Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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REM goes on the Sudric Express [Pitboss 33 spoilers]

Next turn could decide the game I think...

I'm really hoping Pind doesn't try and attack the stack. For my advantage he needs to sit in his city, and allow me to bombard his units in there with the airships. He has 8(!) cannon that he can use to hit my forces, although half of them are promoted down the city raider route.

So what is attacking? Firstly I realise that I forgot to photo the stack threatening Borodin. This is the cavalry stack (15ish) and a tank. A few inf/machine guns covering the forest hill.

Navally is where I had the most faff. Scooter hitting my navy from the air blindsided me a bit... He got up a good airship coverage fast.

[Image: 7OdW0Tq.jpg]

I stuck the stack 1E of where I was wanting to put it originally. This however is much better, as it is out of range of one C1 destroyer, and if 4 destroyers want to hit they have to go down the nav route. I counted a maximum of 6 destroyers being able to hit the stack. If he goes for attacking me, or putting his units in position to block me around the land there, I have a battleship in range which can take bombard promotions, as well as 2 further destroyers unseen and the assorted old wooden ships above. These are protecting 2 transports with 8 inf in, 1 in rage of Scooters city and Pinds, 1 just in range of Pinds. I will be interested to see what Scooter does here.

8 airships covering this theatre, although 4 shared with trying to attack Borodin if he leaves it open.

Finally, the big stack. I have 16 airships in range of this city next turn. Then there are a total of 3 tanks 8 inf 5 cav cannon treb and 3 machine guns in the main stack. A smaller stack of 4 cav 2 inf and a machine gun where just the cav are in range. Added to this is 2 transports, holding 3 inf 5 tanks in range of the city this turn also. I can bombard the defences to nothing, so I hope it will all go well. I think I would be vulnerable to the cannon though, we will have to see how Pind plays this. I feel he may just throw everything at the stack to try and end things quicker.

[Image: OI0Hofc.jpg]
[Image: 1SQjZbE.jpg]

I am running a paper thin defence accross most of my other cities to facilitate this. On defender builds ASAP to try and prevent the imagined incoming dogpile. He can declare in 3 turns now... Eek. Shot another peace offer to BGN (whose ships I am slowly sniping) and 100 gold peace to Scooter. I want those staggered treaties! I don't expect to get either though. I start getting Pind cities out of resistance next turn at least, and flight possibly EoT, or next turn.

I do know this is not an ideal attack, and rather risky given how I was mushed by cannon earlier, but I need to make progress and as mentioned earlier this is the weakest site IMO, and the most accessible. Any lurker questions?

Pind has already played! I couldn't resist a look...

Awww he abandoned the city... Bugger. All his others are hill cities, that I also need to walk up to to bomb down (or use bombers with radio next). Balls Balls Balls.

I can't run recon or raids yet as I need to wait for BGN/Scooter, but I can see Borodin, and I can count 16 inf with various promos, 8 cannon 3 cossacks. No machine gun. I can't see the other cities. The question is - could I hold the city? I think I have enough units to, but would it be wise... I feel a better use of the units may be a quick raze, use a few cav to burn towns for cash, then spread them around to prevent any major losses in a dogpile. I am worried of a huge cav stack coming from Drey4E, along with BGN using this as the cue to move forwards too. Depends on what the city comes with I suppose, but I am hugely fearful of those city attack cannon!

A raze would allow the other city I took to be productive and not culture swamped when it comes out of resistance at least. I'm all sad I don't get to see combat now though. And slightly worried Pind might try to go back up to my core! Luckily I razed the railroad connection to us after moving the cavalry in. Lets see what Scooter does next.

Ah ok, fighter can bomb defences at a piddly 8% a turn at least

So, no units left in the Pind city. He seems to have stacked everything in his Borodin city. Just 2 machine guns 1 in each city otherwise. Scooter us taken over the defence of his coastal city I can hit with far too many units that I am able to break through.

However - good news. Peace with BGN! Frees up a fair few units that were holding his forces down, and prevents a huge push when my Drey4E peace expires. Good move for him? Probably. He can tech in peace whilst the big 3 pull each other apart. If he makes my demise too quick then he hands the game over to Scooter IMO.

Pind cap razed [DISAPPOINTED BUT RELIEVED FACE] it was big and had lots of nice infra, but it is such a liability where it was. It realises all my conquest cities from culture pressure and allows me to return to defence. I'll see if I can get peace with Pind... I'm not gonna be able to get anything else out of this war now.

I'll probably go and tear up as many cottages as possible now, I have enough gold for flight next turn and be able to get a round of fighters in next turn to stop airship supremacy. Drey4E will be able to produce destroyers next turn, and then soon extra stuff on top.

I'm probably gonna stack in the silkmoths area now, and shout come at me. Who of Scooter/Drey4E will attempt to wade in first?

Not much to say. Burnt some cottages. Offered peace to Pind. Offered OB to BGN. Started to rejig for a likely Drey4E attack. I feel I probably could make it though - I've now got 4.1mill soliders to no2s 2.6. I think they will have a hard time cracking me, especially as I will be able to have intercept fighters to stop airships as our peace treaty lapses. Lets wait and see what happens.

Ergh... Just blah. Managed to make a horrific error. I should have emptied my transport in the city. Pind broke out well and took a couple of cities making a fort, well, 1 city back and the city I needed for the gems. I can retake them, although I lost I think 6-8 airships, a transport, a workboat, and a couple of inf/cannon etc. Bah. Really, really annoying! I can retake both back, but it'll be costly. I'm more glad he didn't burn the gems city as I really need that gems happy!

I did panic when I saw civstats and thought he and Scooter had managed to topple his northern city which I had moored the navy in. That would have insta killed like 8 destroyers, and I would have been in real trouble. Thankfully the age of the airship is coming to an end, I get bombers in about 5-6 turns so at least they are some of the few units on the board that now obsolete. He has however left my tank that appears to be not in range but can upgrade to mobility to be in range of the city... There was only one machine gun in the city last turn. This will really cripple him as it is the HQ of his corp which I assume cannot be rebuilt if lost (not really ever been involved with these things)

Mostly annoyed as I could have not lost 3/4 of the units if I had just unloaded, and there wasn't really any reason to keep them in the transport, but I just felt I may forget to put them back in otherwise!

I'm lacking a lot of time currently to do much updating, although I would ask for the lurkers again to discuss the IMO air power issue.

I have a problem on defence going second, where my units in cities can be bombarded down so that if I want to counter an advancing stack, I have to use damaged units. This would not be the case in sequential turns as the units would heal as I start my turn. Basically I will kinda need to sit and wait for any attack, or try and have enough units to cover cities from instant attacks like 2 movers/amphib/commandos AND keep them out of range of an Air Force.

This hasn't mattered hugely as there haven't been many wars with air power v air power. But this is kinda sapping my enjoyment of the game as it is causing me to have to spend a lot longer thinking out possible scenarios. I also really just cannot go forward as I have no ability to take out the fort canals Scooter has all over.

A fudge would be to let me use air power after I roll the turn (as it is always me that is rolling it currently) but this is still not ideal.

We have possible situations shortly where a naval stack could move into range of another, air strike their health down in a way to be impervious to attack as that stack wouldn't get healed like it would sequentially.

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