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Realms Beyond Werewolf 2 : Game Thread

Sareln Wrote:You could try and spot a wolf by seeing who comes online during the night period, which is true, but you're going to get a ton of false-positives from normal forum visitors. I wouldn't treat (being online during the night) as worth anything at all.

Ditto what Sareln said. smile Forgot to mention that in my post - hazard of posting from work (limited time, more distractions).

Alas, poor Cyneheard! I knew him well.... frown

MJW (ya that one) Wrote:I said during where the night kill is supposed to be done.

Cyrehead is such a strange choice. All he did was say Dantski was a good target but lots of other people said that to. Maybe they did not want to take a chance on a baner protection?

Actually, Cyneheard is a perfect choice. He was low-key - he didn't contribute much of anything to raise or lower suspicion, and he didn't make himself a target for the Villagers - either for protection or for lynching. Therefore, he's one of the safest kills the 'Wolves could make.

I'm sure the 'Wolves would love to take out a high-priority target, but like us, most of them probably didn't want to run the risk of attacking and failing - thus proving their target is a Villager, and giving greatly increased weight to anything that person could put forth. They still had plenty of low-key Villagers to choose from, so that's what they did. They want to bring our numbers down, as quickly as possible, especially after we just struck a killing blow on them. Why risk losing something so important?

Poor CH cry

This is alittle tractat I wrote during the night:

This are my thoughts about the past day during the middle of the Night (gamewise):
After the early pressure on MJW (built by the votes of sandover, Meiz , Irgy and maybe myself although I retracted my suspicion before MJW came out) MJW proclaimed himself to be the Baner. This made all votes against him disappear and led to my idea of Screening MJW so to be sure.

Lewwyn first didn’t vote to lynch me but critisized my plan to scan MJW then sandover jumped on and voted for killing me swiftly followed by Lewwyn. In the following hours MJW, Gaspar and Mr Nice Guy joined the bandwagon while haphazard agreed that the strong opposition to screen the selfclaimed Baner is suspect and voted for lynching Lewwyn.
It is to note that haphazard switched in the hectic day-ending time to the second proponent and did take part on the lynching of sandover. The following discussion between haphazard and sandover revealed following interesting jibes:
Haphazard: I agree that the faction opposing scrying MJW is suspicious. Add Sandover accusing me of being a wolf, and now pushing Lewwyn for Mayor, these two have risen to the top of my personal suspicion list.
Sandover: So your personal suspicion list is basically the opposite of my personal "likely to be innocent"-list?
Note that Lewwyn is on sandovers most likely to be innocent list right next to sandover himself and we know how innocent he was

Just because of sandovers ‘friend list’ I’m still suspecting Lewwyn although he helped lynch sandover but perhaps that was just a failed plan (we talk about that soon).

What happened next? Roland entered the stage and started with a lot of very elaborated essays first to defend me and the later to accuse sandover. At the same time he started to form a network (see scooters open post and Rolands confession) which starts to steamroll sandover.

Now sandover suddenly claims to be the Baner too. And Roland after uttering some doubts retracts his vote. So far so good and reasonable. But as the clock ticked down he suddenly switched to lynch MJW our other proclaimed Baner. Had his trusted network voted with him the result would have been disastrous. Instead of catching a wolf we would have lynched our Baner!

And now suspicion creeps into my mind. There are people that say someone who writes so crafty essays can’t be a wolf but isn’t the Devil known for his silver-tongue? What if this was just a ploy deviced to rob us our Baner? Although sandover would have been toast the following day I’m sure the wolves are quite happy to sacrifice one of them to get the Baner killed on Day1.
Roland now claims that he panicked and that MJW’s behaviour convinced him? Now did any of Rolands post strike you as one done from a man who easily panicks?

Another interesting player is Gaspar: First he jumped on the BW against me then he followed Roland vs sandover and in the end he voted vs MJW

Conclusio: My 3 current topsuspects(in order) are Roland, Gaspar and Lewwyn.

But despite the fact that somebody will hold it against me I will not cast my lynch-vote before Sunday especially as I like to hear their defense and it is my conviction that more talk is far better than silence.

And with that I'm off till sometime tomorrow.

Cyneheard man, you're not exactly getting any luck on these games are ya? Safe kill by the wolves, but best result for us as no power roles are dead yet.

MJW- im actually a bit confused as i only came online at about 9:15pm GMT ? Oh well, im online a lot anyhow so judging wolves by whose online probably wouldnt work too well.

Kyan Wrote:Cyneheard man, you're not exactly getting any luck on these games are ya? Safe kill by the wolves, but best result for us as no power roles are dead yet.

MJW- im actually a bit confused as i only came online at about 9:15pm GMT ? Oh well, im online a lot anyhow so judging wolves by whose online probably wouldnt work too well.

I think you might be a devil-wolf. You post less then Dantski!!!! lol I put your name in there so I could say that the Devil-wolf was waiting for his scry. But my cunning plan was ruined. cry

Rowain, that was an almost Roland-like Wall of Text ™. lol

I am still suspicious of Lewwyn, although not yet convinced he is a wolf. He was with Sandover at one point, and was even suggested as a candidate for mayor by Sandover (now a proven wolf). But he did shift his vote later, and joined the lynching party against Sandover when even one shifted vote could have lynched Sareln instead. So I am unsure.

I need to review the timeline of just when he switched his vote, and how many had already declared against Sandover at that point. It could have been a wolf realizing Sandover was a lost cause and trying to gain credibility/cover his tracks. Or it might have been as Rolan described, with Lewwyn being more of a follower who realized he was being manipulated by a wolf.

Cyneheard looks like a seer fishing attempt - probably under the assumption that the seer is trying to hide his identity by staying quiet.

So where does that leave us for day 2?

- we have MJW pretty much confirmed as baner. Unfortunately, his play has been pretty poor so far. Fortunately, he didn't get kicked out of the game for the role-PM gaffe.
- now that Sandover is a wolf, we should look at his posts again in this light and see if his actions might have been part of a larger plan
- we can also look for inconsistent actions in the late voting
- we have 3 people who look fairly likely to be villagers:
- Sareln (by putting himself forward as a lynch candidate to save the potential baner)
- Selrahc (who flipped at the last minute to lynch Sandover)
- Roland (responsible for making the case against Sandover in the first place, although I don't like his late flip to MJW when it was clear MJW would not get enough votes)
- It's possible that one of them is a wolf making a risky move to gain "trusted villager" status, but they probably shouldn't be the prime suspects today

I'll look for some evidence later/tomorrow, but for now I'm going to point out that several of us supported sunrise089 as mayor and he didn't even cast a regular vote.

Well I guess I have to put my money were my mouth is. Kyan does not post and never attacks anyone. This is typical wolf actions because ww1 showed that most ww don't post much and are not very aggersive. Vote Kyan.

In other news the seer should contact me. I don't see why not. I'm not 100% sure of Roland but the last second shift was effectively a no vote anyway with such little time. If he was a wolf trying to lych me. smoke The vote itself was meant nothing.

MJW (ya that one) Wrote:I'm not 100% sure of Roland but the last second shift was effectively a no vote anyway with such little time. If he was a wolf trying to lych me. smoke The vote itself was meant nothing.

I'm not overly fond of you at this point, MJW. I'll be perfectly honest about that. That said, I see little reason to think you're not the Baner, and therefore that you are in fact on our side - even if you've done more to harm the Village than even the 'Wolves (which, though I think is accidental, is still Very Bad {tm}).

You're right about my last second shift not counting for much of anything. I knew that was going to be the case, and went ahead with it anyway (I'll get deeper into my reasons for that a little later, when I can properly address Rowain) - for two reasons: 1) I didn't want to risk killing the Baner, and 2) your posting in the last half hour raised my suspicions about you so high they passed Sandover, so rather than cast a null vote, I'd at least put my suspicions out in the open while I had the chance. I could always explain my reasoning later, in greater depth (and I will).

For what it's worth, I'm trying to warm up to you. In all likelihood you're the Baner, and because of that we'll have to work together. I don't have a problem with that - I'm just not a fan of your style, and especially your actions. So it goes - we don't have to like each other in order to work together. smile

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