

You're probably right ... unless whomever it really is wanted to create the dynamic just for trolling sake. Is Old Lion involved in *anything* that NorthStar wasn't previously involved in?

It is probably too egocentric to think that it may be Instinct seeking Catharsis.

Northstar leaked way too much personal information to be a deliberate troll.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mana Plan

Initial: Entropy, Enchantment

Later: Metamagic

Much Later: Nature, Chaos


I had initially planned on going the Death focused route, with massed vampires, but I now believe a massed moroi campaign might prove more effective, or at least more time efficient.

Enchantment, Nature, and Chaos are more or less immune to the Amurite's Worldspell. I think that Nature and Chaos are actually quite effective end-game manas. I would like to rely on Entropy and Death for summons, and if I ever do plan on using a Spectre strategy, I will need the metamagic mages to convert excess nodes (if any exist) into Death mana. However, I am currently of the camp that this is the correct route to go. The only problem is that, beaker wise, it is about twice as expensive, thereby placing the node conversions at low priority. Initial mages will only truly be able to cast haste to any good effect, and will have to wait for later tech to additionally cast 'Rust' and 'Enchanted Blade'. Later on I would like to attempt to create stronger Field Agents by using 'Poisoned Blade' and 'Mutation'. This was inspired by the rather beneficial mutation effect my initial scout received upon a lair exploration.

so ... one month on the dot since my last 'real' update. In that time we have managed to play an additional 17 turns!! Go us! That's about 1 turn every 2 days! ;P

Through Diplo I see that Kragroth has, on his turn 48, settled his 3rd city, that of Shazak. As to where the city is, for that I'll have to dig deeper ... probably into my pockets, my oh so woefully not as deep as I would like- deep pockets. And build a scout. And send it. (Towards his border)

However, I do have some other concerns, some affairs of state. I need do some demographic analysis ( I haven't done that in some time) and some other things as well. I played the save over an hour ago, but since then I've just been studying the save-state, to see if any new ideas come to fruition.

Here is an idea of how often I use tags to guide the future .... :P
I popped a Great Bard from Bradeline's well, which allowed me to pick up Drama about 10-12 turns faster than normal. I hope to pop Sanitation once Bronzeworking is in. I am of course tempted to use a Bard culture bomb to help me expand vs the barbarians (in the south) ... but .... I am *thinking* that perhaps it is best to use it for the technological advantage.

So on the diplomacy side I haven't done much, but I *am* beginning to formulate an idea. It is becoming apparent that any scouting operation is quite dangerous, crossing all of that territory, and returning with superscout, to protect the adventurer, rather was perhaps me losing my only chance to cross the terrors of the wild in relative safety.

What I want is a mutually beneficial arrangement with Kragroth. I want diplomatic access to the western powers, and I would like to have trade routes with a neighbor. So I would like open borders with Kragroth (and he has Cartography, so this is a real posibility) however I'm not completely certain how I want to approach the situation. I want to send a scout to the West, and I feel as though sending it through his borders would be best.

I feel that if I offered for him to tell me where to put the scout each turn, so that he can keep relevant state secrets protected.

If not for that, I would prefer the ordinary arrangement of (Open Borders for trade only, no scouting). And I don't wish to breach his sense of privacy or anything ... I just wish for my scout to go West (safely!!).


first we have production, where the Amurites have a massive advantage. I can only assume he is utilizing a goodly number of hills and/or has several nearby copper resources ?? I myself see two resources of copper of my own but they are far to the south, whereas Kragroth's source of copper is considerably closer to his core. I do think that part of this might be because I left my coastal start in the dust, and had I not moved my starting location, perhaps I would have had earlier access to this copper. This leads me to believe that perhaps the copper was placed? (for everyone?) and if not, a very funny map :P

I only hope that Iron was given the same even handed treatment lol

Here we have power, and it seems as though I've mostly caught up with his power increases due to worldspell, and I'm not entirely sure why. I have been building units but it hasn't been a major priority, ever since the Lizard scourge has been slaughtered, that is .... its entirely possible that simple unit promotions are increasing my power rating ... but I do know that population has something to do with it too .... Ive gotten to where, looking at the graph, I can almost tell certain points where he builds a warrior, or where he raises in pop (comparing it to my own rises in power), but when multiple things happen in a single turn it is impossible to tell with a simple eyeball approach.

And here is my darling girl, my love, the GNP. Now I know GNP is not very popular around here, with many workarounds such as Specialist Tech-pops, etc ... but GNP has always held a special place in my heart. And now that I have her, I'd like to see what such a GNP advantage can do.

Now, my GNP advantage was perhaps won through an under-appreciation of food and hammers in the early game, and indeed, throughout the entire game. And while I wish to focus moreso on Food and Hammers in the future ... I do feel that going forward, with Aristocracy not far away, GNP will still be high for my nation in the years to come. And I will certainly try to use that research to the best of my ability in going forward.

I think that, because turning off TT is so routine, it shouldn't be too hard to convince others to play an MP game with both Humans *and* AI .... which makes me believe a massive game with not only 5 humans but say, 5 AI as well, could be quite possible. (or even 5 humans and up to 10 AI for a rather crowded map) It would be, if map was balanced appropriately, the Civ equivalent of having your cake and eating it too.

Since, imho, tech trading is the singlemost WORST possible way to take advantage of the AI ... with Tech Trading OFF ... and say, with Vassal States off ... (vassal states could go either way tbh) ... you could have a great start for a game with both humans and AI smile

Do you still have the Adventurer? I assumed you had lost it, leading to the absurdly strong Lion.

Lion ate my super scout >_> .... it was mutated as STRONG and FIRE RESISTANT frown

(my adventurer was, as a level 1, 2 str unit with no bonuses, not going to give that sort of exp ... at least unupgraded, without promotions)

how many power points is, say, Hero Promo, or Combat 1 - 5 promo, compared to gaining 1 population point? Or building a Warrior?

I thought heroes gave at least 20 no matter what, but I may be completely off. Don't care enough to bother testing :P

That's the hero units. I'd have to check, but pretty sure that the adventurer unit is, as currently stands, just a placeholder (not even able to gain promotions until promoted to a unit type).

I'm fairly certain that killing one isn't much better than killing, say, a lv 1 goblin. Unless, of course, there is some xp gain directly tied to the Hero promotion, but I don't think so .... b/c its all xml as far as I know, and there is nothing in the XML about promotion-based xp ... only unit based xp (as far as xp for defeat ... spirit guide not counting of course)

Meanwhile, the Lion was killed with Overwhelming odds against him, and I think there is an immediate correlation between Odds and XP. If you halve the odds, you double the XP. So A skeleton at 99% victory odds gives, what, 3 xp on the attack? at 50% it gives 6 xp ... and I can safely assume that at 25% it would be 12 xp, at 12% it would be 24 xp, etc.

***But then, I think that also has to do with the relative strenghts of attacker and defender .... so, for instance, if it was a 6 strength attaking a skeleton it would probably get significantly less xp. So that it is not only the odds, but also the relave strengths. In this case, I believe it was a 2 strength Lion vs a 3-4 strength scout at 1% odds for victory or something. That probably gave the lion the xp it currently possesses.

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