The Day opened calmly enough, with accusations flying madly. Then...
Uberfish: Hey, fellow citizens. Did you know that human flesh is delicious? I do - for I am a dastardly werewolf. Grarrr!
"Uh, no you're not, quit talking that way"
"Yeah, really, it's not funny"

"Yeah, it really is funny, guys."
Some time passes
"Ok, you caught me, I'm not really a wolf. I was just trying to make them show themselves."
More time passes.
"You know - maybe uberfish was telling the truth about himself"
"Nah, can't be"
"Well...I mean, he does hate to lie"
"Uberfish - why do you have blood on your lips?"
"I SAW HIM last night, worshipping the devil and howling at the moon"
"Yeah, I did too"
"Get him!"
And so, the villagers dragged uberfish to the lynching post. Serdoa, in his offical capacity as Mayor, asked him for any last words, but all he got was a curse at the gods.
Uberfish was lynched.
Uberfish was a Normal Villager.
Uberfish(10): scooter, Jkaen, Meiz, Lewwyn, Mr Nice Guy, Serdoa, Sareln, zakalwe, Catwalk, Twinkletoes89
Twinkletoes89(4): Rowain, Erebus, Gaspar, Roland
zakalwe(2): uberfish, Injera
Sareln(1): Ichabod
Serdoa was elected Mayor[/COLOR]
Serdoa(9): Rowain, Ichabod, Meiz, Serdoa, Sareln, zakalwe, Catwalk, Twinkletoes89, Roland
Gaspar(5): Jkaen, Mr. Nice Guy, Erebus, Injera, Gaspar
Lewwyn(2): scooter, Lewwyn
Ichabod(1): uberfish
Night 1 has begun, and will end at 2200 GMT, Friday Sept 9th. Please submit all night actions by then (earlier would be nicer).