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RP Pitboss #2 [SPOILERS] - Darius I of the Holy Roman Empire

Ok plako is saying that they are in seriious trouble.

However, if we get Whosit on our side, I really don't think we'll have a problem.

Quote:Dear Nakor,

Things are looking bad for us. Prepare for having a super power as your neighbour. Whosit was able to capture Pyongyang without a kill for us.

Any chance you could send couple of axes to our direction. If we survive, we'll definately would do our best to assist you in the future.

Best regards,

CoW message from Whosit.

Will start responding to him later

Quote:Dear Friends and Allies,

I just wish to update you all on my position. As you may have guessed from recent changes in the score, my attack on Korea is going well. I probably won't get bogged down in a stalemate on that front. The biggest problem is going to be building enough Galleys to transport my troops. The way things are going, I probably won't be able to launch until Turn 100. I would not land at Fredericksburg until Turn 112. However, that is still faster than trying to march my troops overland. The good news is that I will certainly have 3 Galleys by then, maybe even 4. That means 6-8 Preatorians to join the battle.

Now, it would be possible for me to sail earlier, but probably with just half that force. If I left earlier, I might make it by Turn 106 with 4 Preatorians. Personally, I think the landing would be more effective with a larger force than with a couple of smaller waves, but I will prepare for whichever strategy the Coalition wants. Based on Nakor and DMOC's strategy, it seems like there's a good chance that fringe areas like Fredericksburg will be underdefended, which should fall easily to me, and then my troops could link up where needed.

A third option, of course, is to push back the whole operation, but I know there's a big risk in that as Sullla and Speaker will continue to gain a tech lead. Speaking of that: Jowy, do you know what they are working on now that Monotheism is complete?

To victory,

Whosit, Galactic Emperor

My proposed message to whosit, colored in yellow b/c I have yet to send it.

Dear Whosit,

Congratulations on your war success thus far! smile We are busy building troops to take on India (as you are aware of) and are jsut over 5 turns away from researching Code of Laws. Hopefully we will found Confucianism, now that India has just finished Monotheism and are probably not on pace for a fast Code of Laws. If we do, the free missionary that we get will go directly to your territory. Which city would you like to have the religion spread to first? (However, getting a shrine for ourselves is probably a long shot - but if we are able to found Confucianism, we may try to work a priest specialist in a city.)

You have an interesting proposal for the central island. Hopefully we'll be able to help settle it. However, at the moment, our coastal cities are not facing towards the center (they're on the opposite side of the landmass). We plan to found cities near the coast soon.

Your point on NAP's are sound. I agree that they are lacking in friendship enforcement. I mean, look at all the NAP's India has! smile That being said, I agree with you that we should have one. Right now it's turn 85-ish. We are planning on warring with India together and that will probably last until turn 120-130ish at the latest. What do you say about an extended NAP up to turn 150 with an additional clause stating that it can be terminated by either team with a cool-down period of 10 turns before any war is allowed? I wish that we had the option of making lots of resource trades - but it seems like both of our civilizations share similar resources such as copper, rice, etc. However, we may be able to get some calendar resources later and initate some trades. Once our war with India has terminated, perhaps we could form a mutual aggression pact (Defensive pact). Nakor and I are both hoping that our two teams can form a powerful alliance.

Best Wishes,
DMOC of the DMOC/Nakor team for HRE

Screenshots. We have only 4 axemen, 4 warriors, and 1 spearman in our army. No wonder we suck in power. We have got to get the spearmen that is in Sethanon and move him to the war front. Also, India has a warrior that has visibility of one of our axes in Dantski's territory so they are definitely getting suspicious now.

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0007-7.jpg]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0008-7.jpg]

1 last thing: India sent a message. They want a NAP up to turn 105. Hm ... how do we play nice and ignore that? Let's tell them that we want to wait a litle while since we have discussed with Whosit and it does not seem like we are in danger from them. ALso, should we ask them what they are researching? I imagine we would have to tell them twe're researching CoL before they say anything. Or could we say that we are not worried about having a NAP right now because we are also having some "aims" at Korea?

Quote:Dear Nakor and DMOC of Holy Rome,

I'm a lot more worried now about Broker than I was at the start of this turn! My reading of the numbers suggests that Whosit took out most of Broker's army without losing a single unit! *eek* I think it's only a matter of time now before Aggressive Rome crushes poor Broker and swallows up all of his land...

Seeing what a dangerous world this appears to be, I'd actually like to go back to our previous message exchange and take up that Non-Aggression Pact offer. You guys are our neighbor's neighbor, giving us little to quarrel over and every reason to work together. How about we sign a preliminary NAP for the next 20 turns, to last until Turn 105? If we both find this satisfactory, we could renew the NAP again when we came to the end of it. On our end we'd like to try and work more closely with your team, and on your end I imagine it would be nice to have a little more security with the world's military juggernaut advancing nearer each turn!

Secondly, it's great to hear that you have a scout moving north to meet ours coming south. We would love to have another trade route partner for extra Open Borders income. You also asked about religion, and coincidentally enough we were lucky enough to found a religion this very turn! smile Given the distances involved it might take us a while to get a missionary down to you, but we'll make an effort to try. If we can clear a trade route by sea, there's also an excellent chance of natural spread taking place on its own.

Sorry for the long message, there was a lot to say here! Cheers,
The Killer Angels

Proposed response (boy writing a lot lol) - I'm not sure on this message., Does it say too much? How do we still play friendly? Should we tell whosit about our email??

Quote:[COLOR="Yellow"]Dear Speaker/Sulla of India,

Whosit told us that he was able to easily take a city from Korea, so he is probably dominating the war and is a juggernaut - as you said. You brought up a NAP proposal to turn 105 in your last email. While we'd love to negotiate another one, we feel that it is not necessary here. We have been working closely with Whosit right now concerning Korea and we hope to have some gain in the war eventually, whether it simply be some land that has been removed of an extended Korean border. Whosit and I are also working together on the religious front and attempting to spread religions. True, it's a calculated gamble, but we feel that Whosit might be concerned if we have a NAP with India because it will seem like we are trying to bring in other civs to be against him.

Speaking of religion, we are currently close to founding a religion. smile

One last thing before I forget - congratulations on your religion! smile

DMOC of the DMOC/Nakor team for HRE

Question: How would Whoist will know whether you have NAP with India or not? Spulla will simply ask you "why not keep it secret"? Why should you tell about your friendship with Whoist?

I am not sure how to deny their proposal, but you could you will need to wait for Nakor (or you, if he is the one sending it) for making a deal. In the mean time you can have NAP till turn 100 or something...

DMOC Wrote:Proposed response (boy writing a lot lol) - I'm not sure on this message., Does it say too much? How do we still play friendly? Should we tell whosit about our email??

NAP to turn 100 is very suspicious. It means they will have several ending on similar turns. Then again, it might be the only option.

I wa sthinking about telling India that whosit forced us to do stuff for him, etc. not sure if that would work either.


The message to Whosit looks good! I suggest we send that.

Just tell Plako that we don't want to aid the civ's that's obviously going to loose in fear for an attack.

I've been thinking about India's offer. I'd like to accept it for now, but we need CoW's opinion on it. If we accept and the war start, India might ask us to help them and then we can denie and declare. We can even explain why we join the attack then.

So I'll do that first:

Quote:[COLOR="Orange"]Dear Friends and Allies,

We need your advice.
India asked for a NAP untill turn 105... we'd like to agree, but that means that we'll join the war 5 turns after it starts.
Is that an option? If not, we'll work on a plan to not accept the NAP , but that takes a lot more thought...

Please give us your opinions fast!

Kind regards,
Nakor of HRE

Let's see what we get from there.
If CoW doesn't want us to sign, we need to think up a nice strategy, but I don't want to worry about that yet.
So just wait a bit with replying to India. Whatever you reply, do NOT mention that we're aiming for a religion. I asked them if they would be willing to spread one to us since we lacked one, and to find out of they're aiming for CoL as well.

First of to work now...

Well, from the CoW discussion, it looks like signing the NAP, and then gifting Dantski our troops on turn 99 would be best. We will declare on turn 105.

DMOC Wrote:Well, from the CoW discussion, it looks like signing the NAP, and then gifting Dantski our troops on turn 99 would be best. We will declare on turn 105.

Is that really less dishonorable than breaking the NAP early on T100?

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