September 8th, 2011, 17:53
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Oops, wrong thread. Sorry.
September 8th, 2011, 20:29
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Are we not allowed to speak during the night?
A note on the Uberfish lynch: A little bit too easy there. I thought we'd get at least a little action opposite of Uberfish. It feels a bit like a wasted day.
Oh and Serdoa:
Serdoa Wrote:Oh, one other thing as for me being mayor making sense: I can be online at days end. Seems that is rather an issue for Lewwyn and Gaspar if I understood correctly.
 Yeah I didn't think about the whole me not being online at lynch time thing. I feel pretty stupid not taking that into account.
So, yeah don't elect me mayor.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
September 8th, 2011, 20:32
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Lewwyn Wrote:Are we not allowed to speak during the night?
I won't stop you.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
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September 9th, 2011, 02:44
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Pretty funny write-up, Mardoc. Even though it was basically just a straight summary of events.
I'll do some rereading today, to see if anything stands out. I'm pretty sure that Novice is a wolf, though...
If you know what I mean.
September 9th, 2011, 15:47
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90 minutes till the night is over so time for some comments:
a) I doubt that all 4 wolves voted for uberfish. OTOH I'm sure that at least 2 wolves voted for him. If TT is a wolf I would even bet on 3 voting for uber but not more.
From those 7 not voting uberfish uber is dead and I know that I'm a villager. Additional Ichabod does strike me as a villager too.
That leaves Ijera, Erebus, Gaspar and Roland for 1 or 2 wolves
b) Studying the voting and especially the BW on uber I would guess one of the triple: Meiz, Jkaen, Lewwyn is a wolf too (votes 4-6 on uber)
c) I suspect one of the late triple: MNG, Sareln, TT to be a wolf too.
d) uber did suspected zak/catwalk but I'm not sure about that.
e) I do have favorites in all those groups but I prefer if you do your own thinking.
f) Finally a warning: As I'll be out of town tomorrow I will be offline for the next ~20 hours (+- 3)
September 9th, 2011, 16:39
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So if I understand you right Rowain, out of the 15 people (taking you and uberfish out of the equation) left, you think that
3-4 out of 10 are wolves
leaving us with cat/zak/myself/scooter/Ichabod as your villagers? I think I was generally considered pretty villagerish, as well as Ichabod. I could understand cat and zak as well I guess, but scooter? I still have to see any contribution worth considering him villager at all.
September 9th, 2011, 16:52
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I did spend quite a while rereading today, and typed up some thoughts. Like Rowain, I'll go ahead and post them now, so my efforts don't go to waste in case I get killed.
First of all, my villager reads. I think Serdoa, Ichabod, and Meiz all appear to be innocent, though I still want to keep an eye on Meiz just to be sure. Someone mentioned he could be good at deception, and I agree with that. Catwalk seems very much in line with how he played in the previous game, but I have less experience with him, so I'm a little less certain there. I'm tempted to add Gaspar to the innocent camp, too, because he made some good points, and I never got the feeling he was fluffing up his posts. Plus, as was also mentioned, he acts with more confidence than in previous games. That suggests he may be a villager, since he probably has a stronger belief in his own abilities as a villager than as a wolf. Several people defended well throughout the day; I'm pretty happy with what I eventually saw from MNG, TT, and to some extent Scooter. A bit early to clear them, but not my prime suspects currently. Can't see any specific reasons to really suspect Lewwyn either.
So that leaves the following suspects, in sign-up order:
Looking at that list, I find myself questioning whether all four wolves could be found there, so maybe I should adjust the threshold for innocence a little, but no matter. The point of the above is to condense the full set of options into a shorter list of suspects with a high density of wolves. There will be time to search for deep cover wolves later. Looking at those remaining players individually, here are some thoughts:
Rowain was rightfully called out for attacking me with poor arguments. When pressed for reasons, he eventually claimed that he voted for me to see who would try to get on my good side. On the one hand, I don't really believe that explanation, but on the other hand, it's the kind of lie that an innocent might make to defend his pride. I'd be more inclined to believe him if he said the real reason was that he just wanted to make me sweat, regardless of my alignment, because he thinks I deserve it. Anyway, it's certainly somewhat in character. And if there's one thing we've learned during the previous WW games, it's that, for better or for worse, trying to get me lynched carries a definite risk of getting yourself lynched instead. Refer to day 1 for the most recent example of this phenomenon. I think a wolf would realize this, either consciously or at an intuitive level, so he would be more likely to shy away from a face-off with me. So as a wolf, I have no doubt Rowain would still want to see me hang, but I'm not sure he would be this confrontational, particularly when it became clear quite early on that he wasn't gaining much traction.
Tying into the above, I find Gaspar's "sigh of relief" wolf tell on Roland quite interesting. And Roland has really been avoiding confrontation with everybody so far, not just with me. In a way, it seems like he's more concerned with buddying up to people than he is with hunting wolves. He's not really contributing much of interest either. Whenever he presents anything resembling a theory I find myself disagreeing or just wondering what he's talking about. Definitely feels like he's posting for the sake of posting, at times. Also, I don't like how he repeatedly states that this might be his last post for the day, as if he wants to leave himself an out in case it suddenly seems prudent to go quiet. Also, there is another thing that is a little unusual about Roland's play yesterday: he actually cast two votes well before the end of the day. In previous games, he was a notorious fence-sitter, and refused to cast his vote before the very end of the day, after very serious consideration. I remember being slightly frustrated about this as a wolf in WW3; other villagers were easier to manipulate, in that sense. Not saying that this slight deviation from his normal pattern is a big wolf tell in itself, but if he does flip as a wolf it will be particularly interesting to go back and see who he voted for, and why that might be. Overall, I can't really decide how strongly I suspect Roland; I should probably reread his posts in more detail (if I can bring myself to do it), but he certainly hasn't convinced me of his innocence.
Sareln also seems off. The only thing redeeming him is that he attracted a lot of suspicion as a villager in his last game, too. I pointed this out, saying that he played a very poor villager game last time, and he responded with "gee, thanks" or something to that effect. He then later used the same argument in his own defense, saying that he was deliberately laying low and just playing defense because he knew he was such a poor villager. That internal inconsistency is cause for suspicion, in my mind. If he is so well aware of his own limitations as a villager, why did he get offended when I pointed it out? Also, randomly voting for a mayor candidate never makes sense, whether or not there's a seer. Randomly voting for a wolf is OK, since everybody else is a better lynch candidate than yourself. But if you don't know who to nominate for mayor, you should obviously go for the one known innocent there is, i.e. yourself; voting for someone random makes zero sense to me.
Regarding the remaining three: Jkaen, Erebus, and Injera, there's not really anything specific that has drawn my attention (except maybe that Erebus has been a bit more quiet this time around), but they haven't convinced me of their innocence yet.
All of this is just a starting point for discussion, though. I'm not going to push heavily for any particular lynch right out of the gate, and I'm very willing to listen to what others have to say.
If you know what I mean.
September 9th, 2011, 16:59
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Ok, not much time left and as I was considered villager already by some, I might be dead after this night. Maybe not, but whatever happens, getting my thoughts out might not be the worst anyway
1) zakalwe does make jokes. THAT makes me most suspicious about him as I can only remember him doing that as wolf. On top of that, I still try to understand what happened between uberfishs reveal and zakalwes postings about uberfish being pretty surely a villager as that wouldn't make sense as a wolf and his change of mind later on to uberfish has to be a wolf. Tbh I did not take that into account enough myself before the lynching, but afterwards I realized that there were some people trying to find a reason to believe uberfish (and I think if he had put a little bit of effort into it, he could have been saved) but zakalwe was the opposite, even though he was the first one to admit that uberfishs play would be stupid as wolf and he therefore has to be villager. Basically I feel that zak was the one being nearest to the right track (uberfish=villager) but instead of hitting it I feel he deliberately left it as soon as it seemed convenient.
2) Lewwyn was in my innocent camp but the more I reread his posts, the less I am inclined to have him there. Yes he made some posts which are the Lewwyn as I know him. But others are ... I don't know. I am unsure, it feels off. Maybe because we have never seen Lewwyn play wolf.
3) Injera is pretty quiet. Jumped on zak, left him shortly to reread what was posted, getting called out by me for jumping of him without knowing what was written and jumped back on. And that's it. No own ideas I could find, no nothing. Why am I reminded on pling right now?
4) Sareln, if you are a villager, please, try to do more. I mean it should still be fun, but you'll get yourself killed in no time if you post mostly tallies and don't act. It doesn't have to be longish posts and it has not to be some great ploy or anything. Sometimes it is enough to reread one, two or 3 players postings and tell the others your feelings. I don't actually believe you are a wolf right now but I believe you can do more.
5) Last but not least: Gaspar. I still get a feeling that he is a wolf. I don't know, I expect more from him. Not so much in regards to telling us "xxx is a wolf" and being right but at least telling us something. Sure it is only one day but I think there was already enough discussion that he could have easily provided more support to the village.
September 9th, 2011, 17:03
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After an intense day of werewolf hunting, you retire to your beds, satisfied that if you haven't killed a wolf, well, at least you killed a liar. And uberfish was practically a wolf anyway, right? Maybe he really was a wolf, the only wolf, and just didn't transform when he died as another lie.
As you start to drift off to sleep, though, you hear bonecurdling howls. As you huddle in your bed, you hear first one scream, then another. Eventually things quiet down again and you manage to get a little bit of rest.
In the morning, you gather in the town square with the rest of...well, some of the rest of your fellow lynchers. Someone's missing. Actually - a quick count suggests that two someones are missing! You head to their homes, to discover their bodies. Both have been killed by slashing wounds, and neither grew fur when he died.
In addition, Rowain had an interesting collection of sleepy drugs, diarrehea pills, brownie mixes, and more. You realize he was the one who'd been the village prankster, often keeping you in the bathroom all night long with his 'gifts'.
Rowain was killed! Rowain was the village roleblocker!
Lewwyn was killed! Lewwyn was a normal Villager!
Day 2 has begun, and will end at 2200 GMT, Sunday Sept 11th.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
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September 9th, 2011, 17:08
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Well that sucks.
I was planning on voting Rowain. Goes to show that I really am not very good at figuring people out.
Roland was one of the first ones to make me think innocent... so he must be guilty if 2 of my three guilty suspects were innocent.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.