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[SPOILERS] TheArchduke blasts into Space as Russia

So now that I've managed to get up to speed, I can start bothering the experts with questions:
1. Do the denouncements have any effect here beyond posturing? I would assume anyone I'm not DoF'ed with is a potential enemy anyway, so why even denounce players?
2. Would trying to DoF Rome make sense here? I'm trying to imagine a scenario where together with Rome you carve up Greece while fighting at a standstill against the Cree and teching away. After all, from their standpoint, your milscore is higher and since taking Radio, you seem to be the aggressor in their eyes (- so I'm not sure they are actively trying to start a war, is what I am saying).

(this all might be silly to you guys, so take it with a grain of salt and don't shoot the messenger!)

PS: Fantastic job on the reporting, I'm more interested in this game than in the 6otM's I am regularly playing smile


Wow, there's a ton of information here, thanks Archduke! goodjob I'll just toss out a few thoughts for right now and I'll probably have more later.

* I'm not sure why Greece is so opposed to you despite having no contact for the first 80-90% of the game. If Kaiser's determined to be opposed though, then you'll just have to keep doing what you've been doing, work around him as best you can. The biggest thing that Russia needs to defend is getting at least one cossack out on the field. The instant that one of those units appears, every city's defensive rating shoots up to about 60 and Greece can never capture a city under any circumstances. (I don't see horses and phalanxes doing much against crossbow-defended cities packing Defender of the Faith either but cossacks make attacking impossible.) Stall for the moment and look to counterattack in 10-15 turns. Do not declare war, let him make the first move and attack into your defenses.

* Have you reached out to Cornflakes at all? He's your obvious ally if there's a Cree + Greece alliance. Try seeing if you can get him on your side moving forward. Anything he can do to tie down Cree/Greek units would be a major help.

* TBS: Russia has effectively equal science/culture with the Cree but that gold/turn income is downright scary. Do you know how he's been able to accumulate so much wealth? It's too bad that Russia wasn't able to save up more money while pushing towards cossacks but that's water under the bridge now. I still do not think it's a good idea to try attacking TBS, his cities will be much better defended and I don't see cossacks making much progress. That's in contrast to Greece where the cities have 26 (!) defensive rating. Cossacks would slice through Greek cities like a hot knife through butter. I would defend in the south and attack in the east, not the other way around, and force TBS to come attack you. No, you can't defend your coastal cities again a determined frigate attack but almost all of your cities are inland. If you lost Radio + Spice Melange while taking every Greek city... well, that's a net positive as far as I can see. I just don't think your plan for a raid on TBS will work. And heck, if you can get your cities up to 60 defensive rating, you might actually be able to hold out OK against frigates, long enough to tech to them yourself.

* Mahabodi Temple: did you pick the new religious beliefs yet? I'd suggest Tithe and Wats if they're still available. You're probably not spending faith on Wats right now but at least that denies them to anyone else.

* Did the new Golden Age start yet? Continuing Monumentality for the next 30 turns feels like a no-brainer.

* Fogger: you need to swap Fogger over to the Grandmaster's Chapel if you haven't done so already. (It was not switched over in the posted screenshot.) This is not pre-expansion Civ6, you must have the Grandmaster's Chapel finished to faith purchase units, and Fogger is the only city that can build it. The tier 2 government building requires having a tier 2 government which Russia just adopted this turn in Monarchy. The sooner you start the Grandmaster's Chapel, the sooner it will be done. If you have a spare builder charge or two sitting around, I'd burn forest chops to get it done faster. (The forest east of the southern Encampment could surely be sacrificed here.)

* Last thought: very glad to see the missonary incoming to Ownage for Defender of the Faith. The new city in the north will need religion too for the second charge, and perhaps you'll be able to get more spreads inside Greek cities later. I really don't see how Kaiser can attack you with any success, or how he defends against a push from cossacks later. I mean, cossacks are 67 strength, +5 strength if they're in your territory from DOTF, another +5 strength in your territory or within one tile from their natural unit bonus. That's 77 strength (!!!) units when defending your territory. Against a horseman (36 strength), you would deal an average of 145 damage and take an average of 6 damage. Yikes. Oh, and the cossacks can move after attacking to walk back to safety. How could he ever stop you from running over his cities? Just get half a dozen of them and a battering ram to take down walls and it's a GG situation for sure.
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I lied, one other tidbit. I'm not sure if everyone has realized this Gathering Storm change yet because we've had few MP games in the expansion thus far:

Quote:GS-Only The Battering Ram only functions for melee and anti-cavalry class units. Also, the Ram becomes ineffective against Medieval and later Walls, and it upgrades to Siege Tower.

So what I just wrote was wrong, battering rams don't work for horse units anymore. And it doesn't work at all against cities with medieval walls! That could be important in terms of defending cities - no more sailing a battering ram up next to a city and smacking it with melee naval units. You might want to get medieval walls in your coastal cities as a result - it would make them significantly harder for TBS to attack.
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Honestly sweeping clockwise around the continent is looking like the smart move here. Could Rome stop Cossacks either?

37 hours at Kaiser.

This is a shame, I think I will want a PBEM with Alhambram and Cornflakes next time. Suboptimal plays along fast enough as well most of the time.

I give until the evening, then I bow out.

(April 30th, 2020, 01:15)TheArchduke Wrote: 37 hours at Kaiser.

This is a shame, I think I will want a PBEM with Alhambram and Cornflakes next time. Suboptimal plays along fast enough as well most of the time.

I give until the evening, then I bow out.

I registered an account here (finally) just to get this off my chest. I´ve been lurking these report threads for years now. I wonder if people like you Archduke have any idea how many people actually read your reports, unbeknownst to you? Does anyone? This particular report was even more interesting, really good interaction between you and your dedlurkers. I´m a big fan and appreciate the effort(s). I do understand however that you are not doing this for me, you are ultimately doing it for yourself and if it´s not fun anymore then that is how it is. But I can´t help wonder why you are so frustrated? On the one hand you mention a lot going on at home, stressed for time, on the other you won´t play unless turns come quickly (or granted, come at an somewhat faster than snail pace)?

Thanks for the input. I like to do a turn a day and like to invest time for it.

If turns go over 2-3 days I start to get frustrated as I set aside a specific time in the day to play my turn in peace and quiet.

Maybe I should accept those delays and move on. What I would love is a second PBEM at the same time, but no luck about that.

I also am still a bit sour that the deserved balanced discussion got derailed so badly. I still think Australia is a nightmare design for PBEM.

I am still down for a PBEM, if we can get another player or 2. We could even go with only the lower tier civs, through out all the top tier ones.

Sounds good. Maybe we can snag Alhambram and everyone gets to ban 1-2 civs?

Maybe Cornflakes and/or suboptimal as the 4th?

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