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Holy Warriors - Civilization 5 (BNW) Succession Game

Embargo doesn't stop trade routes with city states

Just giving a heads up that I finished the turns. But it's past 1 AM here, so report will have to come tomorrow.

And just a heads up here that my last shot this week is Wednesday night, then I'm out of pocket through next weekend, so hoping timmy can turn it around by then.

(August 3rd, 2015, 00:06)T-hawk Wrote: And just a heads up here that my last shot this week is Wednesday night, then I'm out of pocket through next weekend, so hoping timmy can turn it around by then.

Hmm, probably not as no save yet. How about Thawk goes in front of me, then I can play the set after on Thursday? I'm going to be gone Friday-Wednesday for family health things.

Sure, I like that swap, Tuesday night is a fine time for me.

Sorry about the family health things, I have a much more fun reason for the absence.

Sorry about messing the schedule, everyone. I messed up when uploading screenshots and the save to my dropbox sunday night and just realized when I was ato work on monday morning. I haven't been home since then, so I couldn't even upload the save. Hope it's still manageable for you guys. frown


Report, turns 220 - 230:

Turn 220:

*Microed our cities to focus more on hammers and specialists than food, since it seems like growing won't bring much more benefits (and to speed up Public Schools where possible). I hired all possible scientists and all possible engineers in Faith, so we can cash in on the GEng points.

*Started moving troops towards Russia, as the team decided to attack them next.

*I changed the build in Onandaga to focus on happiness. I tried to move the Great Art to Rome like timmy suggested, but I didn't find out how to do it.

Turn 222:

*I gifted 1000 to Almaty, the military CS. This way, we took over Rome as its ally and we guarantee friendship for the rest of the game. We have a lot of gold right now and almost nothing to do with it, as far as I can see. So, I prioritized CS alliances.

*Bought a Cavalry unit in Devotion. I wanted a sentry unit, since we didn't have one yet, and Cavalry is the one with best mobility. Russia has the Great Wall and the terrain around Novgorod is really bad for vision, so a sentry unit will probably help.

Turn 223:

*Almaty gifted a Gatling Gun. I left it by Onandaga, where it spawned, as a defense unit. I don't think it will matter in the war against Russia.

*Denouncement by Sweden ended. On the following turns, denouncement by Morroco, Brazil, Portugal also ended. I think we have no ongoing denouncements right now.

Turn 224:

*Russia asks if we are going to declare war. I thought about it and said yes, since our troops were mostly in position. I wanted to avoid a new denouncement by Sweden and it worked, I guess. No attacks by Russia, so it also worked on that front. Russia actually denounced Sweden on the same turn, followed by a lot of denouncements on Sweden by other civs. So, I guess Sweden is the new pariah.

*We use our delegates to pass Cultural Heritage, which passes. The embargo on us also passes, but nothing happened.

Turn 225:

*Russia has a decent army with Cossaks and muskets + GW is really annoying. So, I decided to use one of our 3 GGs to make a Citadel building. This really turned the war in our favor and I managed to kill a lot of Cossaks and muskets. I think some cossaks ran back to the other cities, but, overall, most units left on Russia are crossbows.

*We got a second Great Artist, so I use the first one for a GA. Coupled with Taj Mahal build, we were up to 30 turns of GA...

*250 gold gift to Valletta to keep the Alliance.

*Finished Steam Power, started on flight while we wait for a Navigation steal.

Turn 226:

*Adopted Discipline SP after doing combat, because I'm stupid.

Turn 227:

*Taj Mahal finished. I started building research on Faith after that, because there's really nothing useful left. Feel free to change it when appropriate, because I'm not sure that's a good move.

Turn 229:

*Stole Navigation. Research to Archeology on the way to Biology. No more techs from Portugal, so sent the spy to Devotion, where most opponent steals are happening. Maria is building Uffizi, by the way.

*Captured Novgorod, went for the raze:

We went to 8 unhappiness, so I bought Singapore, going back to 0 happiness. We have some happiness buildings finishing, so that's solved, for now.


Notes for the next player:

*Units are unmoved on turn 230, so you can decide what to do. I think we can just go for Moscow directly, since Artillery assault on Moscow won't be that hard due to the terrain and Russia doesn't have much more of an army that I can see. No difficuty in razing Saint Petersburg, but perhaps we want to avoid the diplo penalty.

*The roman cities are building junk buildings, but we don't have the happiness to annex them. I think we just let the bad buildings go, there's really no upside to annexing when we'll be unhappy for it.

*I have a lot of research builds around, because there's no more useful, in my opinion. Most of the buildings left are gold buildings, which seem really bad.

*I microed cities for production over food, not sure if that's the right thing to do, specially while building research.


Again, sorry for messing up the turn split.

You move a Great Work of Art via the tourism management screen which is accessed by clicking on the tourism icon in the top status bar.

Yes, we can go directly for Moscow. Then I actually want to split the army. Take most of it east to Brazil and Portugal, but keep about four siege units (including our next couple purchases) to send to Sweden. That will speed up the endgame.

There's a Great Engineer scheduled from Faith, but I don't see any wonder worth doing. I propose slowing these GPP until we first get a Scientist from Divinity (about 12 turns), since that will speed up Biology-Flight and the endgame.

Lack of build orders? Musicians Guild is worth doing, the culture will speed up policies a bit. Divinity would be the spot as it's the one not already supporting a guild worth of specialists. There's also Archaeologists to build soon, again for the culture with nothing else to do.

I'll play tomorrow night.

There's Statue of Liberty as a wonder, but indeed, it's still far, especially if we go for flight and railroad before it. Agreed on slowing it down for the scientists. About that, perhaps replaceable parts before railroad is worth it (after flight). We don't have much more use for the production boost and we probably get more production from SoL than railroads. And I think our army will already be abroad when we finish it. Besides, it allows a new unit.

Forgot to tell in the report that I proposed World Religion as the next council resolution. Seemed fitting for our variant.

Didn't consider the culture from the Musician's guild. I thought GMusicians would be useless, so didn't give it a second thought.

Nice work with the Citadel Ichabod, good idea as 3 GG's is more than really needed.

Actually I would squeeze out two GSci (rom Divinity followed by one from Devotion, will require slowing Devotion a bit too) before the capital GEngineer. Agree the Statue might be nice eventually, but we are more tech limited to get it. (RP is ~36 turns of research away on the Biology->Flight->RP path).

build more workers? it will be a struggle to keep up roads with our glorious foreign legions. Or, maybe just stop worrying about improving the puppet cities. Although the same logic on not prioritizing railroads applies - if the armies are in front of the workers and we aren't producing too many reinforcements from our core, better road building can't really speed up the conquest much.

What policy next? we definitely want the specialist-happy for policy-after-next. I think Capitalism (+happy back, stock exchange, mint) makes sense; it's weak but we need happy more than anything else, and gives cities some build-purpose again, and we can do more of those than the watermill/hospital/medical lab one. Don't think +25% GPP will make much difference this close to the end.

Think we should annex Rome soon. Remember that with a courthouse it's basically same unhappiness as a puppet now. And less in the long run (tell it to build circus, run specialists and hammer tiles so it stops growing like a weed). That's another reason to not farm the smaller puppets also.

Agree with the military plans. I think save all faith for Bomber purchases now?

Kind of eerie seeing Rabat again, near the ruins of Old RabatBurnt

Morroco decided to finally expand after we conquered them. Go figure. lol

Spending the gold on courthouses is also a good idea. Should have thought about that when I saw Rome and co. building bad buildings.

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