Always more lessons to learn
Good news is that we're approaching printing press to make even better use of those mature cottages.
Companeros was making about 34 food a turn while the next best (Few $ More) is ~25 food a turn. Few $ More doesn't have room for more farms until Biology. But it's a safer spot, yeah.
Heroic Epic is going in Il Mercenario, which was my best production city outside capital. I was thinking it would make a good Moai spot too, it's got plenty of water tiles. The drawback: It could be boated from HRE's small city that borders the same lake as it. I'd have at least 1 turn of warning because I have visibility on the city & could see any ships... but it is still risky if he knows to target Il Merc.
Persia borders Mongolia and the Network. They take up a big continuous strip of the world, maybe 1/3 or 1/4th of the total landmass. I know Mongolia got into the war on Grimace but it looks like Persia took the lion's share of the spoils.
If Persia attacked Mongolia next it would immediately destabilize our own situation... I think the reason HRE hasn't gone all out war with us yet is because they have to maintain a long land border with Mongolia, and can't leave any openings. (Their border with Old Rome is a single city chokepoint, the rest of the border otherwise occupied by a mountain range). If Mongolia were in a major war with Persia then I think HRE would take advantage of it to either attack us or attack the divided Mongolia. We're barely overtaking Mongolia power-wise so I figure he'd opt for the latter.
If HRE declares on Mongolia then I think we'd have to declare on HRE... It'd be the only chance we have to exploit a weakness in his far superior civ. I'm not quite ready for that yet. So though I hope it happens eventually, I hope it's not soon.