September 9th, 2011, 21:14
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Well, I had a feeling this might happen. First night I've gone into thinking I had a decent chance of being killed. I just wanted to play different! Instead I pulled a Meiz. :neenernee Lewwyn for Mayor!
"I fooled you , I fooled you, I got pig iron, I got pig iron, I got all pig iron!"
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”
September 9th, 2011, 21:16
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Okay, for real?? Why on earth would the vigilante take a shot this early in the game with so much in question?? Makes no sense at all. Honestly, it's OKAY if the vigilante never even uses his power... You only use it when you think you've got a sure thing... And if you think you have a sure thing on Night 1, you are delusional and/or out of your mind  . Sigh.*
Anyways. Obviously a lot of us were wrong about Uberfish, but I think we can still learn a lot from all that. FWIW - Uberfish's last post said that Zakalwe/Catwalk were his top two guesses for werewolf.*
I'm going to go a different direction here - Jkaen. He's been by far the quietest person. I have had really limited time due to RL issues (I actually didn't even know I was signed up for this game until I got the PM from Mardoc btw), and yet somehow even I have twice as many posts as Jkaen, which is REALLY saying something  . I actually did not even remember he was playing in this game until I read Rowain's last post before he died. I'm curious what a little bit of voting pressure would do to bring him to life.*
Other people that I'm at least keeping an eye on:
1. Erebus - Awfully quick to tell us Rowain was "probably" vig-killed, and then seemed to assume it in following posts. I do agree that Rowain was the more likely vig-kill, but like someone said - Lewwyn was lying low and not really contributing a lot... And *honestly, his mayor run seemed a bit half-hearted. I didn't really suspect him all that much, but if our vigilante was  enough to burn their kill on night 1, who is to say they weren't  enough to kill Lewwyn? My point is I'm just not totally comfortable assuming Rowain = vig-kill, but it seems Erebus is... Which would make sense if he's the vigilante OR if he's a wolf who knows he ate Lewwyn last night. If he's just a normal villager, it's a presumptuous statement to make IMO. Anyways, it caught my eye at least, but seeing as a couple other people agree that Rowain was probably vig-killed, it's probably not as significant as I think it is, but I thought I would note it.*
2. Roland - I'm a little more down on this than I was earlier - as his most recent post sounds a lot more like the villager Roland I've known in the past. I just get a slight feel that he's playing more passively than normal - rather than the aggressive WW hunter I'm used to him playing. Perhaps this could be chalked up to his more laid-back approach he's said he's trying, but it's worth noting anyways.*
3. Catwalk - Hunch more than anything. I just remember raising my eyebrows at a few things he said, and then we have Uberfish's last words where he pretty well believes Catwalk may be a WW. Considering I was wrong about Uberfish, I'm a little more apt to listen to what he had to say.*
4. Sareln - As Zakalwe said, something feels "off" here - but I don't really know what. Again, this is mostly hunch, but he's "on my radar" so to speak.*
People who feel innocent to me:
1. Serdoa
2. Ichabod
I'll have a few more thoughts tomorrow when everyone else has more of a chance to react to the results, but I'm done for the night.*
September 9th, 2011, 21:18
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Er, I have no idea why there are asterisks all over my post. I didn't write it in my browser - I copied and pasted it and apparently that resulted in random asterisks all over the place. Sorry about that.
September 9th, 2011, 21:49
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Ok, so I finished work, I got to eat dinner, I even relaxed in front of the TV for a little while afterwards. In short, I was calm, relaxed, in good spirits... and then I came on here to calmly address zakalwe's comments about me, and immediately my blood starts to boil again. So, having said that, let's see if I can reign it in long enough to convince zakalwe that I truly am as innocent as I ever was - especially since, as was evidenced with uberfish, once you're on zakalwe's hook it won't be long before the rest of the fish come to bite.
I'm just going to get this out of the way, first and foremost: what gets me about you, zakalwe, is your ego. I guarantee you that was a big part of why uberfish didn't "fight back" - he gave up because he simply didn't want to deal with the BS it takes to change your mind sometimes. Consider also that he not only had you, but also Twinkletoes calling out for his blood - regardless of whether he was innocent or not! What person could possibly find enjoyment in that? Uberfish is not the type to waste his time gnawing through his leg to escape a bear trap - he'd rather end it quickly, regardless of what anyone else might think. I've seen it first hand playing League of Legends with him, and I commented as much yesterday - oh, but wait, I'm just busy trying to buddy up with people. My theories don't make sense, or are just flat out wrong in your eyes. Ignore me, please - like you did uberfish yesterday. Let's keep going down that road, because it sure as hell has worked for us so far.
zakalwe Wrote:And if there's one thing we've learned during the previous WW games, it's that, for better or for worse, trying to get me lynched carries a definite risk of getting yourself lynched instead. Refer to day 1 for the most recent example of this phenomenon.
How about we refer to Day 1 as the most recent example of the phenomenon that your tunnel vision can get people killed? Yet you wonder why I get so riled up when I see you passing your cross-hairs over me. It's not that I fear you, zakalwe. It's the effect you have on people that worries me - I fear the mob you bring in your wake. There's a reason you've been called the sheep herder in almost every game you've been a Villager in: it's because you have an uncanny ability to make people follow you, regardless of whether it's a good idea or not. Uberfish knew this, and he chose not to bother trying to fight it - wasteful for the Village on his part, but prudent for himself in that he'd rather not play something that isn't fun for him.
zakalwe Wrote:I think a wolf would realize this, either consciously or at an intuitive level, so he would be more likely to shy away from a face-off with me. So as a wolf, I have no doubt Rowain would still want to see me hang, but I'm not sure he would be this confrontational, particularly when it became clear quite early on that he wasn't gaining much traction.
Well then, I guess I must not be a 'Wolf, huh? I'm sure as hell not afraid to face off with you, nor anybody else. The irony here is that I don't want to see you hang, because I don't want to repeat the same crap we just went through yesterday. Everything about you this game screams Villager zakalwe, so trying to lynch you wouldn't just be suicidal - it'd be detrimental to the Village. I've seen you play both sides, and I've learned to spot the differences - when you're a Villager, you swing your ego around like a giant warhammer, confident in your abilities, smashing down anything you see as in your way. When you're a 'Wolf you turn it inward, using it to shield you - as Serdoa noted, you tend to make jokes far more when you're a 'Wolf than a Villager, probably because you have no better way to exert that pent up energy.
I should have been more confident in what I read in uberfish. I wasn't, and so I didn't do the job defending him that I probably should have, since he sure wasn't going to do it. I can't change that now, and I'm not going to dwell on it. It's something I've been trying to work on (maintaining confidence in my own self - something that's exceptionally difficult given how I am as a person, and how scrutinizing this game can be on someone) all my life, and this game tends to showcase my faults pretty blatantly. Regardless, I don't see the point in attacking you - you screwed up, big time, and you were far from alone, but I see no 'Wolf in you this game. All I see is a misguided Villager looking to heal his bruised ego after a debacle of a first Day.
zakalwe Wrote:Tying into the above, I find Gaspar's "sigh of relief" wolf tell on Roland quite interesting. And Roland has really been avoiding confrontation with everybody so far, not just with me.
Chalk it up to me being in a good mood for a couple (short) days. I just finished a month-long move this past Labor Day weekend, after having busted my ass until midnight Saturday, Sunday, and Monday to get it done. Combine that with finally getting my internet and TV back, after having been without for two weeks, and I had good reason to be chipper. The fact that I was excited to play in this game with so many interesting characters just added to my enthusiasm (I originally had decided not to play this time around when the sign-ups first came, but - hahaha - I changed my mind at the last minute when I saw some of the colorful characters I'd be sharing company with). So maybe it's as simple as I wasn't looking for a fight, and I was in too good of spirits to find one in any case? For that matter, I'd especially look to avoid a confrontation with the likes of you. Not only can it be infuriating (as evidenced earlier, and now), but detrimental (as you yourself pointed out, it carries the risk of being lynched - regardless of actual guilt or innocence). I was purposefully trying to give you a wide berth. That, combined with the fact that you showed me pretty early on that you were your usual Villager self, and I had little reason to go after you until you gave me one. Had I held more conviction in uberfish's innocence you can bet I would have gone for you, full-on, if it meant saving a Villager. Clearly none of us had enough conviction in his innocence, and that cost us.
zakalwe Wrote:In a way, it seems like he's more concerned with buddying up to people than he is with hunting wolves.
Believe me, "buddy", you're the last person I'm going to have on my "friends" list in this game (although outside of the game is an entirely different story). I'm not here to make friends - I'm here to win this for the Village. You don't do that by making enemies - look at uberfish. You do it by preventing mislynches and finding 'Wolves. I may not be so hot at the latter, but I'd like to think I'm at least OK at the former. I'm not afraid to stick my neck out for someone whom I believe is innocent - including you - even if it means I may be taking that person's place on the chopping block. I'm not willing to throw my life away for nothing, especially when it hurts the Village, but I'm not the type to stand by and do nothing if it will help the Village just because it may make me a target.
I'm really curious to see who you think I've been buddying up to. Lewwyn? We have a great deal of history, and even though he stabbed me in the back (in my very first WW game, no less) I forgave him for that - I'm still friends with him, so of course I'm going to be friendly with him. Serdoa? I pissed enough vinegar on him in the past, over what mostly amounted to a language barrier and my own insecurities. These days I respect him too much not to listen to what he has to say - so long as I believe he's innocent. If that means I'm "buddying up" in your eyes, so be it, but I just call that wise playing. Who else am I missing? I can't think of anyone, but I'm eager to hear your offerings.
zakalwe Wrote:He's not really contributing much of interest either. Whenever he presents anything resembling a theory I find myself disagreeing or just wondering what he's talking about.
Right... because saying that, despite not agreeing with uberfish's unorthodox approach, I felt he was innocent by the tone of his explanation (which, IMO, was exactly the sort of thing uberfish wanted from us all, puncuated by him saying "think for yourself" - a jab at zakalwe's followers, as I read it). Saying that his lack of defense might be because he was just fed up with the whole Village, and didn't care enough to bother trying to defend himself, wasn't worth anything either. That's probably one you simply didn't understand, right? And if you don't understand it, it must just be a bunch of BS - that's the impression you give me. I'll be the first to admit I haven't had too much to offer this game, but it's somewhat hard when half of yesterdays conversation was a series of pissing contests - with you at the heart of it. We should have used yesterday to gather something worthwhile from all the chaos, and instead we blindly lynched a Villager with nary a word about it - before OR after. I raised my suspicions about people whom I thought were guilty, and no one agreed with me. I gave all I had, but apparently that's not good enough for you? I've always said I let my actions speak to my innocence, but clearly that's just not going to work for you, so what do I have to do to prove to you I'm not just innocent, but worth a damn?
zakalwe Wrote:Definitely feels like he's posting for the sake of posting, at times. Also, I don't like how he repeatedly states that this might be his last post for the day, as if he wants to leave himself an out in case it suddenly seems prudent to go quiet.
I'm sorry I can't make every single post an earth-shattering discovery, or even a wall of text like this one. When I'm at work, my ability to do anything constructive in these games is very flaky, mostly because I can't dedicate large blocks of time just cruising the forums, or typing up a response. Oh, and excuse me for wanting people not to start to wonder "Hey, Roland isn't posting very much. I wonder if he's hiding something!" I'm a 'Wolf if I don't post, and I'm a 'Wolf if I do - so what am I supposed to do? I'm not "looking for an out", I'm explaining my situation. We had enough people not posting on Day 1 for various reasons, and I wanted MY reasons to be explicit, so no one could twist them around to bit me in the ass. OOPS! Too late!
zakalwe Wrote:Also, there is another thing that is a little unusual about Roland's play yesterday: he actually cast two votes well before the end of the day. In previous games, he was a notorious fence-sitter, and refused to cast his vote before the very end of the day, after very serious consideration. I remember being slightly frustrated about this as a wolf in WW3; other villagers were easier to manipulate, in that sense.
This I can at least understand. Hell, I knew this was going to come up yesterday, before I cast my first vote - that's why I almost did wait. But then I thought to myself, why wait? Why be the same aggravating fence-sitter ALL the time? Grow a set of balls. Take some chances. HAVE FUN. Besides, I didn't flip-flop at all - I voted Catwalk until enough people convinced me that what I thought was 'Wolfish behavior was just his normal self, then I moved onto Twinkletoes, where I stayed the rest of the Day. I'd seen in the past that TT won't defend himself unless given enough pressure to need to, and his growing silence was starting to bother me - admittedly for the wrong reasons, ultimately. Believe me, I spent the last half of the day considering where I should move my vote, but nothing came about. Uberfish was already dead, and I was far from convinced of his guilt anyway - I wasn't as certain about his innocence anymore, but I would have sooner cast a no-vote than vote for him. I thought about going back to Catwalk, but on what grounds? I gave up on his suspicious behavior, and had nothing else to go on. I could have put it on Erebus, but I didn't because - like always - I didn't want to be flip-flopping constantly, just feeling around for something. I'd rather stick to one thing and be wrong, than flail about wildly - and be wrong multiple times over, even if only one counts in the end.
zakalwe Wrote:Not saying that this slight deviation from his normal pattern is a big wolf tell in itself, but if he does flip as a wolf it will be particularly interesting to go back and see who he voted for, and why that might be. Overall, I can't really decide how strongly I suspect Roland; I should probably reread his posts in more detail (if I can bring myself to do it), but he certainly hasn't convinced me of his innocence.
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize my posts were such bother to you. Please, your lordship, enlighten me as to how I can improve my ways to better serve you. How I long to worship at the Altar of Zakalwe.
I'm sorry, but your ego just rubs me wrong in these games, and it makes it very hard to take you seriously sometimes. THAT'S what pisses me off about you. It's a personality clash, it doesn't travel beyond this game, but so long as you and I are stuck together in here it's gonna rub me raw - and I'm not afraid to admit it. Frankly, at this point I'm with uberfish - I couldn't care LESS if you think I'm innocent or not. I feel like I'm Galileo when I'm dealing with you - all the facts in the world sometimes aren't enough to change your mind.
This has turned into one long rant - something I was hoping to avoid when I sat down to write this - so I'm going to end it here. I'm sure there'll be a couple pages for me to sift through once I post this, so hopefully I can find something worthwhile to contribute from within them. I intend to comb Day 1 again, too, to see if any of my original hunches still pan out - although at this point I'm not overly hopeful.
I will say this, though, zakalwe - I'm with you on being slightly suspicious of Meiz. I may not understand how he can be so deceptive (I never saw the "Seer" in him in any of the previous games), but he does seem a tad off this time around. I can't put my finger on it - I'm not even sure I can formulate in my mind just what seems off - but I feel it there all the same. Beyond that, I'm still eying Erebus, and maybe Catwalk. Oh, and Sareln strikes me as very off, too - I agree with whoever said that having a weak Day 1 persona does not excuse his behavior yesterday. That's about all I have to contribute at the moment. We'll see if I can find something more worthwhile.
September 9th, 2011, 22:26
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I'm about to start in on Roland's wall of text, but before that I have raise my eyebrow at Scooter.
It's totally okay for Zak to assume the vigilante kill and not myself?
I saw the results, and thought to myself, with the way everything was yesterday, Rowain was at the top of a few peoples list. If the vigi is who I think it is, I don't want to explain anymore without ousting him.
I figured Lewwyn lying low would get some attention, as well as his hard mayor run, but Rowain seemed to be pulling more village aggro.
I hadn't had time to respond as I was watching the thread on my mobile while at the store, but Zak echoed my sentiment, and I figured I'd put in into words.
I know I also have Jkaen as my vote, but it goes beyond activity as he said internet access would be extremely rare. It was his 180 degree flip on Uberfish which caught my attention.
September 9th, 2011, 22:34
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Funny thing, both Catwalk and I got pointed at all last game with most of the veterans crying "wolf wolf wolf", but neither of us were lynched and we were BOTH baners.
So Roland's vote on Catwalk and suspicion of myself seems very normal, as our play styles are different enough from the herd to seemingly stand-out.
I hope this carries over to when I finally draw wolf from the RNG to have people say "Erebus seems suspicious, but then again doesn't he always?"
September 9th, 2011, 22:35
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correction both villagers. Catwalk was the baner.
September 9th, 2011, 22:57
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<takes 10000000 damage from Roland's Wall of Text>
So... yeah, Roland. I'll get back to that later after a scotch or two.
I was really pissed off when I find the night results - we lose 2 powerroles, essentially (vig's blown his shot) and we've essentially wasted a mislynch. My cooler head I understand why the (fairly obvious but I'm not interested in outing villagers unless they want to) vig took his shot, but I think we need more people with novice's discretion in the vig role. Better to lose it entirely than beat ourselves - let's at least make the wolves do their own dirty work. Anyway, that's the last I'll say on the matter. Something I learned from my wolf days is that backbiting and hating on each other doesn't help win, it just makes you less motivated to care at all.
I think the thing we do all need to realize is we need to regroup - we've misused day 1 quite a bit. I generally stayed the hell away from uber's gambit - I can't say I knew he was innocent, if I did I'd have been loud about it. What I did know is that we needed more conversation, that's why I tried to focus on other players. So I'd caution against everyone sticking all over one player today - it makes it too easy to hide.
On that same note, I'd say I'm inclined to disagree with Rowain's pre-mortem analysis. Not that he might not have a wolf hit in there somewhere, but more that I doubt there's anything to be gleaned from the day one end of day voting. There may be a clue earlier in the day somewhere but when you have a landslide that big its near impossible to pull anything out of the voting habits. I'm sure wolves voted for uber, I'm sure wolves didn't vote for uber. Typically, I'd argue wolves will tend to be on the side of "right" on day 1 - they know there's going to be lots of that sort of conversation and they'd rather be able to point themselves as not voting for the innocent. In this case however there was so much room to hide that I just don't think there's anything in it.
Gonna grab some chow and hit you guys back with some specific theories but I wanted to put out there some general stuff I think I've learned from playing wolf twice in a row. Also, I'd like a general call for more chatter from the westerners here - I know we took a big hit today but sitting around feeling sorry for ourselves just leads to a quick loss, and I know I personally am tired of losing this game.
I've got some dirt on my shoulder, can you brush it off for me?
September 9th, 2011, 23:09
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Ok, rereading Day 1, and Catwalk is still tripping my radar. At first I was thinking it was just me, but then I caught this again:
Catwalk Wrote:Roland, we could agree to lynch uberfish and then keep discussing other suspects anyway. I think there are very strong reasons to lynch uberfish, won't keep us from putting the rest of the day to good/bad/no use.
Why single me out? That struck me as odd back then, and it still does now. I think I was too distracted at the time to really press the issue, but now I have nothing but time, so I'm going to make up for it. Catwalk, what did you mean by this? Why did you single me out - someone whom you felt (and, I'd wager, feel ever more strongly about) overreacted to accusation? Why was I so important to help get the uberfish bandwagon rolling?
Moving on I next find Sareln:
Sareln Wrote:The same reason behind voting randomly for lynch on the first post. I decided to give both votes randomly w/out considering the new importance of the mayor in this setup. So a bad reason. 
This comment really struck me as odd, too, with regards to Sareln. I may not know him very well from a hole in the wall, but even so this comment raised my eyebrows. It just seemed... too dismissive. I know, that's very subjective, but it's what I feel, and at this point I'm inclined to follow my feelings until such time as they prove me wrong. I also wasn't too impressed with his later defense, although I'm not overly interested in rehashing the whole bit (I don't see much more to be learned, but maybe that's short-sighted of me). Just noting it for explanation as to why he's one of my suspects.
Next up is my lynch vote from yesterday, Twinkletoes:
Twinkletoes89 Wrote:Well uberfish's post throws a spanner in the works.
I just do not understand how he could be anything other than a wolf. Why would a villager ever post something that would so clearly draw a lynch vote to them?
It makes zero tactical sense in any way. Even if he was a villager, contributions such as that are harmful to the village as a whole and would almost be a worthwhile mislynch!
His later posts helped lessen my suspicion against him (which there wasn't much of to begin with - I really just voted for him to make him talk), but this bit still makes me leery of trusting him. For someone to be so close-minded really shakes my confidence in their ability to spot 'Wolves, not to mention it could prove problematic in protecting likely innocents. Granted, as a Villager in the past he's seemed a bit more open to discussion than this quote would suggest, but I still don't like the stance. It's too... arbitrary, and final. I mean, why would any Villager be willing to make a mislynch? It's hardly a sure sign of being a 'Wolf, but it's disconcerting all the same, so I'm noting it here. It was enough to make me swear off voting him Villager - innocent or no, with that kind of judgment I don't want him leading.
Rolling back around to Catwalk:
Catwalk Wrote:I still think uberfish's confession is a wolf ploy, and it seems to be working. If he's done it before as a villager, I don't find it unlikely he'd use it as an alibi now to establish trustworthiness. I also find Injera's blunt dismissal of the theory that uberfish really is a wolf to be suspicious.
He pushed awfully hard from the get-go to get uberfish lynched. I know - that's something no 'Wolf would consider doing, or so everyone tells me - but combined with how he read Injera's post... it just makes me feel like he's trying too hard to tie people together. I mean, if he (Catwalk) knew uberfish was innocent, then tying Injera to it by making it appear as though he (Injera) knew as well is certainly a thought. When uberfish would ultimately come up as a Villager, it would make anyone who dismissed his ploy right off the bat appear suspicious. Also, my read on Injera thus far has been - as I've said - a newbie Villager trying hard to make a good first go of the game (is this his first game?) It doesn't hurt that uberfish suspected 3 people that were already starting to creep up on my list (scooter, Meiz, and Catwalk - I wasn't getting any solid 'Wolf vibes from zakalwe at that point, and that hasn't changed yet).
Since I've brought up scooter and Meiz, let's talk about them. Am I the only one who feels the posts by these two are somewhat... disingenuous? I can't put my finger on anything specific, but it just seems like they're not playing their best. I don't know whether that means they have something good or something bad to hide, but I just get the feeling something's off. The feeling has lessened with scooter (mostly because I don't see him trying to manipulate anyone like I've seen him do in the past as a 'Wolf; also, I don't want to punch him in the face - a pretty strong indicator for me that he's more likely a Villager), but not with Meiz. It also hasn't grown with Meiz, either. I wonder if this is what the 'Wolves in the past felt? Up until now I've never understood why Meiz was such a popular target, but right now I'm wondering if I've finally gotten a little sense of it. All I know is I can't put my finger on it, but I'm sure as the game goes on and we get more discussion going I'll figure it out one way or another.
Erebus is another one that was catching my eye a bit yesterday, first with his analyses on the fallout surrounding uberfish's ploy:
Erebus Wrote:I agree with others that I originally read it as a joke towards Lewwyn's & Gaspar's "uberfish is always a werewolf", but I didn't comment at first and read everyone elses comments first. Then I slept on it.
For the average villager the biggest issue is we don't know what uberfish's actual role is.
If he's a wolf, then the wolf responses would be damage control, minimizing his actions while trying to convince him to keep playing. [Roland, Serdoa, Rowain, Twinkletoes, Gaspar, Scooter]
If he's innocent, then the wolf response is to either get rid of him now before things get worse or to paint him untrustworthy. [Zakalwe, Catwalk, Lewwyn]
Injera and myself didn't really comment until after the reveal was done, and Ichabods and Meiz comments were rather non-commital.
As villager my first instinct was to vote him off, then to let him stew and see if he just straight quit thus not wasting a lynch on him. I also wanted to see if this was a ploy.
The issue is one of circular logic without knowing Uberfish's role. I saw we leave Uberfish alone for now and watch him.
He contradicts himself - first by saying as a Villager we should lynch him, but then saying we'd be best to leave him alone (a.k.a. damage control). It was... well, I don't know if subtle is the right word, but when I read it the first time I almost missed it. It took me a couple re-reads to really piece it together. Then he moves on to this:
Erebus Wrote:However, one persons response in particular disturbed me. That's Zakalwe.
So... if you wanted to kill uberfish that made you a Villager... unless you're zakalwe (or Erebus)? It just seemed so far out of left field - again, contradicting himself - that I had to wonder what his goal was. As zakalwe himself has pointed out it is often foolish to try to lynch him - something only an experienced player would probably know. This is probably a newbie mistake, but the question is why kind? That of a 'Wolf, or that of a Villager?
Erebus Wrote:The always analytical Zak never approached this from the possibility that Uberfish was villager. He never had any doubts and went straight for the throat, a strange play for Zak unless he knew that Uberfish's claim was a farce. As MJW put it: Zak has a reputation to live up to, and I don't believe he did so in this respect. As such he seems very suspicious to me.
I think zakalwe approached it the only way he knew how, and honestly couldn't fathom (at least initially) why uberfish would do such a thing as a Villager. Granted, I'm not trying to put words in zakalwe's mouth, but I believe he stated his reasons fairly plainly, and I didn't find any flaws in his conviction. It's not like he isn't known for acting blindly. :neenernee Again, maybe this is my own bias talking but I just haven't seen enough evidence against him to go attacking zakalwe. I honestly think that is what got Rowain killed if he was in fact vig-shotted: it makes more sense to me than the 'Wolves killing him off, anyway. After all, Rowain was zakalwe's most vocal opponent, poor arguments or no, and I should think the 'Wolves would want to keep around someone who could argue with zakalwe. Chaos hurts the Village, no matter who's causing it. Anyway, that's all beside the point - the point being that zakalwe strikes me as a Villager (albeit rather misguided), while Erebus strikes me more as a 'Wolf trying to take down a dangerous opponent. I have very little to go on, obviously, but that's my suspicion, and that's what I'm trying to put forth - my suspicions, and the reasons behind them.
So those are my current "suspects", and really they haven't changed much since I last posted about them:
Roland Wrote:And my top suspects would be (in order):
Gaspar has moved a bit off my radar to neutrality, leaving the other three still standing. I'm going to keep re-reading through to see if anything else jumps out to swing my suspicion one way or another, but that's all I've got right now.
September 9th, 2011, 23:11
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Way too quiet for day 2. So I'm going off the impressions people have left with me.
Probably innocent:
Leftover suspicion from yesterday:
Everyone else:
Something about Scooter's last post struck a curious tone for me. JKaen feels like the "right" wolf vote at this time. And calling Erebus on making what is an obvious assumption (Rowain = vig target) seems like the "right" wolf move. JKaen is quiet, and Erebus is often considered suspicious the way zak is often considered innocent. What do the other westerners (and late Europeans) think about this? I think, rather than re-read 40 pages, I'll focus on re-reading the posts of those 6 players. I tink we're bound to find something there.
You can get a look at a t-bone by looking up the bulls ass but I'd rather take the butcher's word for it.