EitB 13 planning thread
This is likely a reach, but any chance we could get the latest version of More Naval AI integrated into EitB? I don't mind if BUG comes with it.
(February 12th, 2019, 17:57)Bobchillingworth Wrote: This is likely a reach, but any chance we could get the latest version of More Naval AI integrated into EitB? I don't mind if BUG comes with it. Chances are slim to none. To quote from further up thread: (February 6th, 2019, 15:14)DaveV Wrote: I'd prefer not to mess with the C++ code, because I do enough of that at work, but I could certainly modify the python and XML files. Merging EitB and MNAI would be way more work than I'm prepared to put in. If you can find another victim patsy volunteer, I'd be perfectly willing to step aside.
i have a sugestion if its not hard t o implement and regards satyrs. A satyr is 100 hammers and requires to have a level 4 fawn , so cost 105 gold a fawn and 10 experience for a 9/4 unit .i dont rememer seeing to many satyrs in game because the request and price are truly horible.A paladin is 107 , a vampire is just 120 an buildable. My sugestion is make them slightly weaker 7/4 for example ,cost 80 hammers and to request a unit level 2 or 3 to be build. or make them 6/5 and directly buidable at 70 hammers.
i'm only a SP player... and once a year lurker here... and playing without much optimization (and almost never on EitB). However, I liked most of the changes in EitB-12, and thus often play Extramodmod which took them up into MNAI, and added a bit more. that said, some of what I'm reading seems hair-raising ![]() my 0.2 : from my point of view : satyr are great, if expensive in money. but tech wise they are earlier than vampire & paladins, and anyway stronger than (but balanced with?) stygian guards, diseased corpses, paramenders or Crusaders ; if you lower them to 7/4, they are comparable to rangers which are buildable in same or similar level tech (which have lower CA, but higher defense)... and anyway they would become much worse than the religious units I just mentionned (which are at buildable at 6 or 7 (+metal)) . The issue is to be able to raise those Fawns, but then you have slightly OP units. Maybe a boost would be to reduce their cost, either money, or level 3 only. lanun : agreed they are strong economically... but reducing the pirate port? that's like removing them and keeping only upgrades until pirates Harbors (unless people really make use of the +10%str of units in 2 tiles). However if you really want to do that, a way to mitigate the nerf would be to allow to have more of them : 1-tile separation instead of 2. Alternatives for nerfing would be to reduce F or P in non-coastal land-tiles, or remove 1C in river tiles... However, those coves are the only selling point of lanun (even if it's a very good selling point) : and unit-wise they are blander than Bannor : boarding party are weaker than champion, boarding is not so useful as not enough use of boats, and turtle is a slow & weaker version of a knight (save in defense, but 19defense without defensive bonus is moot) thus : reducing boarding parties str ? and removing swordmen and chariots ? and/or HA ? that's a bit much IMO. what should they attack with ? religious melee units only ? cities, even coastal, need to be taken with units. however, if boarding parties had a reverse amphibious promotion : +50%when attacking from sea/through river, then it "might" be a compensation worth it. Ritualists : Tsunami is already limited to water tiles (mostly coast and the occasional land-lake): it's not so broad. Many maps have much greater land/coast ratio; however taking your point into account, maybe have tsunami doing half damage in non-sea water could be interesting. RoF & Maelstrom Comparatively RoF is already more interesting than tsunami (20 up to 40 instead of 50 up to 75... but works everywhere ; and orc fire resistance only means you need a 3rd caster so it's not too much of an issue). (as a side note, Maelstrom is too weak 15% up to 50% (instead of 15%up to 30) would be enough un-nerf IMO) Balseraphs : 1turn GA is ... not worth it. spiritual leaders get this effect every 10 turns. vs puppets : I guess that 2/units/turn attacking/adepts is a bit strong early game (1puppet +1skelleton). removing the attacking power of puppets would be good. however it you find something for Bannors it'll be good : even in SP I never get to use their WS or UU or Crusade. needing fanaticisme to get Weak Champions at half price is not worth it in my games. -1str is important, especially when needing a late game tech and needing anyway the metal line to get this metal. My take on it would be to give them a Disciple & Order focus : their disciples get combat1 for free and order disciples get strong (is that doable? or can otherwise buy "strong")... 7str priest (5+strong+Bless) could give the Bannor an edge, which wouldn't be too strong early midgame. (4str+combat1 acolyte are not too much at the time everybody has 5str axemen) Alternatively, all their combat units could get Undead and/or Demon slaying (it would be less useful, but nice enough early game to go through the skellies barrow, and purge evil... ) however that solution makes that the free demon-slaying of crusader, Valin, Sphener or Paladin is less useful for them, comparatively weakening Order.
I have a request/proposition if is doable ,in next version to be able to build the shrine of champion if you loose any hero unit.belive me loosing a hero is so bad you feel it near phisicaly.
And more this make the early religion a litle bit stronger and loosing is not a very sad day. And again I realy belive good civ should get a boost , becasue that +20% WW is too much and they got worst manas then the other. For example i think none has haste for example...At least get rid of that 20% WW and gave something like + 20% culture they are GOOD civ. OR for exemple get 10% production.. when are declared .
Dave, is it worth necroing this? If yes I have a couple items that I'd want to put down in spoilers, to be discussed after the current game.
So are PBEMs or Pitboss games run on this mod? Sorry for the noob questions, I'm new here. Can I sign up somewhere or do I just need to wait for Pitboss 61 to open?
Miguel, post your thoughts here. No promises, but I may make some changes if they rely on the XML.
BING, yes games are played on this mod. But most are not. If you want to play a game on this mod then yes starting a thread is a good idea.
Erebus in the Balance - a FFH Modmod based around balancing and polishing FFH for streamlined competitive play.
I... lost my notes from 3 years ago, but here are my current suggestions:
Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore |