Here's the promised graphs. I just met Zanth this turn (offered OB, which he'll very likely take), and won't have Azza's for two more turns. It took forever to get Gawdzak's graphs because he used his huge EP advantage to immediately get tech visibility on me, heh.
GNP: you can see Gawdzak and Retep's golden ages pretty clearly here.
MFG: I think the drop at the end there isn't the end of Gawdzak's GA, but him whipping out a million Cataphracts.
CY: too close to call. i'm generally either 2nd or 3rd place, down by anywhere from 10-20 CY, although I think I whip harder than the other CY leaders
Power: Gawdzak's Cataphract whips clearly visible, otherwise too close to call. WilliamLP is peaking up a bit, hopefully he's noticed how low retep is.
Courthouse graph:
I focused on wharves before courthouses, so I'm behind here. I hit 200 gpt this turn, before whips; barteq and retep were around 240/250 gpt. once I flip into Bureau/HR next turn w/ my GA, my non-GA gpt should be pretty comparable to theirs.
So, like I said, Gawdzak has a small yet legitimate edge right now, but other than that everyone other than Azza is really close to each other in numbers, with those who have fired their GA (gawdzak/retep) being slightly ahead than those who haven't (me/williamlp). Places 2nd through second to last are within 50 score points of each other!