Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[Spoiler] RB Pitboss #2 - Shaka of Rome

Jabah Wrote:You don't need sailing to have trade on river inside your border, since this is also true for Korea I was wondering IF you BOTH would have trade road just with you roading to that river since there would be no uncontrolled river between you.

Hmm . . . I guess I could throw that into worldbuilder and check. Though Korea will still need a road from P'yongyang to Seoul, since, if I recall, the capitals have to be connected. Though I think they are doing that, anyway, since I spotted their Workers already starting a road south of P'yongyang.

Interesting tactical note: There are four tiles between Seoul and P'yongyang, and only 3 between Carida and Coruscant. This means that it will take 3 turns for units to move between Korean cities, and 2 for mine. But! I plan to keep most of my defensive units halfway between my two cities, so that they can move to reinforce either in 1 turn. Korea can't quite do that. They'll be 1 turn from one city, and 2 from another. Of course, they'll see me coming so far in advance, it doesn't really matter.

Still, I plan to make use of my ability to quickly reinforce my cities. Probably only keep warriors as Garrison in my cities while the rest hang out on the road. Maybe 2 units in cities, if my forces are large enough. Point being, based on the city spots I've picked out so far, I'm trying to keep no more than 3 tiles between cities for 2-turn moves. I'm a little less worried about enormously efficient city placement in this game.

Checked it out in-game, and Sailing is required to use the river for trade. So, my notion that a road network will be required was correct. I'll write another draft in a bit to make it more clear, hopefully.

Also, noticed another post in Athlete's thread. Still no e-mail. I'm slightly concerned just because I've gotten swift responses so far.

Edit: Oh. And fuuuuuuuu--?! Sulla's score jumped to 119! Is this a land score? But I haven't had one recently. Man, I knew he was gonna get into the lead, but this is crazy . . . . I'm definitely not getting my top 3 position back.

Oh, and Korea's production numbers make sense to me now, I think. P'yongyang finished a Worker last turn, and Seoul is working on either a Worker or a Settler. I'm not sure which right now, though. A Worker would bring them to 4 (damn, I need to get more Workers myself!). I'm not sure it would be a Settler, unless they plan to protect all their cities with a Warrior each. Guess I'll see. But at least I know what's going on now.

I'm lucking out with Scout movement this turn. Will all the forest to move through, the chances I land next to a Barbarian and can't get away are fairly high.

Let's try again.

Quote:Dear plako and Broker33,

I am writing to inform you that I intend to allow our current NAP to expire at the end of Turn 66. Please rest assured that this is neither a declaration of war, nor an indication of hostilities. As we have both stated before, war between our peoples would be mutually destructive and I recognize the necessity to remain at peace.

With that in mind, I would like to discuss the possibility of resource trades. As you may know, my people have recently learned how to build roads. If you know the art of Sailing the waters, then all that should be necessary is for my workers to build a road to the Border River. Otherwise, I think that an overland road network will be necessary. As for the trade itself, the Imperial people do not have many excess resources, but perhaps you would accept our Rice in exchange for your Wheat? It may not be much, but it seems like a good start towards building greater trust between our empires. Please let me know what you think.

Also, you may have noticed that my empire has a new designation. Please understand that this does not reflect a change in my foreign policy. The name change was, more or less, an inevitable result of there being a Rebel Alliance in the game. I am, if nothing else, a fan, you see. You both are invited to my coronation, of course.

Whosit, Galactic Emperor

Hopefully that sounds slightly less suspicious/evil? Honestly, I'm not trying to make any veiled threats.

BobRoberts Wrote:Ach - it might just be the way my brain works! I'd get a second opinion before spending too much time rewriting things! Think I'd just equate 'border roads' with 'overland invasion'. Particularly in the same mail as the NAP cancellation, I'd be concerned?

That was my very first thought too (but of course I already knew from your thread that you were inclined to attack).

I see that you have not yet made a final decision on whether to go for war or peace. What are the factors that are making you uncertain of your intentions? Is it the diplo which is delaying your decision, or are you basically just waiting to find out the location of iron to see whether an attack is likely to work?

newbie Wrote:That was my very first thought too (but of course I already knew from your thread that you were inclined to attack).

I see that you have not yet made a final decision on whether to go for war or peace. What are the factors that are making you uncertain of your intentions? Is it the diplo which is delaying your decision, or are you basically just waiting to find out the location of iron to see whether an attack is likely to work?

More of the latter. Obviously, I wouldn't want to commit to a war that has no chance of success. As Sun Tzu said, "victorious warriors win first and then go to war." Other factors include how many hammers the Koreas put into their military, and if I think I can build a stable empire without conquering my neighbors. Though, honestly, that last one isn't as big a factor. Iron really is the biggest factor. Unless plako is nuts and builds an army of Workers, a Bronze-equipped army might not cut it.

Whosit Wrote:Edit: Oh. And fuuuuuuuu--?! Sulla's score jumped to 119! Is this a land score? But I haven't had one recently. Man, I knew he was gonna get into the lead, but this is crazy . . . . I'm definitely not getting my top 3 position back.

Assuming this is t55, then that would be from land gained on t35. Each land tile gives 1 point. Population gives 3 points per pop point. Ancient Era techs give 6 points, Classical Era techs give 12.

And I hope your scouts do ok with the barbs on the loose.

Cyneheard Wrote:Assuming this is t55, then that would be from land gained on t35. Each land tile gives 1 point. Population gives 3 points per pop point. Ancient Era techs give 6 points, Classical Era techs give 12.

And I hope your scouts do ok with the barbs on the loose.

Oh, I see . . . sort of. I suppose I still don't get when land scores are calculated. Is it simply 20 turns after new land was gained? Carida was founded on Turn 40, so that will be applied to my score on Turn 60? And the land gained from border pops on Turn 52 will be applied on Turn 72? And is each tile scored once and only once, or is each tile scored every time a land count comes up?

Sullla gained 11 points, which doesn't seem to quite add up. Wouldn't he get 9 points from a new city's land?

But, thanks for the info. Glad to know what a Classical tech is worth. I don't think anyone got one yet, in that case.

That's right for land. Any land tiles that you've held for at least 20 turns count for your score. You'll get a score boost on t60 from Carida of 9 points, and 11 points when it's been 20t since Imperial Center popped its borders again (t73? Founded on t2, +1 slavery revolt = t53 pop).

Another turn in, nothing especially exciting to report. There's some nice land to the northeast along the inland sea, but I doubt I'll be settling there until my west border is secure, and I can afford to send out units to fogbust.

Hinduism was founded, and there are 3 candidates for it. So After Iron Working I'll be going Pottery < Writing < Masonry < Aesthetics < Polytheism < Literature

Also, after a bit of internal debate, I'm making preparations for the following scenario:

-Settle "Original" Site, I'll probably name it "Byss," partly for its commercial potential, partly for its proximity to Imperial Center.
-Settle Iron. Making the assumption that Iron willl not pop in my territory.

So, Kuat will have to wait. Byss will be important because I have determined that not settling a commerce site will be very, very bad for me. Therefore, the Worker that just put the road on my gold mine is going to pre-build a road heading towards the "Original" site.

After settlement, the Furs will get a camp, a Work Boat will be built, and a horse pasture will be constructed once borders expand.

Imperial Center will probably go straight into a Worker (4 turns) after the Settler, and I'll have to figure out where to pull the 5th worker after that. I perhaps I can get it out of Byss. If I mine the two hills, and chop out a cottage next to the river, I can probably produce a 5th worker relatively quickly. We'll see.

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