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League of Legends General Discussion Thread

Not an expert, but a solid Draven player "should" be able to bully anyone out of lane. That is Draven`s strongest point. He fallls off in damage later in the game so he needs that bullying earlier to get going and acomplish something out of the game.

It`s rare for me to see a good Draven. I think the mechanics for picking up your axe while "learnable" are too much hassle for what it`s worth. Most Dravens I see just behave like a common underpowered ADC, except Fallen Asylum.

I can`t comment on the game you played cause i didn`t see it and other people would have much better insight then me anyway, but in that matchup I think Corki Ali, should, come out on top if done properly. If the Alistar player wasn`t patient enough to get some levels before getting poked really low then it is a problem, but if he is patient and you both harass Ashe when you get some levels I should have been enough to get Ashe low enough to be afraid, if not out of the fight.

If i had to guess I`d say your support got too much harass too early.

Well, specifics obviously would require me to upload the bloody replay, which I failed to do yesterday. Just wondering what general sentiment was on dealing with the laning phase.

My intuition felt like we were bullied pretty hard early which led to tower hugging and minimal farm (again, I fail really bad at last hitting under towers) which meant I died often making me near useless in fights. Well, except for spamming Rockets into the enemy Team. Maybe I should have just gone AP and ignored defensive items for the spam.
Pitboss Demo - Darrell's Tropical Trolls
PBEM45G - Sareln

kayapo Wrote:If the Alistar player wasn`t patient enough to get some levels before getting poked really low then it is a problem

Might be yet another reminder that you need to use the first two minutes to negotiate a plan with your support about the type of game you are going to play.

Low elo normals, I've had some modest success as support warning my laning partner in advance that the lane is going to push toward our tower, where I will be warding.

I should probably explicitly call out what I think the timing should be for aggression too, I suppose - on the other hand, I think there's only so much "advice" you can give without irritating partner.

For what it's worth, the best AD carry I've laned with in the last week took the time to make it clear what he wanted (please change summoners, please ward here, etc). It worked out really well. Of course, he was also the only carry I've laned with that could actually manage the creep line, so perhaps anything would have worked....

I'm probably starting to reach critical point of ELO OH GODS WHY.

The jungler started blue->wolves. With mid and bot helping do damage. If I'm not mistaken, you can easily clear wolves before blue spawns even on Cho if you have support.

Also, note to self, always take flash as AD...
Pitboss Demo - Darrell's Tropical Trolls
PBEM45G - Sareln

Double AD bot is a really poor lane. You have sustain and scale far better than they do, so just farm for the first 10 minutes and then start pounding that 0 CS Ashe support who has no useful items. The only way to lose is to try and trade with them early on, which they will win in a level 1 fight because two ADs are going to have more base damage than AD + Support. Farm it up early and then take advantage of their totally useless "AD champ with no items" setup.

If they are splitting farm between two ADs, even better! Now there are two underfarmed ADs to pick on. That's the best situation possible.

Also, why in the world would you not have Flash on an AD? That one is pretty basic stuff.
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Sullla Wrote:If they are splitting farm between two ADs, even better! Now there are two underfarmed ADs to pick on. That's the best situation possible.

Also, why in the world would you not have Flash on an AD? That one is pretty basic stuff.

That was my theory, let them get split farm, but we kept giving up kills as Ali got poked to death.

Also, I was quick swapping my masteries/summoner spells 'cause roles got switched at the last second. Ended up with Ignite/Exhaust instead of Ignite/Flash like a noob.

This is why I don't usually play AD... alright
Pitboss Demo - Darrell's Tropical Trolls
PBEM45G - Sareln

Been playing the reworked Katarina a decent amount in normals, here are my thoughts on it.
The following is going to be a little disjointed, nothing really original that hasn't already been said on the various reddit/general forums, some of it will be poorly explained, but pretty much all of it is heartfelt.

First off, quick run down/comparison of the old skills vs new taken from reddit here
Malurth Wrote:Passive: No longer gives +25g. Only reduces ult by 10 seconds, from 15.

Q: Maximum bounces down from 6 to 5. AD ratio gone. Cooldown increased by 1 second. Base damage lowered by 10. Now always deals reduced damage on bounce. No longer can apply grievous wounds. To compensate, its AP ratio went up by .15 and applies the new passive mark-trigger for more damage thing (but it's not much damage.)

W: Kind of incomparable. They shifted all the damage lost on other skills to this one, and nerfed the actives on this to passives on the others. Only has a .3 AP ratio. She also lost all the extra passive damage on Killer Instincts. But this gives you a whopping one second movement speed boost!

E: Nerfed to shit. Longer cooldown early (from 10-6 to 14-6) and WAY less damage (from 80-240 +0.75 AP to 40-160 +0.4 AP). Gives the old W damage reduction every time, but now for a flat 20% instead of 15-35%.

R: Same as the old R, only now without the last second of the channel. Damage is roughly equal for the first two seconds only you don't get the last second of extra damage, so in optimal use case damage is now ~66% of what it was. [strike]Also cooldown went from 60/55/50 to 60 now.[/strike] Applies grievous wounds now, but it's only 3 seconds instead of 5 on the old bouncing blades.
Then my comments on them:
  • Bouncing Blades (Q) - the removal of the AD ratio limits build options and early damage on this skill is now atrocious.
    Riot posts regarding the former point seem to suggest that the manaless harass on this was overpowered, particularly in lategame/sieging towers and thus they had to change it to scaling on AP only. If so I disagree.
    On the latter point, the level 1 damage (50) is laughable. As I told Atlas, in one game while laning against a Teemo, I literally spent the entire levels 1-3 spamming my Q either directly on him or hitting him via bouncing every time it came off cooldown (~8 secs with some cd reduction masteries). By the end of it the little **** had lost 1 health bar.
    At levels 1 and 2 the new Kat is probably the weakest champ in the game, I can’t think of anyone who would lose in trading with her, certainly not Soraka or Sona.
  • Sinister Steel (W) - now the highest damage base ability in Kat’s kit.
    It’s got an AD and AP ratio, it’s AOE with about 75%(?) of Flash’s range (sounds OP until you mouseover and realise how much Flash range has been nerfed over the years).
    It’s a nice skill and yes I’ll go this far, it’s a fun skill. It’s fun to run up to a melee champ trying to cs, hit the W, then run away laughing at light speed while they make a futile attempt to chase after you and hit you back. Almost Singed-esque.
    But there’s a problem.
    This skill is utterly unsuited to a midlaner. You have to get right up to them in a lane dominated by ranged harass and burst. It gives you a speed boost in what is the shortest lane. Even with the low 4 second cooldown (3 with any kind of cdr), at most you’re going to be able to use it twice in an engagement with a fleeing enemy before you find yourself under a tower. It does nothing to help your jungler with ganking, it’s a chasing skill.
    In short, it’s a great skill for a top laner, it’s very similar to Darius’ spinning damage skill (Q) which interacts with his passive to apply a DOT on the target and speeds him up. For midlane however it seems incongruous.
  • Shunpo (E) - as mentioned the damage has been totally eviscerated from this skill. It is now purely for mobility, used for both initiating or escaping.
    The basics remain unchanged from the previous model; she was always an ‘all-in’ champ who, if badly played and failing to get a kill, ended up stranded in an almost certain-death position.
    However what has changed is the cooldown, and make no mistake it’s a massive one. Adding 40% to the timer directly affects two things: overall mobility when moving around the map, and laning. Addressing the latter, increased Shunpo cd affects three things in laning:
    1. Ability to secure kills in mid
      Countless times while midding old Kat, engagements would go as follows: Shunpo in to engage, blow skills, enemy realises they’re in trouble and try to escape with say 1/5 health left. You pursue, but because mid lane is the shortest lane on the map you’d end up having to chase under the tower, take a couple of hits, then Shunpo and BB would be off cooldown, you’d use them and either the enemy would be dead (allowing you to Shunpo out) or you were dead (lol). With new Kat, the increase in cd means the above doesn’t work, adding 4 seconds means too much tower damage.
      “But what about the movement boost from W!” I hear you say? Sure, but you have to understand that there is a huge difference between following someone from a safe Shunpo distance away (able to dodge skillshots/ any cc abilities that come off cooldown) and -running right alongside them- under a turret? You can be creep blocked, you could get juked and miss a W, you could get Exhausted, you are far more committed in a W tower dive compared to Shunpo. It’s significantly more risky, and as a result new Kat’s ability to secure kills in mid has been severely reduced.
    2. Ability to avoid harass in lane.
      It’s not coincidence that most champion have their primary poke on Q, nor is it coincidental that most of them have cooldowns typically less than 10 seconds at max level, usually around 7s (eg Gragas, Ahri, Kassadin etc).
      I’ve tried maxing Shunpo second, doesn’t work. You need the damage from W, which means that Shunpo is the last to be maxed and for all of the laning phase it stays at 14s cd. So vs Gragas for instance, you can Shunpo dodge the first barrel, but good luck dodging the second, because your E is almost certainly on cooldown.
      “So what?” you may say, every other mid has to dodge it the hard way. Sure, but most other mids have inbuilt sustain (again, Gragas, Ahri, lolSwain) or dmg reduction (Kassadin) or a way of farming safely far out of range (Karthus, Veigar). Others can compensate in alternate ways: by getting useful +health intermediate items like lovely Doran’s rings, or sustain from a Catalyst/Philo stone. None of these are realistic items on Kat, who has to do it the hard way - health pots all the way, until she can pick up some spellvamp.
      Factor in her undeniable squishiness, and the conclusion is that her ability to avoid damage while laning has been decreased.
    3. Ability to escape.
      Not exactly rocket science this one, you’re always going to be screwed if you Shunpo in while a jungler is waiting in the bushes.
      However whereas in the past you may have had a chance of running in the opposite direction long enough to potentially ward jump (if you had one, certainly you wouldn’t if you hadn’t gone back to base yet), now you have to run 40% longer before having any chance of escaping over a wall.
      Again the W movement speed is no real help here: it lasts one second at all levels, at level 1 it’s a 12% boost, apply any slow on that and it’s gone, any cc it’s useless. For comparison, level 1 Karthus wall is 40% slow for 5 seconds, level 1 Lee Sin slow is 30% over 4 seconds. It’s irrelevant, and you’re almost certainly dead.
      Increasing the Shunpo cooldown also means that a jungler can be further away from the lane when you choose to engage the enemy mid, and still reach it in time before Kat’s main escape is back up.
  • Death Lotus ® - where to start? Old: 500/650/800 + 5AD + 2.5AP over 3s. New: 400/500/600 + 3AD + 2AP over 2s.
    When I first read Malurth’s comments above my reaction was okay, that’s understandable and not a big deal.
    Unfortunately it is. The new ult is simply too weak.
    I was watching TiensiNoAkuma (2700 elo Kat main, 1k ranked games as her S2) earlier today. He was laning vs a Karthus, in the past pretty much the only roflstomp ezmode lane matchup she had. He lost the lane badly, to the extent that I found myself comparing his Kat ult to other champs in the game at the time.
    • Level 3 Kat ult dmg: 600. Level 3 Blitzcrank ult dmg: 500
      One of these ults has a useful damaging passive, roughly 50% lower cooldown at 30seconds, is a larger AOE that can hit all 5 of the enemy team, applies a strong silence cc, and the kicker: is instantaneous ie has no 2 second channelling time. The other ult has a healing reduction.
      No prizes for guessing which one is which. smile
      Similar comparisons to Karthus ult: 550 dmg global, always hits all 5, also fall flat, although cd is double that.
      Lee Sin ult: 600 dmg, instantaneous, 60s cooldown, potential to hit all 5 enemies, manaless, applies knockback cc.
      The list goes on.
    Now, the above is just anecdotal picking and choosing comparisons, it’s not an argument.
    So let me try this: I think Riot forgot, or simply failed, to properly account for the damage lost when they removed the old W, Killer Instincts.
    KI had a passive damage increase, which hugely affected the old ult. It added 8 dmg per blade, which resulted in (+80/120/160/200/240) per level in KI. This was also single target dmg, so level 5 KI could overall add up to 3 x 240 = 720 dmg to the AOE ult.
    Removal has impacted hugely on the ult, greatly reducing Kat’s burst, which for a midlaner is a bad[TM] thing. Previously, champions would rightly do anything to either stop or get the hell out of your ult, it’s been a galling experience to watch a Nidalee happily tank it in cougar form in a previous game.

    In mitigation, they’ve increased the AP scaling on the ult, with the argument that the AD ratio has not so much been lost as ‘moved’ to the W.
    However, you have to question this decision.
    Lowering base damages while increasing scaling pretty much means modelling a champion on lategame.
    Old Kat was in a weird position (and as a result considered uncompetitive/ low viability) in that she had an extremely weak early game, peaked at midgame, and then fell off and was mediocre lategame (mainly due to ease at stopping ult in big teamfights). Kat mains were okay with that however. The general formula for winning games was get a little help from jungler to deal with weak early game and reach mid faster, midgame use your power to gank other lanes and win river skirmishes particularly around dragon/bot lane, thereby ensuring your AD carry transitioned sweetly into lategame and could carry better than the enemy AD.
    In comparison, new Kat is even weaker earlygame (to quote scarra: “less fun than rubbing sandpaper on my eyeballs”), less dominant midgame due to the ult change, and now only peaks lategame. The general formula for Kat now seems to be: play passive for the entire laning phase, forget kills and try to outfarm your opposite number. This message is further reinforced by the removal of the passive +25 gold from kills/assists.

    However this totally goes against the current meta of lategame being AD carry dominated.
    There is a reason why lategame-only AP carries are both small in number and rather marginalised, eg Akali, Veigar, Poppy(?). I’m sure that there are a thousand holes that can be punched in that last statement, Ryze immediately comes to mind due to his unique mana -> dmg mechanics, but I hope the thrust behind the argument is understood at least.
    If you’re lategame only and not AD, you’re probably doing it wrong.
Too much text, quick insert a picture!

[Image: necloserby7.jpg]
For those of you who have scrolled down quickly and are wondering why this picture is here, the answer is contained in one of the points in the text above.
Read through it quickly, it won’t take long to find the answer, look for the reference to alignment.

Other points/thoughts:
  • The Q changes to have all contributed to make her even weaker in lane.
    • Lower damage on Q makes it harder to last hit with.
    • Loss of healing reduction means new Kat no longer has some of the threat mitigated when facing sustain lanes (Vlad, Swain). See point about avoiding harass in lane with Shunpo.
    • Change from random bounces to predictable.
      This was highlighted in one of the Riot announcements and someone quoted it to me as a positive change. Completely the opposite.
      If you the player can predict where BB is going to go, then so can your equally smart laning opposite (if you’re relying on the stupidity of the other person who is roughly +-50 elo to you to make your champ viable, then I’ve got news for you, it works for a while, but not that long). All they have to do is position themselves out of range of the minions and voila, you have the non-decision of either forgetting about harassing or trying to Q them directly and taking their reply in the face (and I can guarantee in mid, that unlike you, they’ll have more than one ranged dmg skill).
    • Higher cooldown means that in high-harass/danger lanes where you are reliant solely on Q for lasthitting, you get less farm early on. Less Qs, less cs.
    • The change to 5 bounces at level 1 exacerbates this problem - by pushing the lane! In situations detailed above where you can only farm with Q, doing so actually makes it harder to farm and increases the chance of you being zoned and/or ganked - keep in mind the previous comment about being exceptionally weak levels 1 & 2. I am not overstating this problem, even level 1 Q really does push the lane hard.
  • Confused mechanics.
    You have a champ who in a previous incarnation was an AP/hybrid assassin known for her burst and chaining kills via a unique passive that refreshed abilities/reduced cooldowns. On such a champion, why would you create a new skill whose cooldown is only 3 seconds?
    It creates a contradiction, are you meant to stay in the middle of the fight and ala-Skarner’s Crystal Slash, mash that W as fast as you can? Or are you meant to get in there, do a shed load of burst, and then get the hell out? If aiming for the latter, then surely it would be more inline to increase the cd on W to 15 seconds or so, and adjust the damage accordingly? If Riot was aiming for the former, then that’s a completely different framework altogether (more one of bruiser/sustained damage similar to Diana), and I would argue that new Kat is currently not tanky enough to perform that properly.
    If you’re a hopelessly positive person, you could say that Riot is giving you, the player, the choice between the two! I’m afraid that I’m of the opinion that new Kat’s role is unclear and she excels at neither. Further evidence of confusion can be seen in the overall reduction of her level 18 armor and health (buffed at level 1, lower per level gains) and capping of Shunpo damage reduction at 20% vs previous 35% - despite the apparent aim of her peaking in lategame.
  • Loss of decision making.
    Having to make decisions is a significant part of the entertainment of this game.
    • With old Kat, you had to decide whether to use the KI buff on Q (healing reduction) or E (dmg reduction).
      If going all in on a Mundo/Swain the answer was obvious.
      But against an AD carry with summoner heal and a support capable of healing nearby? Less obvious. More fun.
    • It’s not just the loss of KI. The Ultimate reduction time means it matters less if you channel the full duration. Again, reduced decision making.
    • With old Kat, upon committing and hopefully getting a kill, you had a decision: stay in the fight and use your Q and E to try and get another chain, or take your victory and get the hell out of dodge. Sounds simplistic, but when everything was blowing up around you, it wasn’t.
      New Kat, unless the fight is going horribly, the answer is almost always stay. Your W is a high damaging AOE skill on a 3 second cooldown, if you leave you’re giving up too much of your team’s potential damage.
      Additionally, due to the aforementioned reduction in burst, chances are you may not have even got a kill, so you’re stuck in there anyway. lol Hit W and hope it’ll be alright. Is it me playing this, or a bot?
  • No longer suited to midlane
    Melee autoattacks, a pitiful harass, less reliable escape, still no hard cc which is no longer compensated by a high burst - all these add up to a weak laning phase. Sorry, even weaker laning phase. I don’t think she’s viable mid with the current numbers.
  • Gunblade is no longer the one right solution.
    She has no sustain. In the past this was dealt with by getting the Hextech Revolver for spellvamp.
    • Problem 1: this item isn’t particularly cheap (1200 gold for 40 AP, compare NLR 1600 gold for 80 AP)
    • Problem 2: on old Kat the numbers worked. Every ~7 secs you could Shunpo, it was a single target spell so you received full spellvamp and healed about 40 hp. On new Kat, Shunpo is a lot less damage and pretty much has to be maxed last. Negligible sustain to be gained here.
      W is the new damaging ability which is both multi target and melee range, decreasing the spellvamp and increasing the chance you take poke.
    • Problem 3: similarly, the Revolver built into a Hextech Gunblade. While the gunblade was expensive, if rushed it synergised very well with old Kat’s strong midgame. New Kat’s not about the midgame so much, she’s about the farm baby, and her ult is now more about the AP. Why spend all that cash on AD and an underwhelming sustain?
    • Problem 4: but the slow active you say! The slow was good because it meant more ult. Ult doesn’t last so long now, and it does less damage. So is the slow so important? Not so sure.
  • The ability sounds are grating.
    You press Q and hear lots of blades rattling, press W and hear blades clashing, press E and hear more blade impacts, press R and…you get the picture. More blade noises.
    Yes, I too understand, she’s called “TEH SINISTAR BLADE!11!!” so we have to have some knife noises in there. Fine, cool. But it’s also important that the player knows that what they’re doing is having an meaningful impact on the game. One of the tools for this is to have distinctively different sounding abilities, so both you and your opponent can follow what is happening ingame and feel immersed. When you hear that damn Shaco go “Whoop!' you know that the bastard has either just escaped with 12 health or is about to stab you in the back. A simple Yes/No to the question: “were you just chasing him or not?” will rapidly enlighten you on your predicament.
    Having all of new Kat’s abilities sound extremely similar adds to the pervasive feeling of monotony and blandness/normalisation that this rework seems to have brought about.
    I acknowledge this is a personal view, some people apparently like the new sounds, but I will forever treasure the loud reverberating noise that Killer Instincts used to make when activated. You could literally startle a lane opponent and see their reaction just by activating it. Not doing anything, just activating it. Because now they knew, as did you, that the chances of something seriously impacting on their health bar had just greatly increased.
  • That Spotlight.
    We all know Riot has a tendency to pitch level 15 spotlighted champs against a bunch of underfed level 10s, but they really pushed the boat out on that Gragas-and-Maokai-in-mid sketch. :rolleyes: “I Shunpo forward to dodge the barrel and harass Gragas.” lol
Need some positives in here, starting to sound way too much like a “Mwwwaaaaaaahh I want my old champ back” post (Ed’s note: that happened several pages back pb, right now you’re at the full blown banging fists and heels tantrum stage).
So, new Kat is good because:
  • Strong farmer mid - late game, great at pushing lanes and jungling.
    No more getting caught at wraiths hooray! (Old Kat required 2 rotations of her skills to kill the wraith camp, meaning it took at least 8 seconds, new Kat just needs one full rotation of skills and a couple of autoattacks, takes only 2ish seconds).
  • Shunpo damage reduction constant.
    This is undeniably nice. It’s a herpderp lowering of decision making and skillcap, as now one no longer has to mash W before E while on a kill frenzy. But that’s okay, I’ll admit to frequently fluffing this up. Lowering the skillcap doesn’t have to be a bad thing.
  • Animations are cool.
    New skins are great, really tempted to get the Mercenary one, animations on Shunpo and SS look good. Little unsure about the Varus-esque walk, think I preferred the run, but no biggie.
  • They didn’t completely wreck her.
    They kept the passive, they kept the Shunpo, they kept the Ult. These are good things.
  • Keeping grievous wounds on the ult.
    It’s 50% healing reduction. smile In an AOE! smile For 3 seconds! smile smile
    Yeah okay, struggling here, sue me.

Possible future?
  • Pretty sure that the current incarnation of Kat is going to go the way of Twitch and Eve after reworks - a large surge of popularity right after release followed by a rapid tail off.
    Some people are pointing hopefully at the Jax/Kayle(/Xin) reworks that resulted in sleeper strong champs, but I think she’s just too confused in her role and position at the moment. Is she burst? Is she sustained dps from the W? Lategame full AP? Mid?
  • Possible positive changes:
    Putting healing reduction back on Q, reducing Shunpo cooldown, increasing base damage of ult, increase in movement speed duration of W (probably accompanied by a cd increase in that case).
  • What I’m doing:
    I’m trying her top, not in ranked yet, but it seems a best fit scenario in my mind. It’s not entirely obvious, given lack of sustain and squishiness, however best comparison I’ve seen is Rumble. Both manaless, both do sustained damage in a chasing type scenario, one has shield the other has damage reduction. Rumble is of course more tanky and has a way better ult, but Kat has a better (once levelled) ranged harass and better escapability.
    So far I’m finding that any melee autoattackers that rely on hitting minions for sustain (Shen, Irelia) get completely dominated, because every time they go for a last hit they take a W (maxed first) to the face. Ap casters top like Cho and Vlad tend to be a 50:50 depending on skill, again they ofc have much better sustain, but your burst from W is far superior for a long time. On the other hand, Garen has raped me pretty much every game, yet to see if that’s because of the buffs from his rework or just the way it’s always going to be.
    In line with my comments about Gunblade, I’ve been going Abyssal sceptre first, then Deathcap, possible Lichbane after. I’ve yet to try a Deathfire Grasp and I need to try Gunblade a bit more to be sure it’s dead, but it doesn’t feel right. There’s a greater emphasis on AP in her kit now I think.
This post on the general forum caught my eye, I agree with most of it:
Fflarn Wrote:Old Shunpo was never a 14 second cd, rank 1 was 10 seconds, I don't know what you're trying to sell.

After playing a few games, her kill potential is meh. Against champs she already excelled against, she still does fine. Against enemies that are a bad match up, she lost the ability to KI BB farm/harass and trying to close in to trigger your marks is going to make you lose trades in those lanes.

I think the saddest testament to the new Kat is I had twitch live through a full channel ult. Sustain damage.. who cares, W with gunblade and 500 AP gives you ~400 damage every 3 seconds on average. That's absolutely negligible when you look at real sustain AP damage casters like Swain or Ryze.

Since even squishy champs regularly live through your QEWR combo now, it is very difficult to get cd refresh chains going without your team, and far from sustaining, you regularly get blown up or kited.

This does nothing for Kat in competitive play. She does mediocre damage and lacks any CC. There is no reason to take Kat over Ahri who is more reliably mobile, does more AoE damage, and has a hard CC. If you want tanky sustain damage, Ryze and Swain do it better, and bring CC to the table.

She can jungle. Why you would want a Jungle that is neither tanky nor has CC is another question entirely.

tl;dr The remake took away her defining burst, and made her a poor excuse of a sustain damage champion. In doing so, they changes Kat's gameplay to a less fun version.

U tipe 2 much, me no reed gud, wut u say?

Bad mid.
Confused mechanics/ratios/role.
Pretty good candidate for buffs.


So, interesting thing I learned.

Apparently you don't get a posted rank unless you are 1) Above a certain threshold (around 1200-1300 someone said) and 2) a minimum number of games (5-10).

Even more interesting, your rank might disappear if you fall below a certain threshold.

Intriguing. Comments on if this is true?
Pitboss Demo - Darrell's Tropical Trolls
PBEM45G - Sareln

If I'm driving Sona, and the enemy team's plan is Bandage Toss -> Curse, how should I be planning to use my ultimate to best effect?

pocketbeetle Wrote:On the other hand, Garen has raped me pretty much every game, yet to see if that***8217;s because of the buffs from his rework or just the way it***8217;s always going to be.

*shipper glasses on*
Now I know what fanfic I'll write after Veigar/Lulu <3

VoiceOfUnreason Wrote:If I'm driving Sona, and the enemy team's plan is Bandage Toss -> Curse, how should I be planning to use my ultimate to best effect?

Probably sit by the carry and use it to peel but I'm a scrubnub Sona and I honestly don't know

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