September 8th, 2011, 15:22
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@Gaspar So you would prefer to get TT lynched but move your vote off him to me to gain what exactly?
September 8th, 2011, 15:23
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uberfish Wrote:Lol 9 votes on me because you don't think I'd do this as village? Learn to raise the level of your game.
That isn't my reason. I could plausibly see you making this gambit as a (misguided) villager, too, as I said earlier. But if we accept that you could make the gambit both as a wolf and as a villager, then we could just disregard it for the moment, and instead look at the rest of your play today. And personally, I think that play is pretty wolfish. More so than any other candidate out there.
I admit I didn't really expect a landslide like this when I voted for you. But maybe that just reflects the fact that there weren't a lot of good lynch candidates to pick from.
If you know what I mean.
September 8th, 2011, 15:26
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Serdoa Wrote:I understand what you are saying Gaspar and I could agree with it. But your actions don't follow your words. You don't like it that he is left so easily from the hook and for that reason you yourself changed your vote to Rowain? Who did not have any vote at that moment? Um... that does not really make sense. Leaving your vote at TT would surely keep more pressure and maybe inspire others to follow you onto him again.
If uberfish would just defend himself a little bit better, I would vote for you right now tbh.
Ok, not to be parroting Serdoa, but I have to agree on Gaspar's move to Rowain. I mean, granted, this is Gaspar - he always goes against the grain. That's just his style, and I recognize it, but it's still weird so I feel obligated to call him out on it - if only to hear his explanation. I got so wrapped up in everything else I forgot to mention it earlier.
Gaspar, I know you're a huge fan of "Let's try this and see if it sticks", but I have to say I think your pressure would be better served on Twinkletoes at this point. If this was tomorrow, I wouldn't question your Rowain vote out of the gate, because I know you. But why now? Is it just because you want to get it in early? Or... what? Just trying to figure out your thought process.
September 8th, 2011, 15:28
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Rowain Wrote:For the Lynch: I must confess I'm not that happy about the uberfish-bw.
One thing that irks me is the fact that already the excuses why it was uberfish fault. OTOH his announcement and his explaination are strange.
I agree with this. I get the feeling that there is already groundwork being made to justify voting for Uberfish if he ends up being a villager.
But if Uberfish's defense is only going to be that post about the level of play, it's going to be hard... Without substance in the accusations (the first Uberfish voters actually made a good enough case, but most of the bandwagon just voted away) and in the defense, we won't have much information for later if Uberfish is not a wolf. Let's hope that Uberfish is just a disheartened wolf, not a disheartened villager...
September 8th, 2011, 15:28
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I've always tried to be substantial when I can - I did use quite a few walls of text in my only other WW game trying to prove things - especially when against implacable fellow innocents!
My last post has explained it a bit more about a mislynch. All mislynches are painful, but if uberfish turns out to be innocent, we have a confirmed viewpoint for what he may have been trying to do. It removes the heightened doubt over his innocence that will always be there as long as he lives.
In my other game, I made some silly early plays, like asking for baner protection, and that made people doubt my innocence many days after that. Uberfish's gambit is much more risky and foolish (IMO) and if he survived, would always keep him as a suspect for as long as the game continues.
Removing uberfish removes that distraction and means we have useful information to use when re-reading Day 1 during the night and means we can focus on drawing distinctions from it.
Lynching anyone else, to me, would just be a shot in the dark.
"You want to take my city of Troll%ng? Go ahead and try."
September 8th, 2011, 15:31
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zakalwe Wrote:That isn't my reason. I could plausibly see you making this gambit as a (misguided) villager, too, as I said earlier. But if we accept that you could make the gambit both as a wolf and as a villager, then we could just disregard it for the moment, and instead look at the rest of your play today. And personally, I think that play is pretty wolfish. More so than any other candidate out there.
I admit I didn't really expect a landslide like this when I voted for you. But maybe that just reflects the fact that there weren't a lot of good lynch candidates to pick from.
This is a good post to show what I'm talking about. Zakalwe actually has a case against Uberfish, based on the whole day, but I think most of the other voters would just say that his gambit was wolfish, when asked to justify their votes...
Not that there is a way to prove this after my post...
September 8th, 2011, 15:34
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Rowain Wrote:I love you too Serdoa 
For the Lynch: I must confess I'm not that happy about the uberfish-bw.
One thing that irks me is the fact that already the excuses why it was uberfish fault. OTOH his announcement and his explaination are strange.
Anyway I think I try a different person: Mr Nice Guy
Afterall he is trying hard to snuggle with zak.
To tell the truth, I'm trying my best to avoid seeing names of people who post things, more just clicking "reply in new tab" when I read something interesting. That's how I was able to reply to 7 or so different posts so rapidly last night. There are a couple points I'd like to make:
*First, I'm not really trying to snuggle with zak. One thing consistent about zak is that right or wrong, he gets tunnel vision too easily, and is very persuasive. So even if I knew he was the only confirmed villager, I'd have trouble casting a mayoral vote for him - I'd rather put that vote elsewhere. ... This time, however, I believe he's right about TT and uberfish seeming wolfish. If I recall correctly, it was more Ichabod that I snuggled with last night, I remember it being his posts that clicked the most in terms of "yeah, that helps me put 2 and 2 together".
*Earlier, you (Rowain) asked what about your phrasing was "wolfish". When you said "us villagers", that seems like a redundant statement. An inexperienced player or poor player would make that kind of statement regardless of their team. Even though I acknowledge English is not your first language, I believe you would not casually throw that statement out there without intention to create warm and fuzzies. It didn't create warm and fuzzies for me. -- I must add that your grasp on English is quite strong and your written English communication is clearer than most native speakers (myself included!)
*Finally, Twinkletoes. After his response to the pressure, I'd actually be comfortable rating my suspects TT>uber>Rowain. I get real life interfering - young family here. But it seems like the real life interference is being used as a convenient excuse to avoid having to provide detailed arguments. I'm comfortable with any of the three getting lynched, each for their own reasons. But TT has edged it out in my mind so...
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.
September 8th, 2011, 15:36
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I don't think a day 1 mislynch needs any considerable amount of justification. It's a guess based on small leads. If it's wrong, so be it. I firmly believe he's our best bet with what we have to go on, and I'm glad the votes changed. If he's innocent, we may still gain some information from voting patterns and compare with who else may have been under fire.
September 8th, 2011, 15:37
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Why do I get suddelny the urge to bet on how many votes TT will get in the next 20 minutes?
September 8th, 2011, 15:37
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And what were you expecting me to say? I already made it clear I was trolling for information. And honestly, a bit of fun. I have no apologies and no regrets, because I couldn't care less what anyone thinks is the "correct" way to play the game.
Besides it's worth being mislynched just to get rid of the idiotic arguments about how I would and would not play if I was village/wolf once and for all.